Hurt Spells
Top Hurt Spells |
Even more great spells.....
- Candle of Darkness ►
- Headache Relief ►
- Instant Headache Spell ►
- Karma Spell/ Potion ►
- Karmic Revenge ►
- Kramon Released (Fallen Angel) ►
- Mojo Message ►
- Nightmare Curse ►
- Simple curse ►
- Stink Powder ►
- Stop Bullying ►
- Strike of the Diamondback ►
- Three Nights of He;; ►
These are perhaps some of the most powerful, if not the most powerful health spells there are. When dealing with health you deal with the power of life and death, and these spells cause harm.
However, the spells included here are fairly weak, though in the hands of someone experienced they can still be fatal. It is said that the someone who miss-cast one of the deadly flu spells actually caused the Avian Flu outbreak in Asia.
There is no way to reverse these spells, but their power will discipate over time depending on the power of the caster.
More Free Hurt Spells
- To Ease a Broken Heart ►
- To Relieve Anxiety ►
- 1 Pound A Day ►
- A Bad Luck Hex ►
- A Binding Curse ►
- A curse from purgatory ►
- Bad Karma ►
- Black Cat Jinx ►
- Bluen's Satanic Death ►
- Bones of Anger hex ►
- Bones of Anger Hex ►
- Bones of Anger Revenge Hex ►
- Calling Of Lucifer ►
- Candle Healing ►
- Curse Against Enemies ►
- Cursing an Enemy ►
- Discord and Darkness ►
- Discord and Darkness ►
- End a Relationship ►
- Energy Blast Spell ►
- Fall Down ►
- Grimner's Nid Curse ►
- Grimner's Nid Curse ►
- Harming Spell ►
- Healing a Depression ►
- Hex to bring Chaos ►
- Hexing Your Enemy ►
- Hurt someone that Attacks You ►
- Incurable Disease ►
- Lacrymosa ►
- Life of Fear ►
- Lucifer's Touch ►
- Make Someone Ill ►
- Maledictus Charm ►
- Mental Attack ►
- Mental Battle ►
- Mirror Binding ►
- Nightmare Hex ►
- Relieve Pain ►
- Return to Sender ►
- Reversal of a simple Hex ►
- Sorrow to Happiness ►
- Stop Yourself from Bleeding ►
- Super Easy Revenge Spell ►
- The Cursing Psalm ►
- The Death Game ►
- To Freeze your Ex ►
- Vampiric Poison ►
- Mind Of A Frog ►
- 1,000 Deaths ►
- 3 Nights of Hell ►
- 5 Irish Curses ►
- A curse to darken one's soul ►
- A Curse to Lose Inspiration ►
- A Gentle Curse ►
- A Spell for Justice ►
- A Witches Revenges ►
- Absolute Misery Curse ►
- Acoda's Curse ►
- Aftermath Curse ►
- Almighty Destruction ►
- Ancient Egyptian Curse ►
- Anger Boils ►
- Anger Curse ►
- Angonizing Pain of Rain Spell ►
- As Below Up Above ►
- Ashes to Ashes ►
- Asphyxiate ►
- Aura Blade ►
- Bad Doll ►
- Bad Luck ►
- Bad Luck ►
- Bad Luck Hex ►
- Bad Luck to Enemies ►
- Ball of Lightning Fritch ►
- Banish Evil ►
- Banish Your Power ►
- Basic Pain Healing ►
- Bell Witch Curse ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Black Curse ►
- Black Death ►
- Black Death Curse ►
- Black Death Revenge ►
- Blade Spirts ►
- Bleeding Bones ►
- Blind ►
- Blood ►
- Bloody Revenge ►
- Boil and Trouble ►
- Break a Bond ►
- Break Hearts ►
- Break Someone's Leg ►
- Breakup a couple spell ►
- Bring Back a Lost Love ►
- Bring Nightmares ►
- Burn ►
- Burn a Person to Their Death ►
- Burning Touch ►
- Cast A Fire Ball ►
- Cat Curse ►
- Cause a Tragedy ►
- Cause Madness ►
- Chain Binding ►
- Chant of Death ►
- Chaos ►
- Chilling Hand ►
- Cobweb Binding ►
- Coma Curse ►
- Comfort ►
- Contaminate Water ►
- Creation Curse ►
- Crossing Powder ►
- Crush An Enemy ►
- Cthulhu Revenge ►
- Curse ►
- Curse ►
- Curse ►
- Curse ►
- Curse a Bully ►
- Curse an Annoying Boy ►
- Curse an Enemy ►
- Curse An Object ►
- Curse Bad Luck ►
- Curse Ball ►
- Curse Mark ►
- Curse of Illness ►
- Curse Of Slight Pain ►
- Curse the one you hate ►
- Curse to Death ►
- Cursed Stone/Leaf ►
- Cursing the Hidden Pain ►
- Dark of Red ►
- Dark One Curse ►
- Dead Eye ►
- Death ►
- Death and Disruption Brew ►
- Death Fetish ►
- Death Potion ►
- Death to Thee ►
- Decay Someone's Beauty ►
- Demon-Possess An Enemy ►
- Departed Person or Pet ►
- Destroy a Succubus ►
- Destroy Beauty Hex ►
- Detonating Vail ►
- Devour a Victim's Soul ►
- Draconic Curse ►
- Dragan spell ►
- Dragon claw ►
- Dragon Truth Spell ►
- Earth Fuse ►
- Effigy Poppet Curse ►
- Egg Hex ►
- Enemy Hex ►
- Energy Pulse ►
- Extreme Pain ►
- Extreme Revenge ►
- Finger Fun ►
- Fire ►
- Fire and Ice Blast ►
- Fire Ball ►
- Fire Ball ►
- Fire Blast ►
- Fire Blast ►
- Fire Health ►
- Fire to Banish Spirits ►
- Flame of Vengance ►
- Flames of Victory charm ►
- Flower Attack Spell ►
- Flower Power ►
- Flu Healing ►
- Footprint Stab ►
- Forgiveness Prayer ►
- Four Thieves Vinegar ►
- Freeze Out ►
- From Dust to Dust ►
- Get Revenge on Someone ►
- Get what they Deserve ►
- Getting Over Someone ►
- Ghost Hex: Necromancy ►
- Gods/Goddesses Healing ►
- Goofer Dust ►
- Goofer Dust ►
- Goofer Dust Jack Ball Hex ►
- Halál Potion ►
- Happiness Spell ►
- Harm the Enemy ►
- Harming ►
- Harming Spell ►
- Haunt a Old Friend ►
- Have My Nightmares ►
- Headache ►
- Headache Relief ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Headache ►
- Healing a friend ►
- Healing a Wound ►
- Healing Chant ►
- Healing crystal spell ►
- Healing Family ►
- Healing Paste ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Sore Throat ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Heart of the Death ►
- Heart Pain ►
- Heart Protection Spell ►
- Heartbreak City ►
- Hel's Curse ►
- Hellfire (Lucifers' Echoes) ►
- Hex ►
- Hex ►
- Hex Bag of Illness: Necromancy ►
- Hex to Chaos ►
- How to become a Bad Luck Charm ►
- How to Curse Someone ►
- How To Curse Someone ►
- Hurt ►
- Hurt Curse ►
- Hurt Curse ►
- Hurt Spell ►
- Hypnotise you're enemy (EM) ►
- I'm All Ears ►
- Injury Spell ►
- Insomnia Spell ►
- Invoke the Triangle ►
- Invoking Hel ►
- Invoking The Mistress Of Blood ►
- Isabelle's Curse ►
- Karma Spell ►
- Karma Spell ►
- Karmatic Curse ►
- Kill ►
- Kill Plants and Animals ►
- Kill with Berries ►
- Killing Touch ►
- Left hand of Shadow ►
- Lemon Curse ►
- Lemon Curse ►
- Lemon Curse ►
- Life Drain ►
- Life Force Transference ►
- Magick Vampirism spell ►
- Make a Person Sick ►
- Make Headaches Go Away ►
- Make someone Fall Ill ►
- Make Someone Sick ►
- Make someone's Hair Fall Out ►
- Making Air Weapons ►
- Maledictus Charm ►
- Maledictus esto ►
- Medusa Spell ►
- Mercurial Hex ►
- Mind Control ►
- Mirror Curse ►
- Misery ►
- Misery Curse ►
- Missfortune spell/curse ►
- Mojo mirror ►
- Moloko ►
- Morph drink ►
- Music Note Familiars ►
- Mutiara-E Curse ►
- My Healing ►
- Natural Healing Potion ►
- Needle Pierced ►
- Needle Pressure ►
- Nid Cursing ►
- Nose Cripple Curse ►
- Pain Spell ►
- Pain Spell ►
- Pains to the Hated ►
- Pissed off witch ►
- Poison Apple Sleeping Death ►
- Poison Ivy ►
- Poison Spell ►
- Potion of Sickness ►
- Potion to Get Revenge ►
- Powerful Curse ►
- Powerful Hex ►
- Powerful Hex ►
- Prevent Backfire ►
- Projectile spell ►
- Prolonged Suffering ►
- Protection From Someone ►
- Protection of your Mind ►
- Protection Puppet ►
- Psychic Attack ►
- Punish a Lover for Leaving You ►
- Punishment ►
- Ragdoll Spirit Change ►
- Realization Spell ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge By Torture ►
- Revenge of the Ravens ►
- Revenge on Your Ex ►
- Revenge Spell ►
- Rock of Blood ►
- Rose Water ►
- Rotting Apple Curse ►
- Ruining ►
- Rupture Spirit ►
- Self Infliction/Illness ►
- Sexual Hurt ►
- Shadow Control ►
- Shadow Gust ►
- Shut Up ►
- Sickening ►
- Sigil Magic in Air ►
- Simple Binding ►
- Simple Curse ►
- Sing-song, A song for Death ►
- Singe ►
- Slave Making Spell ►
- Smitten Battered Beaten Torn ►
- Song Of Nightmares ►
- Soul Attack ►
- Soul Spear ►
- Spell of Destruction ►
- Spell of the Mind ►
- Spirit Arrow ►
- Stomach Ache! ►
- Stones of Sorrow ►
- Stop Hearing Someone ►
- Stun Bolt ►
- Summon demon assain ►
- Summon Luicfers Daughter ►
- Summon Slenderman on an Enemy ►
- Symbiote spell/my spell ►
- The Almighty Migrane Spell ►
- The Angry Eye ►
- The Bleeding curse. ►
- The Curse of Ashton ►
- The Curse of Death ►
- The Hex Jar ►
- The Spiderweb Cures. ►
- The True Black Dot ►
- Thou Shalt Be Punished ►
- Three Nights of Hell ►
- Three Times Three ►
- Three times Three ►
- To Cause a Headache ►
- To Kill with Life ►
- To Spread Cancer ►
- To Steal Angels Wings ►
- Tormentia Curse ►
- Tornado Fist ►
- Torture Curse ►
- Tree of headaches ►
- Trickster Mash up-Mix up ►
- Triple Hex ►
- True curse ►
- Ultimate Fighter (Demonic) ►
- Unlucky Penny ►
- Vampire Blood Bend ►
- Vampiric corruption spell ►
- Vicious Hex ►
- Virtual Nid ►
- Voodoo Doll of Pain ►
- Walnut Revenge ►
- Warning (Latin) ►
- Wave Song ►
- Whirlwind Charm ►
- Witch's secret. (Curse) ►
- Witches Curse ►
- Wolf Gardian ►
- Working Sickness Curse ►
- Anger ►
- Aura Weapons ►
- Basic Curse ►
- Black Orb Curse ►
- Break Up Spell ►
- Bring Pain Inside-Out ►
- Crushed by Fate ►
- Curing Depression ►
- Curse of Misery ►
- Curse of the Burnt Blood ►
- Curse Your Enemies ►
- Death ►
- Death Curse ►
- Death of a Foe ►
- Death of Nature ►
- Death Wish (Revenge) ►
- Demonic Revenge ►
- Dust Hex ►
- Easy Bad Luck ►
- Energy Poison ►
- Fears Image ►
- Flame of Death ►
- Flames ►
- Freezing an Object/Person ►
- Full Moon ►
- God Healing ►
- Harleen's Bottle Hex ►
- Harm an Evil Person ►
- Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse ►
- Hel's Curse ►
- Hunger for Blood ►
- Incurable Disease Spell ►
- Lightning Psi Ball ►
- Mirror to Death ►
- Misfortune ►
- Necronomicon Killing Hex ►
- Neko (Revenge) ►
- Nightmare ►
- Nose Changing ►
- Pain ►
- Pain's Curse ►
- Quick Elemental Strike ►
- Quick Hex ►
- Random Acid Reflux Spell ►
- Real Working Revenge ►
- Reduction of Pain ►
- Remove Empathic Pain ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge ►
- Revenge Breakup Spell ►
- Revenge Spell ►
- Reverse a Candle Curse ►
- Send Enemies to Their Doom ►
- Seth's Revenge ►
- Sharp Pain in the Butt ►
- Simple Animal Healing Spell ►
- Spell of Curruption ►
- Split Ends ►
- Steal peoples Psi Energy ►
- Stop an Evil Spell ►
- Sweet Revenge Hex ►
- Tears of Vengance ►
- The Rose Spell ►
- Vampiric Energy Drain ►
- Vanity Insanity ►
- Vengeance 3.0 ►
- Voice of Pain ►
- War Water Hex ►
- Witch's Hex ►
- Black magic:severe pain infliction spell(iro itamio) ►
- Easy Revenge Spell---No Ingredients ►
- Give Me A Sickness/Get Rid Of My Sickness ►
- Make Your Enemy Feel Your Hatred ►
- Send Bad Luck to another Person ►
- To Achieve your Hearts Desire ►
- Vampire Diaries Werewolf Transformation ►
- Foregeting the Pain of a Lost One ►
- Make an Abuser Leave a Relationship ►
- To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones ►
- A hex against someone who as wronged you ►
- Alchemic Potion No.2 Death Potion ►
- Curse to Cause Misfortune and Chaos in their life ►
- Edchael Vimtoloch's army busting energy death blade. ►
- Fuse a fiend with negative energy ►
- How to put a curse on someone using Voodoo. ►
- Lucifer's one handed power blast ►
- Painful Urinary Tract Infection ►
- Physical and Spiritual Connection ►
- Seven knobbed candle spell for overcoming enemies ►
- Smitten, Battered, Beaten, Torn ►
- Spell to break / reverse a Blood Curse. ►
- Spell to Vanquish Someone/thing ►
- The iadian method of forming energy objects for attacks and tasks (ABSOLUTELY WORKS) ►
- You messed with the wrong witch! ►
- 3 Quick Spells to Bind Someone ►
- Break Up Friendship/Relationship ►
- Spell to Break Up a Friendnship ►
- The Briar Bottle or Bottle of Briars ►
- White Magic Spell to Bring About Justice/Karma ►
- sickness over someone ►
- ace of spades ►
- anger boils ►
- baby spell ►
- black cat bane ►
- black hex bag ►
- curse of sleep ►
- garlic bane ►
- shadow ball ►
- torture spell ►
- vengeance spell ►
- bottle,bottle,- save a spell in a bottle ►
- kamehamehameha black magic version ►
- revenge to who you strongly hate ►