Harming Spell

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SpellsHealth  ► Hurt  ► Harming Spell
Experience Magick Users Only-This may backfire and cause severe problems. This is just a harming spell to use any time.

Casting Instructions for 'Harming Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Victim
  • Experience with dark magick
  • Rage
  • Belief
  • Imagination
  • So, basically nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Victim
  • Experience with dark magick
  • Rage
  • Belief
  • Imagination
  • So, basically nothing
When your enemy is insulting or doing whatever to you, imagine a dark cloud swirling around them. Channel all your rage and energy to your hands and curl your fingers. Swiftly uncurl your fingers and imagine that ball of rage and energy shooting into the person's body. The strength of the affects depend on how much rage and anger you feel. When I did this, the guy was knocked out and missed school for 3 days.
Feel free to mail me with what happened or for private tutoring ( over mail of course )


Added to on Feb 25, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Very basic hex, I doubt it's so powerful you could give a person a concussion and make them miss 3 days of school, but I'm sure it can be useful in a pinch

Feb 21, 2019
I was able to give a guy a blood nose. Basic Hex, but effective.

will do and profect this

Does it work

Jun 08, 2022
U won't know unless you want it enough will and try it

Please tell me that you are not faking it

Oct 21, 2020
If you put enough negative energy to the spell I think it will work but be careful as we can't control ourselves when we are angry

How bad can this hurt someone? My friend gets bullied at school and I want to help her because she doesn’t really do anything about it, so I’m worried about her.

May 11, 2022
I'm not entirely sure, but it's not going to kill them, that's a whole different spell type, and one that is NOT a good idea for simple things as bullying.

Dec 29, 2022
Bullying is not a simple thing

Dec 29, 2022
I think this spell is too risky

why is mine different it doesnt hurt them physically but gives them a illness after a few hours the worst one it did at best is give them blisters

Dec 07, 2021
There are a few factors as to why your effects may be different. It could be the amount of energy used, yet it could also be other things. It may be that self doubt has crept in. In this case you could be doubting your ability to have the hex cause physical harm. Working on faith can help. It may also be the individual's personal protections coming into play. Their personal spirits may not allow physical harm to come to them. Or it could be simply you are better able to cause illness. There are a number of different factors here including the chance that the illnesses are coincidental.

Basic energy work, but instead of focusing on positive, you focus on negative. Yes, this works, but do not expect dramatic results. The person will suffer, but internal with self-doubt and anxiety. There is a chance you could physically harm them with basic visualization, but you would need a lot of energy.

Hi Can I put a curse or dark magic spell on a scammer? Especially those online romance scammers.

Sep 16, 2022
Ooh, good idea! I'm pretty sure you can.

Sep 23, 2023
Probably, also note that magic don't have colour, only intention, I have tried cursing people online but didn't go too well, it also be also because of my lack of experience at the time

Sep 23, 2023
Probably, also note that magic don't have colour, only intention, I have tried cursing people online but didn't go too well, it also be also because of my lack of experience at the time

I'm being bullied on campus. How can I get even with them

Oct 08, 2022
If you're being bullied at school, I would recommend telling a teacher or other staff member about it. Magic isn't always the answer to a problem and isn't guaranteed to work. Also, if you do end up causing harm to someone you may feel bad about it later, and they probably won't even learn their lesson anyway since they won't know what happened.

All I know is that it got him to shut the eff up

how can i put my energy into one place? what are some ways i can do that?

Feb 26, 2025
Research energy work. You will learn about various techniques to try so you can find one that works best for you.

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