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2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2965 Health Spells
  1. Angel
  2. Incurable Disease Spell
  3. Sweet dreams are made of these
  4. Release stress
  5. Happiness
  6. Moon and Sea Protection
  7. Dream of the Dead
  8. Patron Power
  9. Exorcism Prayer
  10. Become Rapunzel

#2471 - Angel

A spell for you to become an angel. It takes 5 days and on the 5th day when you wake up you will become an angel.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant this three times: "Angels flying high. Angels soaring through the sky. I wish to be like you, flying too. Make me one of you. Human no more, only an angel that can soar".

    After five days you should wake up as an angel.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2011
    Last edited on Feb 13, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2472 - Incurable Disease Spell

    A spell to give your worst enemies horrible and incurable diseases!
    You may need:

  • - A small fire
  • - A piece of the victims hair
  • - A length of cord/ribbon
  • - A clipping of thyme
  • - A container/big jar
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    You may need:

  • - A small fire
  • - A piece of the victims hair
  • - A length of cord/ribbon
  • - A clipping of thyme
  • - A container/big jar
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    1/ Set alight your small fire on a flat surface (a patio would be perfect)
    2/ Get your victims hair and your clipping of thyme and tie them together with the chord/ribbon
    3/ Hold the bundle above the fire and say

    '__________ I have warned you once,
    I have warned you twice,
    yet you take no heed to my advice,
    through smoke and flame,
    I'll send you pain,
    no remedy shall cure your ill,
    nor potion, poultice, drug or pill,
    when your ailment ends is up to me,
    I have spoken so mote it be!'

    4/ Drop the bundle into the flames.
    5/ Once the fire has died and the remaining ashes are cool, gather as much of the fire remains as you can (removing all large pieces of wood /coal) and place them into the container/big jar.

    To release the victim of the spell add water into the ash collected from the fire and mix until it forms a paste. Then using one of your fingers or your thumb from your power hand (the hand you write with) dip it in the paste and wipe the paste onto the brow of the victim and say
    'You are cured,
    you are free,
    I have spoken so mote it be!'

    Added to on Dec 01, 2011
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2473 - Sweet dreams are made of these

    Aid for sweet, vivid dreams.
    You may need:

  • One blue candle for calming energy, stress relief and easy sleep
  • One purple candle for confidence in manifesting desire, concentration, connection to self(s).
  • One white candle for purity, clear messages, protection
  • Optional:
  • Tea to aid to sleep
  • Sweet dreams sachet:
  • Dried lavender
  • Sage
  • NATURAL color rose petals Fabric pouch
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    You may need:

  • One blue candle for calming energy, stress relief and easy sleep
  • One purple candle for confidence in manifesting desire, concentration, connection to self(s).
  • One white candle for purity, clear messages, protection
  • Optional:
  • Tea to aid to sleep
  • Sweet dreams sachet:
  • Dried lavender
  • Sage
  • NATURAL color rose petals Fabric pouch
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    Inform all beings currently in the room to leave if they are of bad intention/energy. If you chose, say anything of high vibration that has no bad intention/energy may stay, protect, and aid which is very much appreciated.
    Light each candle while thinking of what each candle represents to draw that energy in and push negative energy down to Earth to be recycled.

    Say the spell with a strong, clear tone and intention. Repeat as many times as you feel.

    For tea:
    Pass teacup over candles while visualizing good energy rising from the flames to the water. Say the spell while holding the cup to your solar plexus. When finished, drink. Positive energy flows through you flushing out negativity. When gone, raise cup to third eye and thank for tea and freedom of negativity.

    For sachet: Can be small or large, whatever you please. Drop dried items into sachet and sew or draw the strings shut. Leave in the windowsill during a full moon for extra umph. Pass sachet over the candles while thinking of what the candles represent and attaching positive energy to the bag. Say the following words while holding the sachet with both hands to your solar plexus.

    Tonight is a fantastic night
    To be matched with vivid dreams
    Of any situation I desire
    Everything is what I want seen.
    Delicate but rich like chocolate
    Warm and delightful as a lover's touch
    I use my 6th sense to produce
    Dreams like I were awake with much
    Sensory reactions I can
    Smell, touch, taste, know
    A higher vibrational field,
    No bad allowed, is where I will go.
    Awaken refreshed, clear, confident mind
    Recalling my travels to miniscule detail
    Any night I say these words
    Good dreams shall prevail.

    Wa doe, June-eela
    Thank you, all that is sacred.

    Thank each elemental for dancing before extinguishing.

    Added to on Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited on May 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2474 - Release stress

    A precise spell to alleviate the chaos of our human lives. Requires time.
    You may need:

  • Time and dedication
  • One red candle for love, rejuvenation and vibrant energy
  • One white candle for purity, cleansing and healing
  • Bath
  • Sage/Cedar/incense and holder
  • Optional:
  • Bath pillow to prevent submerging when meditating
  • Meditation
  • Pre shower before bath for germaphobes
  • Eucalyptus / other essence oil
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    You may need:

  • Time and dedication
  • One red candle for love, rejuvenation and vibrant energy
  • One white candle for purity, cleansing and healing
  • Bath
  • Sage/Cedar/incense and holder
  • Optional:
  • Bath pillow to prevent submerging when meditating
  • Meditation
  • Pre shower before bath for germaphobes
  • Eucalyptus / other essence oil
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    Please set aside a good chunk of time for full manifestation.

    Take all materials to the bathroom. Run your bath. Add some droplets of essential oil if handy. Turn off the lights, lock the door. Sit upon the floor in the dark. Hold one candle. Inhale the scent with your eyes closed. Can you tell if it is the red or white? Light the candle and thank the elemental for dancing. Repeat with other candle. Take your Sage/Cedar/incense light it with one candle, gently blow out and light with other candle. Get up and trail the smoke around the room, imagining the negative energies going down to the Earth to be recycled. Positive energy sprouts from the glowing embers of the Sage/Cedar/incense. Place the candles where you please. Place Sage/Cedar/incense in the holder and kneel before the bath.

    Mind heavy with stress
    One ill thought calls another
    Now a storm has formed and
    My joy is stress-smothered.
    I give Earth my fatigue
    So she may recycle bad to fine
    Then I may smile and forget
    What made my peace unwind
    Water, my friend
    I ask you to hold me
    Aid in releasing the
    Turmoil that prevents happy.
    Spirit returns to joy
    I feel Grandmother's* embrace
    As what caused my down mood
    Is quietly, effectively, erased.

    Repeat as needed, I find once with strong voice and intention does it for me.

    *Grandmother in my culture refers to the Universe. You may insert whatever you feel is needed in this space.

    Climb into the bath. Slowly lower yourself into the water. For meditation, picture you are a stone in a river. The forest is on fire. Water is murky and brown. Dark clouds form overhead as a downpour begins. The river overflows and attacks the towering flames. Swallowed, the flames die. Ashes settle. The sun begins to peak from behind the blanket of black. The river mellows and begins to clear. Sprouts begin to poke up, reaching for the sun. Moss begins to grow upon your back. Fish return. Animals come from their hiding places to lap upon the water. Creatures lay upon your soft back, basking in the sun as the forest builds bottom up.

    To end the bath, position yourself however feels best. Say a word of thanks.
    Wa doe, June-eela*
    Thank you, all that is sacred.

    Blow the candles out and turn the lights on. Thank the water elementals before draining the tub. Do not snub the Sage/Cedar/incense if still burning, let it continue and trail throughout your dwelling.

    *Language is Cherokee, or our name for us, Zalageesh. We have a written language though should I have written it as such, you would not get the pronunciation and looked at it with your head tilted.

    Added to on Nov 25, 2011
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2475 - Happiness

    Makes the target feel better. This spell is really useful when a person that you care for is sad and you are far away.
    You may need:

  • 1 orange candle
  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 orange candle
  • 1 white candle
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    Visualize the persons face and imagine him/her smiling laughing having fun etc. And then chant;

    "Oh stars listen to my cries tonight.
    (Name) is now sad.
    So may your great powers
    Help him/her to have a smile.
    Make him/her feel hapiness
    Even if it is just for a night.
    So mote it be as it is my might!"

    Snuff out the candles and dont forget to thank the stars.

    Added to on Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2476 - Moon and Sea Protection

    This is a way to protect you from negativities with the help of the moon and the sea
    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Lavender
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Lavender
  • Water
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    Take sea salt and mix it with water. A natural source of water would be better like rain or river. Add the lavender the water and take it outside in the moon light and ask for the moon to bless it.Then chant:

    "Oh silver moon I call upon you
    To send your powers towards me
    Bless me lunar light and protect your slave"

    Add a so mote it be after 3 chanting. Then wash yourself with it. If you want you can ask something in particular like defining the kind of the protection.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2477 - Dream of the Dead

    To maintain contact at a distance through dreams.
    You may need:

  • Apacket of calendula flowers
  • Althaea leaves
  • A few star anise seeds
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    You may need:

  • Apacket of calendula flowers
  • Althaea leaves
  • A few star anise seeds
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    Sleeping with a packet of calendula flowers, althaea leaves, and a few star anise seeds under your pillow is said to draw communications from a distant person through the medium of dreams. This means you will dream of them, not that they will necessarily dream of you.

    It is recommended as a good way to ascertain state of health and well-being of someone you miss and may be unable to contact directly

    Added to on Nov 12, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 11, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2478 - Patron Power

    A spell designed to ask the patron god of the caster for magical aid.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Simply chant:

    "Patron god heed me in this hour,
    give strength, give me power,
    give me truth and honesty,
    give me chargement of the beasts.

    I implore you, charge my soul,
    give me secret human power, magic untold,
    aid my mind in the darkest hour,
    and protect me from the darkest powers.

    Now it is done, let harm come to none,
    by the powers three, may I be one"

    Added to on Nov 11, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 11, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2479 - Exorcism Prayer

    It was published by the Order of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. This simple prayer must be said by a priest only.
    You may need:

  • Holy Water
  • Cross
  • you must have worn a sotana
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    You may need:

  • Holy Water
  • Cross
  • you must have worn a sotana
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    By a Priest Only

    Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

    "In the Name of the Father,
    and of the Son,
    and of the Holy Ghost.

    "Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies,
    Saint Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in "our battle against principalities and powers,
    against the rulers of this world of darkness,
    against the spirits of wickedness in the high places" Eph., 6:12."

    "Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His likeness
    and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil."

    "The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector;
    to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven.
    Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet,
    that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church.
    Offer our prayers to the Most High,
    that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us;
    take hold of "the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan,"
    bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit
    "that he may no longer seduce the nations." Rev. 20:2-3


    "In the Name of Jesus Christ,
    our God and Lord,
    strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
    Mother of God,
    of Blessed Michael the Archangel,
    of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints.
    and powerful in the holy authority of our ministry,
    we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil."

    "God arises;
    His enemies are scattered
    and those who hate Him flee before Him.
    As smoke is driven away,
    so are they driven;
    as wax melts before the fire,
    so the wicked perish at the presence of God."

    V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies.
    R. The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the offspring of David, hath conquered.

    V. May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.
    R. As great as our hope in Thee.

    "Thus, cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions,
    we adjure you by the living God,
    + by the true God,
    + by the holy God,
    + by the God
    "who so loved the world that He gave up His only Son,
    that every soul believing in Him
    might not perish but have life everlasting;" St.Jn. 3:16
    stop deceiving human creatures
    and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation;
    stop harming the Church and hindering her liberty."

    "Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit,
    enemy of man's salvation."

    "Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works;
    give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
    acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood."

    "Stop beneath the all-powerful Hand of God;
    tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus,
    this Name which causes hell to tremble,
    this Name to which the Virtues,
    Powers and Dominations of heaven are humbly submissive,
    this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating:
    Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the God of Hosts."

    V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
    R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

    V. May the Lord be with thee.
    R. And with thy spirit.

    Let us pray.

    "God of heaven,
    God of earth,
    God of Angels,
    God of Archangels,
    God of Patriarchs,
    God of Prophets,
    God of Apostles,
    God of Martyrs,
    God of Confessors,
    God of Virgins,
    God who has power to give life after death and rest after work:
    because there is no other God than Thee and there can be no other,
    for Thou art the Creator of all things,
    visible and invisible,
    of Whose reign there shall be no end,
    we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty
    and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power
    from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits,
    from their snares,
    their lies and their furious wickedness.

    Deign, O Lord,
    to grant us Thy powerful protection
    and to keep us safe and sound.

    We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


    V. From the snares of the devil,
    R. Deliver us, O Lord.

    V. That Thy Church may serve Thee in peace and liberty:
    R. We beseech Thee to hear us.

    V. That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church:
    R. We beseech Thee to hear us.

    (Holy water is sprinkled in the place where we may be.)

    Added to on Oct 30, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2480 - Become Rapunzel

    This spell makes you just like Rapunzel from the movie Tangled. People will be calling you by the name of Rapunzel and you will have 70 ft. long hair and your hair will also glow when you sing.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First thing it has to be dark and you have to be inside and you say this chant ten times when its night.

    "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, is who I wish to be Rapunzel, Rapunzel so it shall be. Make me what I desire to be make me make me who I wish to be make me Rapunzel. I shall have magic hair that glows when i sing these words flower gleam and glow let your pwoer shin make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine heal what has been hurt change the fate's design save what has been lost bring back what once was mine what once was mine. So make this me. My hair shall grow and be 70 ft. long. So make this me. People shall no longer call me by the name of Keri they shall call me by the name of Rapunzel. I shall become Rapunzel in two nights. So mote it be."

    Say that chant ten times when its night and then in two nights you will become rapunzel. what i mean is after two nights you will become rapunzel like the one from the Disny movie Tangled.

    Added to on Oct 29, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 08, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters