2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Mellow Mood Oil
- Mermaid Spell
- Bring Doll Life
- How Toe Make A Wooden-man Alive
- Vampire Spell
- Help Someone
- Healing Spell
- Friend's Seal
- Lemon Ring
- Another Vampire Spell. A Vampire Diaries Spell.
#2521 - Mellow Mood Oil
Mix Soya oil, Chamomile, Geranium and Neroli together.
Place in bottle and cork.
Store in cool dark place.
Suggestion when used: burn a blue candle and lavender incense to increase relaxation.
#2522 - Mermaid Spell
First thing you do is one part of body must be wet like a finger or foot etc. in water without salt and say this chant three times:
"Oh great guardian of light grandmother of the sea please grant my wish for me to become one of you a mermaid to have a (tail color) tail and the power of (power). I wish to be a mermaid in 1 week but not forever I will become a mermaid when I touch water only with my pearly charm on. When I leave the water my feet return to me when I go to the water I return to the sea. But I must be careful If I see the full moon and I touch water I will be a mermaid all night and shall not turn back to normal to when the full moon sets. I will be granted with my tail with my charm whenever I touch water but my powers shall stay forever (say your symbol specifically) you shall make my desire, so mote it be!"
Afterwards you will get these side effects such as:
You will feel tingly, achy, nauseous, and itchy and maybe a rash, and your belly will hurt often, if you choose a heat or freeze power you will feel cold alot if you chose freezing and if you chose heat you'll feel hot alot.
But all of those side effects will be gone after your tail and powers come in.
You don't have to wear the symbol all the time until your tail appears you just have to wear it often.
You can only tell and/or show two people. If you tell more than just two people than your tail and powers will go away. So be careful. And keep it a secret.
#2523 - Bring Doll Life
First make a cicrle on the floor with some rope and lay the doll on the rope and lay the necklace on the doll's body and say this chant three times:
"Great gods and goddesses I wish to make this doll come to life to make her be able to walk talk and move I wish to make her be realy to have a life and soul make my desire come ture make her real make it true. So mote it be!"
Say that three times and in three days the doll will come to life if you need any help on anything just mail me and I'll answer your questions.
There are side effects mail me and I'll tell you.
#2524 - How Toe Make A Wooden-man Alive
Draw a circle. Take the necklace and put it on the wooden-man. Lay him down within the circle. Kiss the wooden-man and chant this three times:
"Jesus, I would like to ask a favor. Right hre, in this very spot, in this very moment, on this night. Make this wooden man come to life. Bring life and soul into him. Make him walk, move and talk. Make my dream come true."
In three days he should come to life.
#2525 - Vampire Spell
Make up a pentagram and set in the middle of it. Close your eyes and focus on you being a vampire. Then say this chant ten times.
"I wish to be a vampire no longer amI a humanI wish to be a vampire. I live for blood. no longer shall I live the way others. I shall be a vampire at the strock of midnight tonight. I shall no longer be a human. I shall die and be reborn but not as human but as a vampire. Blood oh so red moonlight put me to bed. I am a vampire, I am a vampire, I am a vampire. I am no longer human. I wish to live forever without ever ageing.I wish to be immortal no longer mortal. I shall search the world for blood. So mote it be!"
Oh and set infront of the candle and after you say the chant blow out the candle. And leave it set in a window in the moonlight. And within five days you should be a vampire.
#2526 - Help Someone
Chant: "Listen to my voice. Hear my cry. Help this person, please, oh why".
#2527 - Healing Spell
#2528 - Friend's Seal
Fist get your paper and draw a circle with a 5 pointed star in it. In the center of the star write the name of your god(ess) you worship, in a circle, and in the middle of that circle write your friends name. Then in each point of the star write what it is you wish to seal(being able to control their powers better, protection, an element, luck, etc.) Something in each point, but in one point put "I conceal (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc.) Of my power into this seal".
Then place the object(ring, bracelet, ring, charm, etc) into the center of the star(on top of the name) and 3 times you must chant what you have written in each point. After each time you finish chanting, say "in the name of (god/goddess), I give(how ever much power you put in this seal) of my power to (your friends name)."
After saying this 3 times, blow on the seal(without picking it up) and then remove it from the paper. After this u should feel some what over whelmed or drained and might need to lay or even feel its hard to breath. This may last about an hour depending on how much power you put in the seal. Then when you give the seal to your friend, have them blow on it as well.
Note- this seal will eventually run out of power and can only be repowered by the maker(you) using this same spell. Depending on how much power is in it
- 1/4 of your power- up to 3 months
- 2/4 of your power- up to 6 months
- 3/4 of your power- up to 9 months
- 4/4 of your power- 12 months(1 year)
#2529 - Lemon Ring
Take the pen and paper and make a list of all the problems in your life, and the possible practical solutions.Take a look at the list and see how many you can accomplish today.Now set your to do list aside. Cut the ends of the lemon off. Then slice the lemon into 5 equal slices.Arrage the slices on the small plate in a circle, in a rough star shape.As you sprinkle the lemons with salt ,completely cover them up (use plenty of salt) and repeat the following charm:
"In this lovely ring of lemon rounds,
no more anger will be found.
Sour feelings go to sour fruit,
pay attention now, I'm giving you the boot.
Salt breaks up negativity and bad luck,
my love and energy sets this spell free.
by the power of three times three,
as I will it, so must it be."
Repeat three times. On the last verse, take your index figure and draw a counterclockwise spiral over the plate. Draw the spiral faster and faster, higher and higher until you fling the energy off your hand and out into the world. Brush your hands off three times three and announce: "The spell is sealed".
Now take the list and try to accomplish them in one week leaving the lemons undisturbed ... they need to dry out completely ... add more salt if needed ... when there dried out and shriveled up throw them away along with your accomplished list.
#2530 - Another Vampire Spell. A Vampire Diaries Spell.
''gods and godesses i wish to no longer live no longer shall i live like others or drink or eat human food no longer shall i live i wish to die right here on this bed and be reborn but not as human but as a vampire. that i crave blood. that i live for blood. that i no longer eat or drink that everytime i'm in the sunlight i burn. but when i'm not in the sunlight i don't burn. tonight on this night i wish to no longer be a human to be a vampire. with pointy teeth. So mote it be!''
say that one time the after that you will feel dizzy. and then you will feel different than what you usally do it takes three days for the transofmation to be complete. and then after three days you'll be a vampire. and you will be immortal and will not age.