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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Qi-Gong Healing
  2. Pain or death to enemy
  3. Morph drink
  4. Trickster Mash up-Mix up
  5. Opening Yourself Up to Love and Healing
  6. Healing a Wound
  7. Grow With Nature Spell
  8. Animal Spirit Hex
  9. Get Revenge on Someone
  10. Vampiyer

#2591 - Qi-Gong Healing

Learn the basics of chi healing.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chi healing can be amazingly powerful, it has healed everything from bruises to tumors. But the first thing your going to focus on healing in the beginning is a simple head ache. Wait until the next time you've got a headache, then place your hand over the aching area and gather your ki (chi). Slowly lower your ki-filled hand onto your head. You should instinctively know where to place each of your fingers. The places you will feel you need to place your fingers will be one of the many meridians in your body. These meridians pass chi energy through them. The more important meridians around the center of your body are called 'Chakras'.

    As you place your hand on the aching area, you should feel a sort of 'wave' of energy passing through your head. Keep your hand on the area, and feel your chi manifest through your shoulder into your hand and into your head. Practice this for a while until the healing process is faster and faster. And then you can move on to bigger things like bruises. When I first started I actually inflicted bruising on myself (which I came to find that the Shaolin monks do this when practicing qigong healing) and healed it.

    And thats about it. Once you master bruise healing, you've pretty much mastered the basics. From there you can practice yourself and master qigong healing in incredible ways.

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    #2592 - Pain or death to enemy

    spell to hurt an enemy
    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • 1 red candle
  • anger/ hatred
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    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • 1 red candle
  • anger/ hatred
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    Meditate before casting this spell.

    Place the black and red candles into a pentagram and light them. Focus on the person your casting the spell on. Chant:

    As black as night, now i focus all my might. I force the wrath of Hell upon thee. Eternal pain shall be yours. Thy fate is sealed. So mote it be.

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    #2593 - Morph drink

    A great revenge spell that will turn someone slowly into an animal. Begginers should just try cat or dog
    You may need:

  • Sugar
  • Pink food coloring
  • Mint(the herb)
  • A victim
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    You may need:

  • Sugar
  • Pink food coloring
  • Mint(the herb)
  • A victim
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    Mix the sugar and pink food coloring in a bowl of water. Next rip apart the mint and stir it in the water too with the sugar. Put your hand in the water and say

    Make them sprout two pointy ears an a big fluffy tail
    Slowly turn into a cat
    Sprout fur and grow paws
    Turn into a cat

    Take some of the liquid you made and put it in their cup

    When they drink it they will start to transform

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    #2594 - Trickster Mash up-Mix up

    This is something I used when my school and after school club were selling cookie dough and poly-mold clay. The spell switches the contents. So be careful.
    You may need:

  • 2 mixes of something (if not a cookie dough change the word)
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    You may need:

  • 2 mixes of something (if not a cookie dough change the word)
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    While standing near or thinking of the mixes and who you wish to play a trick on say:
    Cookiedough and squishy mix,
    on (insert name here) play some nasty tricks.

    This spell can be edited but only the cookie dough part.

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    #2595 - Opening Yourself Up to Love and Healing

    This spell will help heal all past emotional wounds and open your heart to love. It is best preformed on a waxing moon, preferably on a Friday.
    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Chalk (Something to draw a circle on the floor with)
  • Bowl of water
  • Purple Candle
  • Yellow Candle
  • Blue Candle
  • Red Candle
  • Green Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • White Candle
  • Black Candle
  • Pearls/Pink Rose Petals
  • Lavender Incense
  • White Sage Smudge Stick (You can find these at any pagan store)
  • Lighter/Match
  • Altar
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    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Chalk (Something to draw a circle on the floor with)
  • Bowl of water
  • Purple Candle
  • Yellow Candle
  • Blue Candle
  • Red Candle
  • Green Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • White Candle
  • Black Candle
  • Pearls/Pink Rose Petals
  • Lavender Incense
  • White Sage Smudge Stick (You can find these at any pagan store)
  • Lighter/Match
  • Altar
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    Draw a circle on the floor with chalk or something else. Make sure it is big enough to store yourself and your altar. Put all of your ingredients on the alter, arranging them however you want. Purify the circle with sea salt.

    Face East, holding the yellow candle. Light the candle and say, "Hail Guardians of the East. I summon the powers of Air! Windswept meadow, breath of life, fantastic torrent removing strife, with clarity, the power to know, I invoke you!" Set the candle on the floor on the edge of the circle and say, "By the Air that is Her breath, be with me now." Draw the symbol for Air above the candle. If you don't know what that is, then here is a link to a picture that shows all of the elements' symbols:

    Now, face South, holding the red candle. Light the candle and say, "Hail Guardians of the South. I summon the powers of Fire! Blazing flame, crackling fire, the quickened pulse of heart's desire, with energy, the power of will, I invoke you!" Place the candle at the edge of the circle on the floor and say, "By the Fire that is Her spirit, be with me now." Draw the symbol of fire above the candle.

    Face the West now, holding the blue candle. Light the candle and say, "Hail Guardians of the West. I summon the powers of Water!Rushing stream, vast, dark ocean, poetry of the soul in motion, with intuition, feeling, the power to dare, I invoke you!" Set the candle on the floor at the edge of the circle and say, "By the Waters of Her womb and by the Water that is Her blood, be with me now." Draw the symbol for water over the candle.

    Face North, holding the green candle. Light it and say, "Hail Guardians of the North. I summon the powers of Earth! Cave of darkness, standing stone, the celebration of flesh and bone, with stillness, the power of silence, I invoke you!" Place the candle on the floor at the Northern part of the circle and say, "By the Earth that is Her body, be with me now." Draw the symbol for Earth over the candle. Now, move to the center of your circle where your altar should be.

    Light the purple candle in the center of your altar and say, "As above, so below. As within, so without. Four stars in this place be, combined to call the fifth to me. Circumfrence and center, woven together, to make the circle complete!" Draw a pentagram over the candle.
    Now, walk around your circle three times, clockwise, beginning from the East. Once you make it back to the East after your third time, say, "This circle is closed. Imagine a sphere forming around your circle, going deep into the ground and sky, combining both. Now, you are ready to preform the spell.

    Grab the White Sage Smudge Stick and light it, fanning the smoke around yourself. You might want to do this outside so you won't set off any alarms. As you fan both your back and front, think cleansing, peaceful thoughts. Let the feeling of peace and tranquility consume you as the smoke purifies you. Let the smoke fan around the circle as well. When you and your circle are cleansed, set the smudge stick next to the yellow candle or just put it out. Light the lavender incense and let it burn.

    Smell the aroma of the lavender and allow it to calm you. In the center of your altar, next to the purple candle, place the pink candle. Place the pearls/pink rose petals around it. Light the candle, saying, "I invoke the Goddess Aphrodite. With her, may she bring the power to love. Aphrodite, please accept these pearls/rose petals, as they are a gift to you."

    Now, grab the white and black candles, setting them before the pink candle. Light the black candle, saying, "This candle represents all of the hardships I have been through. This candles holds me back and keeps me from love. It blocks my healing. It is the fear within me, and the fear must be extinguished." Now, take the time to tell the candle all of the hardships you have been through in life. This could be deaths, break-ups, or bad luck. When you have finished telling the flame all of the bad things, then put it out with your fingers. (Lick them before you do it so you won't get burned.) DO NOT BLOW THE CANDLE OUT. It takes the magick away with it. Besides, you will deeply offend the element Fire.

    Now, light the white candle and say, "This candle represents the healing that is to come. This represents the future happiness and calm that I will feel. It is the sun rising, the light in the darkness, and my hope. May it burn in my heart." Now, grab the bowl of water and put some sea salt in it, saying, "I purify this water." Pour some of the white candle's wax into the bowl. After this is done, say, "The true flame burns within me." Then, put out the white candle's flame with your fingers. If you're a pansy, then use something else to snuff it out with.

    Focus on the pink candle again and say, "Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. Please bring beauty into my life and fill me with love." Now, talk about all of your desires and hopes into the candle. When you are done, pour some of the pink wax into the water. Then say, "Goddess Aphrodite, thank you for your time. I will hold you no longer. Please accept my gratitude." Snuff out the candle's flame.

    Now, take the bowl of water and say, "Water heal me and mold me. Turn me into the person I want to be." Dip your fingers in the water and draw a pentagram on your forehead with it.
    Walk three times around your circle, counter-clockwise, and when you get to East after your third time, say, "The circle is open but not broken." Go to the center of your circle and take your purple candle. Say, "Spirit, thank you for your wholeness and completion in tonight's circle. Please depart, but leave in peace and beauty."

    Snuff out the candle. Go to the North and grab your green candle. Pick it up and say, "Earth, thank you for your strength and guidance in tonight's circle. Please depart, but leave in peace and beauty." Snuff out the candle. Go to the West and grab the blue candle. Say, "Water, thank you for your healing and peace in tonight's circle. Please depart, but leave in peace and beauty." Snuff out the candle. Go to the South and grab the red candle. Say, "Fire, thank you for your passion and energy in tonight's circle. Please depart, but do it in peace and beauty." Snuff out the candle. Go to the East and grab the yellow candle. Say, "Air, thank you for your intellect and bravery in tonight's circle. Please depart, but do it in love and beauty."

    Clean up all of your things and then grab the rose petals/pearls and bury them beneath a tree or toss them into running water. This ends the spell. Remember, though, that a spell does not work alone. You should not expect this to welcome love into your life if you lock yourself up in a room. You need to go out and begin to talk to people, begin to have fun, and begin to forget. Magick can only work if we believe in it and help it. Thank you.

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    #2596 - Healing a Wound

    This is a spell to heal any wound you have, but is best used with a positive attitude, or after meditation.
    You may need:

  • Will to live
  • Love of life
  • Calm mind
  • Strong mind
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    You may need:

  • Will to live
  • Love of life
  • Calm mind
  • Strong mind
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    Find a calm spot; it can be special to you personally or it can be some kid of spiritual place. It should be somewhere that you feel comfortable, safe, and at home. If you meditate before performing this spell, it will work better.
    Feel energy and strength coarsing through your veins. Hold out your wound and hold out a hand (it doesn't matter which one), palm up. Close your eyes and feel energy coming into you with each breath you take. Feel it go into your heart, and from there, into the hand with the palm facing up. Envision it encasing your hand.
    When you can feel the energy in your fingers (for me it's a tingling feeling, for you it may be different) move your palm onto the wound and feel the energy rush into it. Feel it go through to the bloodsream where it works to close the wound and leave behind no trace. Imagine it sewing it up with a thread so fine it can't be seen, yet so sturdy it can't be broken. You may feel heat, itching, tingling, or a slight sting. These are signs that it is working.
    The change is usually slow, unless you meditate or have a lot of mental ability. When you are finished, if it hasn't healed, it should at least look less irritated and red than when you started.
    Remember: the mind has great power.

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    #2597 - Grow With Nature Spell

    Both Nature and Witches use energy. This spell is to show you how much you've grown in your magic by planting a bonsai tree or a flower.
    You may need:

  • A plant of some sort (bonsai tree, flower, herb)
  • Altar
  • Water
  • Sunlight (if it is a flower or herb)
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    You may need:

  • A plant of some sort (bonsai tree, flower, herb)
  • Altar
  • Water
  • Sunlight (if it is a flower or herb)
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    On a desired sabbat, such as Imbolc, Midsummer, The Witches New Year (Samhain), etc. Or on your birthdate. which ever time works best for you.
    Plant a flower, herb, or buy a beautiful bonsai tree. Purify the plant by putting your hands above it and imagine it is glowing white. Chant:

    ''Om Mani Padme hum'' Which is a Buddhist chant/spell that brings blessings and peace and also purifies.

    Sit on your knees and Hold the pot that the plant is in, in your hands. Hold it out in front of you and say:
    ''Mother of magick, hear me out.
    Father of freedom, hear me shout.
    I ask that this plant shall grow, along with I.
    So my spirit and magick can fly.
    Mote it be.''

    Now leave the plant on your altar. So that you can see it everyday. Each time you water it, do a meditation (short or long) or a short growth ritual. So as the plant grows, your spirit grows. than you can see you're spirit growing by looking at the plant.

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    #2598 - Animal Spirit Hex

    This hex uses the spirit of the bone you use to hex all your enemies that are around you at the moment.
    You may need:

  • Twine
  • 1 animal bone
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    You may need:

  • Twine
  • 1 animal bone
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    Cut about 6 ft of twine and say, "I cut this twine in the name of Kali". Tie the twine to the animal bone and say, "I tie this knot in the name of Hades". Then say, "I cast this hex in the name of death". When you want to activate the hex, simply twirl the twine with the bone at the end in a clockwise circle and chant, "I cast a hex, I cast is now. Create a hole inside their soul".

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    #2599 - Get Revenge on Someone

    Might cause minor injuries or just make them unlikeable.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Black rose petals
  • Blood of the person(optional)
  • Black candle
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Black rose petals
  • Blood of the person(optional)
  • Black candle
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    First,light the candle. Write down the name of the person you seek revenge on. If you have the blood of that person, rub it on the paper. Burn the petals while saying, "I can't stand you anymore. This spell I cast will hurt you as much as you hurt me. I don't want pain, I am getting revenge. These petals burning represent the pain that I had to go through because of you. Now is my time to get even".

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    #2600 - Vampiyer

    will turn you into a vampire i havent tried it so if it works msg me
    You may need:

  • 13 black candles
  • black marker or paint
  • 2 red candles
  • a knife
  • a pen
  • a piece of paper
  • a full moon
  • midnight
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    You may need:

  • 13 black candles
  • black marker or paint
  • 2 red candles
  • a knife
  • a pen
  • a piece of paper
  • a full moon
  • midnight
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    get out the marker or paint (must be black!) and make a pentaghram

    put the 13 black candles UNLIT around the outside of the pentaghrahm

    invoke saitan to help with the spell

    now put the 2 red candles on 2 sides of the pentaghram one on the east and one on the west

    light the red candles

    sit in the middle of the penta ghram and imagine what you will look like after weather it be fangs or whatever and ur powers like super speed strength ect.

    then light the black candles counter clockwise

    demons demons hear my plea come come answer me come now turn me to a vampire somehow. pale skin grow so white also fangs come in tight i reject my soul to satons side now i put god out of this mide i need this i want this SO MOTE IT BE!

    then take the knife and cut yourself where you can drip it on the candle and drip a litte there

    u should be a vampire in a weeks time if not sooner
    you will have to drink blood
    and you will be immortal

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    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters