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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2961 Health Spells
2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2961 Health Spells
  1. Parent Kindness Potion
  2. Summon Zeveron
  3. Elements spell
  4. To Use a God to Heal
  5. Spell to be Stronger
  6. Necromancy
  7. Inner Fire Power
  8. Heal a Blocked Nose
  9. Rock of Blood
  10. Protection from Nightmares

#2601 - Parent Kindness Potion

It makes your parent more kinder and makes them give you some slack.
You may need:

  • Salt
  • Saffron
  • Dill
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Valerian
  • Two drops of your blood
  • Cinnamon stick
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Saffron
  • Dill
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Valerian
  • Two drops of your blood
  • Cinnamon stick
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    First you put in the salt. Then when it starts to boil put a pinch of saffron and two tablespoons dill and one teaspoon of lavender, a teaspoon of peppermint, 13 drops of valerian and last two drops of your blood. Then stir it with the cinnamon stick for ten seconds then after you finish the potion say: "now that this potions complete, make my parent kinder".

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    #2602 - Summon Zeveron

    This is a spell to summon Zeveron, Zeveron is a Shape-shifting Neutral Being. When you summon him only you will be able to see him. Treat him well of he WILL kill you!
    You may need:

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Concentration
  • Graveyard
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    You may need:

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Concentration
  • Graveyard
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    You need to sit in the graveyard, Write ''Zeveron Come To Me'' on the paper. Then concentrate and say ''Zeveron'' 2 times. Then do the ''Psi Ball'' technique, after that the psi ball withh float out of your hands and turn into Zeveron. He will announce his name to you then bow.

    Needed Information:Zeveron does not like to talk about his past. Heres some stuff about him. He died in South East Asia in 1569, He was killed by his brother Zeos, His brother killed him because Zeveron was next in line to take the throne. If you forget about Zeveron he WILL kill you. No hesitation. Zeveron can shape-shift into many things. Usually a dog or mouse. Hee may wander off occasionally. If you use a ''Reverse'' or ''Stop all spells I've cast'' He will disappear. He will protect you and heal at all costs too.

    Word Of Caution:If you do this you will feel a great amount of strain on your body. Just DO NOT pass out in the graveyard. Hope you have fun!!

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    #2603 - Elements spell

    A spiritual circle invoking the elements to cleanse the aura and calm the mind. Useful before an exam.
    You may need:

  • Compass
  • Matches
  • A plain candle
  • ONE of these crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Garnet, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Red Tourmaline, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Volcanic Black Salt
  • Cup or bowl of water
  • ONE of these crystals: Amethyst, Aqua Aura Quartz, Aquamarine, Azurite, Moonstone, Azurite, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Halite, Blue Topaz, Celestite, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Blue Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl, Pink Tourmaline, Sapphire, Sea Salt, Selenite, Sodalite
  • Pentacle
  • Cup of salt
  • ONE of these crystals: Agate, Black Tourmaline, Emerald, Green Jade, Green Tourmaline, Halite, Hematite, Jasper, Jet, Malachite, Onyx, Obsidian, Peridot, Quartz
  • Wand
  • ONE of these crystals: Citrine, Diamond, Mica, Opal, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Turquoise, Sphene, White/Clear Fluorite, Zircon
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    You may need:

  • Compass
  • Matches
  • A plain candle
  • ONE of these crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Garnet, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Red Tourmaline, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Volcanic Black Salt
  • Cup or bowl of water
  • ONE of these crystals: Amethyst, Aqua Aura Quartz, Aquamarine, Azurite, Moonstone, Azurite, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Halite, Blue Topaz, Celestite, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Blue Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl, Pink Tourmaline, Sapphire, Sea Salt, Selenite, Sodalite
  • Pentacle
  • Cup of salt
  • ONE of these crystals: Agate, Black Tourmaline, Emerald, Green Jade, Green Tourmaline, Halite, Hematite, Jasper, Jet, Malachite, Onyx, Obsidian, Peridot, Quartz
  • Wand
  • ONE of these crystals: Citrine, Diamond, Mica, Opal, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Turquoise, Sphene, White/Clear Fluorite, Zircon
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    This works best outside, in a natural circle, for example, a fairy ring. I use a ring of new grass in my garden.

    Find South on your compass, and place the candle at the southern point on your circle. Place one of the crystals from the first group (Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, ect) at the base of the candle. Light the candle with the matches, and say;

    I call to Cen to grant me (cunning/luck/power)

    Next, find West on the compass, and place the cup of water at the western point on your circle. Place one of the crystals from the second group (Amethyst, Aqua Aura Quartz, Aquamarine, ect) at the base of the cup. Then, scatter the water around the crystals and replace the empty cup, saying;

    I call to Lagu to grant me (wisdom/healing/purity)

    Now, find North on your compass, and place the cup of salt at the northern point on your circle. Place one of the crystals from the third group (Agate, Black Tourmaline, Emerald, ect) at the base of the cup. Then, scatter the salt around the crstals and place the pentagram where the cup was, saying;

    I call to Ger to grant me (strength/knowledge/peace)

    Finally, find East on your compass. Place the wand at the Eastern point on your circle. Place one of the crystals from the fourth group (Citrine, Diamond, Mica, ect) at the base of the wand. Lift the wand into the air and hold it for a few seconds, then replace it, saying;

    I call to Hagel to grant me (intelligence/reason/freedom)

    Sit in the middle of your circle until you feel calm and clear. Breathe deeply and feel the elements around you. When you feel you are ready, close the circle in reverse.

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    #2604 - To Use a God to Heal

    This is a spell that you can use to heal someone that is hurt.(This spell does not work on open wounds)
    You may need:

  • Candle (Any)
  • Wand
  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Candle (Any)
  • Wand
  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    Lay the person in front of you, Light the candle, Make a circle around the person with the smoke then chant this.

    ''Oh Great God! I Will Summon Thee Here to Help Heal This Person in Need. So Mote It Be!''

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    #2605 - Spell to be Stronger

    This spell is to get you the muscles that you have all ways wanted but not for shore if it works.
    You may need:

  • Cup of water
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    You may need:

  • Cup of water
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    Relax and focus on your muscles for a few moments. Open your eyes and say, with the water held in your hands, "With this water, I summon thee to grow and build my dream. Muscles, stronger and fitter, with this nature let it make me bigger. So mote it be".

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    #2606 - Necromancy

    Raise the dead!
    You may need:

  • 1 pint of goats blood
  • 1 cup of well sifted sand
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    You may need:

  • 1 pint of goats blood
  • 1 cup of well sifted sand
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    Find a body. Draw a pentagram on the ground with blood. Place the body in the center of the pentagram if it isnt buried.Throw the sand onto the pentagram. Say this latin incantation: "Tabula Rasa Per Capitar Non SequitirEt Cetra!"

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    #2607 - Inner Fire Power

    Contact your inner fire power.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Focus on building up energy and power within you, then chant: "I call upon the power of fire to bring my powers to their max".

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    #2608 - Heal a Blocked Nose

    Use this spell if you have a blocked nose and can't breathe.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant this:

    "Stuffed nose,
    Blocked nose:
    Full of sniffs my panic grows.
    Heal my nose so I may breathe again.
    Set me free"

    Take a deep breath in through your nose.

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    #2609 - Rock of Blood

    This is to cause someone to feel your own pain. I
    You may need:

  • Rock
  • Blood
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    You may need:

  • Rock
  • Blood
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    First you must completly clean the rock. When thats done simply put any amount of blood on the rock, the more blood the stronger it is, and let it soak in the blood or dry till the next day. When the target is found (ex. gangster who recently did something to you.) throw the rock at the target and say "May you feel my pain.".

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    #2610 - Protection from Nightmares

    A chant to stop nightmares before you sleep.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Simply recite the following before you go to sleep:

    "Go away evil Nightmares
    You shall not add to my fears
    Go far away, leave my dreams sight
    give me the least of one good night
    As Above--So Below, Blessed Be!"

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    2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters