Walk small steps down the dock to the beat of your singing and sing this song.
"I sing this song upon the sea. Make it spread as far as I can see. Make a wave rise, tall and high, huge and proud and deadly wide. Make the people run and hide, from this awful, deadly tide".
Once done, throw your arms up the waves should begin to rise.
You will tie 3 separate knots a couple inches apart as you recite the following.
"With this knot I seal this hex you will not sleep, you will not rest. Knots of anger, knots of hate. Discord brings you to your fate. I tie this second knot makes two. Bringing darkness over you. Slander, discord, evil too. Bringing darkness straight to you. With this third knot, I do bind. Weaving chaos in your mind. Hex of anger, hex of hate. Bring him down, I will not wait So mote it be!"
A cauldron(or something you can burn stuff in; a bowl, pot, etc..)
candle(preferebly white or blue)
lighter or matches
You may need:
A cauldron(or something you can burn stuff in; a bowl, pot, etc..)
candle(preferebly white or blue)
lighter or matches
Right the persons name on the paper, put the paper in the cauldron, burn the paper, as its burning recite:
''Goddess of protection hear my plea,
Keep this person away from me,
When the are near they will feel pure pain,
The closer they are the stronger the pain,
Goddess of protection hear my plea,
Keep this person away from me(repeat as many times as you feel needed),
So mote it be''
When the paper has been burnt throw the ashes outside and let the goddess do the rest.
This spell can grant you super strength temporarily.
You may need:
You may need:
Chant: "From the strength of the Gods and wisdom of the Goddesses: give me the strength I need and the wisdom to solve almost anything. So mote it be".
When the sun is gone, and night is about preform this spell.
Place the red candle in front of you, the black on to the left of you, and the white one on the right of you.. Place the object that represents your enemy in the middle.
Light the Candles while chanting:
''My Enemy shall feel my every pain.'' at each candle before you light it.
When the candles are lit, begin to think of negative energy flowing into your enemy. Image his very soul engulfs in black negative energy. Finally, image that all that energy finds rest on the outside of his skin. Pick up the picture and run it through each candle slowly while chanting:
''I bind you [INSERT NAME] to feel my every pain. Feel the pain of [VERY BAD MEMORY], feel it times three! So mote it be!''
Finally, take the rest of the picture and let it burn over the red candle until the ashes fall into the candle's wax.
Blow out the red, black, and then white candles.
You're victim can have any type of pain, from family loss, going in debt, or a bunch of other possibilities. Use with caution.
Don't forget to say thank you to your divine god/goddess!
A protection spell that protects you and your friend pysicaly and emotionally.
You may need:
A piece of paper
A dark colored pen
Red or white candle
You may need:
A piece of paper
A dark colored pen
Red or white candle
Take the piece of paper and use the pen to draw a pentagram on it. Light the red or white candle and place it within the middle of the pentagram. Focus hard on your power as you hold one hand above the flame. Chant: "Give protection to thy friend, (name of person). So mote it be".