2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Less Gravity Spell
- Defense/Heath Potion
- Summon Black Mary
- Revenge on Your Ex
- When Life has Failed You
- Black Curse
- Happiness Spell
- Vanilla Anti-anxiety Chant
- Powerful Revenge Spell
- Slave Making Spell
#2831 - Less Gravity Spell
Imagin you are flying in the sky and chant:
"I want to fly like a bird,
I want to jump like a frog,
Hear me and gain me that power,
So Mote It Be!"
#2832 - Defense/Heath Potion
Before you do anything, use the jar and windy weather to catch some air. Open the jar, point it towards the direction the wind is coming from, and then close it. Add the fresh rain, mud, and wind to a pot. Turn stove on as high as it can. Put the pot on the fire. Wait until the water boils. When it boils, turn off stove and wait for it to cool. Take the remaining dust and add black and brown sand for protection, or orange/yellow sand for healing. When using for protection, spread the dirt/sand in the sign of a cross in front of your front a back doors. Put a mat over the dirt/sand cross. When healing, spread dirt/sand over wound. If wound is internal, and the wounded is able to eat, put a pinch of the dirt/sand in their food.
#2833 - Summon Black Mary
Say the folowing twice:
"Black mary I stole your white baby."
Then at night (when its dark) go in the room with no lights on and look in hte mirror you should see her behind you.
When you see her look around and shell be gone but her spirit will protect you.
WARNING:If you dont turn around she will kill you.
#2834 - Revenge on Your Ex
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write their first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and them put it on.
This may sound like a love spell, but thats because it is! If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!
#2835 - When Life has Failed You
Stick the pins in various positions on the candle until all the pins are used. Pour Saturn oil on the candle and burn the candle in a bowl of Goofer dust and Asafoetida. Burn an incense mixture of Agrimony, Mars incense, and Star anise and John the conqueror incense and say over the candle as it burns:
"Burn incense,
Burn consume this curse,
and turn the evil back,
remove and defeat the lack,
Burn candle burn,
Turn candle turn,
Remove the spears,
Consume the fears."
As the candle burns the pins will fall, and the wax will mix with the powders. When the entire candle has burned, take all the wax, pins and powder and place in a plastic bag. Throw the bag in the ocean or burn far from your home. (For ecological reasons, I would place the leavings in a paper bag, especially if throwing in the ocean. We wouldn't want sea animals getting hurt).
#2836 - Black Curse
Now take the candles and put one at each point of the star, and do the same with the nails, needles, and pins / tacks. Rip a small part of the second paper off and write the person's name you wish to curse on it. It's best if you have first, last, and (if they have one) their middle name written down, this way it will be more effective.
Light the candles in a counterclockwise motion. Make sure you know which candle you lit first, you will need to know this for the rest of the spell.
Take the paper with the person's name on it and burn a portion of it in the first candle you lit, then burn another portion in the second candle you lit, proceed to the third one you lit, and so on. While doing this, say the following aloud, picturing them in your mind.
''By Demons and Angels,
By Gods and Goddesses,
I curse ________,
As a punishment for all the hardships he / she has put me through.
This black curse,
This black power,
I curse thee.''
Only say the above chant once, otherwise it wont work.
By the time you get to the sixth and last candle, the whole paper should be burnt to ashes.
Blow out the candles in the REVERSE order in which you lit them, saying, ''So mote it be!'' when the FIRST candle you lit has been blown out.
Divide up the ashes from the burnt paper into six different pouches, and put one of each item you used (except the candles) and put one of each into different pouches. When you have done this you should have six black pouches each containing ashes, one nail, one needle, and one pin / tack inside of it.
Now choose one pouch and bury it on your own property, and take another and bury it close or on the person's property that your trying to curse. You should now have four pouches left. Bury the remaining pouches in different locations around your community. This will complete the Black Curse.
>>Submitted by Haruko
#2837 - Happiness Spell
Light a candle then say:
"Happiness I call on you bring with you your magic too forI am unhapy I wish not to be graint me your power to live in peace and harmony give me something to make me happy so mote it be."
after you saild spell draw a pentagram on your powerhand rhigt for a rhigt hand parson lift for left haned paron then draw a happy face on the other
#2838 - Vanilla Anti-anxiety Chant
Hold the candle in your hands until it it warm to the touch. Then chant 3 times:
"Vanilla chase this mess away
Keep it far from me today."
Let the candle burn until it burns itself out or when your anxiety disappears.
#2839 - Powerful Revenge Spell
Cast a crcle and and set up the 13 candles in a crown on your altar. Sprinkle the pepper around the circle while chanting:
"To lock in hate, to lock out love, rage I must create, Revenge I must think of."
Light the first candle and then say:
"I light thee with only hate in my heart. Only with revenge in mind.
I give thee light to aid my rage into the direction of he/she I hate."
Light the other candles one by one and repeat this. Now hold the belonging tightly in both of your hands and visualize the persons face, and think of all the things he/she has done to you. Gather all the hate and rage you have toward this person and force the energy into the object. When you feel that you have succeeded in doing this, open your eyes and chant three times:
"Make (fill in name) see the hurt he/she brings me, make him/her feel the pain I feel.
Remove the hate from my heart, and all the pain he/she has brought me,
Move it towards the more deserving, all he/she has done he/she shall now see,
I will seek my revenge times three."
Now run the object through all 13 candles, and then drop it into the cauldron, and stare into the smoke as you chant:
"As this burns, your pain shall begin, and all you brought me,
now shall end."
When the object has burnt out close the circle.
#2840 - Slave Making Spell
10ml unscented body lotion, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop sandalwood, and 20 drops rose oil.
Blend well and massage into your hands.
Now if you shake somebody's hand they'll do anything for you.