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2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2959 Health Spells
2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2959 Health Spells
  1. Bad Luck Hex
  2. Curse Of Slight Pain
  3. Making a Hex
  4. From Dust to Dust
  5. Banish a Spirit from Returning to Life
  6. Relaxation Bath
  7. Killing a Bad Habit
  8. Meditation to Rid Oneself of Negative Energy
  9. Cursing an Enemy
  10. Death by Ice

#2881 - Bad Luck Hex

A spell to cast a bad luck curse on someone. Warning: Do it under your own risk.
You may need:

  • Black or White Candle
  • Photo of the Target
  • Lighter or Matches
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    You may need:

  • Black or White Candle
  • Photo of the Target
  • Lighter or Matches
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    "Gods hear my plea
    someone hurt me
    and made me sad
    now I've become really mad."

    "Fire of the candle
    Heat of the flame
    strike of the thunder
    and the demon's name.
    I call upon you now
    to bring revenge upon him/her
    make him/her suffer
    make him/her cry
    take him/her down
    with just one try
    make him/her think twice
    not to hurt me again
    and bring him/her
    the bad luck chain."

    (burn the photo in the candle as you chant this. picture him/her suffering as you do)

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    Last edited on Nov 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2882 - Curse Of Slight Pain

    Slight Pain curse to cast on someone who has miffed you off. ( Lasts for 5-10 minutes )
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Hand
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Hand
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    Wave at the person with your projective hand and imagine a black mist surrounding the person and say:
    What you've done to me,
    I do to thaee,
    From me you'll get no Sympathy !
    Pain can come as headache, Stomach Ache Or Heartburn.

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    #2883 - Making a Hex

    This is not 100% true.
    You may need:

  • Piece of Paper
  • Magic Pen
  • Picture of Person
  • 1 Marble
  • Black Candle
  • Small Bottle
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    You may need:

  • Piece of Paper
  • Magic Pen
  • Picture of Person
  • 1 Marble
  • Black Candle
  • Small Bottle
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    1. You need to write the name of person on the paper.
    2. You draw a hex, by using the magic pen.
    3. Put the marble in the center of paper and the picture.
    4. Burn it by using the black candle.
    5. Put the ashes inside the small bottle.
    6. Put the bottle that have the shes on the home of your enemy.

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    Last edited on Nov 25, 2015
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    #2884 - From Dust to Dust

    Be carefull with this, do it wrong and it could be fatal. Better not to use it at all. The spell will hurt an enemy or kill with enough power.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Think of the person this spell is aimed at. Do not think of anything but them and do not attempt this spell if it is your first hurt spell. Close your eyes and say, Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dust For dust thou art And unto dust shalt thou return Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dust

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    #2885 - Banish a Spirit from Returning to Life

    A spell to make sure the dead cannot be resurrected
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle marked with a pentagram
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Drum
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle marked with a pentagram
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Drum
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    May the power of this mark be spoken, Five words and the spirit's broken, Light the candle The light of this candle glow, Until my breath doth out it blow, Turn the dead towards my Light, I call out _(First name of spirit)_ on this night, Turn the dead towards my light, I call out _(Last Name of spirit)_ on this night, Now your spirit lingers hear, I speak to you load and clear, From this place I take my knife, And strip you of your former life, Slice the knife through the air and leave it in your hand From this place I take my drum, And play the life that is to come, Beat out a consistent rhythm on the drum with your free hand With the knife I held before, I break the skin for ever more, Stop the rhythm and slice through the drum skin then drop the knife beside the drum Walk with the dead forever, Walk with the living never, Blow out the candle and then the spell is done

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    #2886 - Relaxation Bath

    Let the negativity from your day slip away in this enchanted bath.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    Keep the lights low or off in the bathroom as you run warm water. Light a candle or incense, whichever you prefer. Lavender is a good suggestion for relaxation. Purify the water by adding salt. Then add cinnamon and basil to help banish negativity.

    Sit in the bath and clear your mind, focusing on positive energies. When you are done, watch the water flow down the drain and visualize it sucking away your negativity.

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    #2887 - Killing a Bad Habit

    This will help rid you of any bad habits you have that you wish to not have.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    If you are trying to quit a bad habit, for instance smoking: take something symbolic of your bad habit (like a cigarette). Break the symbol (in the case of a cigarette, you might break it into small pieces.. or smash an alcohol bottle) while saying "I quit, I quit!". Repeat this daily for a week.

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    #2888 - Meditation to Rid Oneself of Negative Energy

    Exactly what it says.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Okay. Now to begin find a spot to sit down. I did not sit down but it still works. I had lied down on my bed and did this on a comfy one too. I also did this with a dog barking so loud but in a little while the dogs barking faded but My friend say it still went on.

    After done this While lieing down or in the meditation pose Close youre eyes and make a triangle with youre hands. You can put the triangle pose right on youre stomach. After a while I had felt something viberating on the tips of My fingers. This is normal.

    Okay the next and last part is while closing youre eyes and imagine something so dark and gruesome and slowly changing into something beautiful. What I had done was seeing a dark and horrible forest and then it cleared up by slowly disipating into thin air to see a meadow of flowers in a long field.

    If you have any questions or complaints contact me. If you want some more examples also contact me.

    Spell Added By: MysticMage

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    #2889 - Cursing an Enemy

    An easy curse for someone you dislike.
    You may need:

  • 1 Purple candle (Spirit)
  • 1 Blue candle (Water)
  • 1 Red candle (Fire)
  • 1 Green candle (Earth)
  • 1 White candle (Air)
  • Pentagram
  • Picture of person you are cursing
  • Athame
  • Lock of persons hair
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    You may need:

  • 1 Purple candle (Spirit)
  • 1 Blue candle (Water)
  • 1 Red candle (Fire)
  • 1 Green candle (Earth)
  • 1 White candle (Air)
  • Pentagram
  • Picture of person you are cursing
  • Athame
  • Lock of persons hair
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    First draw a pentagram in someplace dark and quiet. Make sure that there is nobody to distract you and nothing. This is important because you have absolute focus. Put the purple candle at the top of the pentagram. Place the blue candle at the middle left point. Put the red candle on the right middle point. Place the green candle on the bottom right and put the white candle on the bottom left.

    After this start chanting the following.(You may say this as much as you like it doesn't matter.) "Goddess Hecate here My plea let me curse My enemy"!

    Now after you are done chanting: Put the lock of hair from the person on their picture and put the athame right through the picture.

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    #2890 - Death by Ice

    A spell to cause someone death.
    You may need:

  • A refrigerator
  • A glass cup
  • Hair/picture of the victim
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • A refrigerator
  • A glass cup
  • Hair/picture of the victim
  • Water
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    Begin by filling the glass with water. Place the picture/hair of the victim into the water. Recite: "For a death from ice and snow, to my enemy I will show. As the spirits twist and turn, my enemy's soul will forever burn". Place the cup in the freezer. If the cup has cracked when you check it in the morning, your spell has worked.

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    Last edited on Oct 31, 2015
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    2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters