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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2961 Health Spells
2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2961 Health Spells
  1. To make an Immortal a Mortal
  2. Love Me or Die
  3. Protection Puppet
  4. Headache
  5. Three times Three
  6. Discord and Darkness
  7. Cobweb Binding
  8. Smitten Battered Beaten Torn
  9. Bones of Anger Hex
  10. Be Gone

#2911 - To make an Immortal a Mortal

This spell can make any divine celestial being mortal. This is only to be used on rogue angels on Earth.
You may need:

  • Jar
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    You may need:

  • Jar
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    First pour 1-inch measure of water in the jar pt the top on and let it sit in the window for one or two days. Then charge it with a spell: "Immortalis qui(key) domesticus in Caelum(Ki-Lum), Ego destruere (des-tru-air) omni (om-knee) catena (ca-tain-uh) praesens(pray-sins)."

    When the rouge angel gets it or you let him/her know what it is and give it to him/her. He/She will be compelled to open it and the small cloud will claim their divinity and the rouge angel inhabiting the person will be powerless to your magic. The angel will be stuck as a mortal and will have to pay for his/her sins like any other human being. Bury the jar where the angel doesn't know.

    If the Angel ever finds the jar after you closed it up and they made the cloud in the jar again and reverse the spell you did by saying "Ego ad se vocare quo apertus" and break the jar on the land where the spell was done he/she can reclaim their powers and divinity and would bring down heavens heavy fist to kick your butt.

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    #2912 - Love Me or Die

    If you want a man to love you and he absolutely refuses, you can goofer him to love you.
    You may need:

  • His hair
  • Your hair
  • A small John the Conqueror root
  • Goofer Dust (or Graveyard Dirt)
  • Love Me sachet powder
  • A piece of brown paper
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes red
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes black
  • A brand new spool of red sewing thread
  • A red flannel bag
  • A sharp pen knife
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    You may need:

  • His hair
  • Your hair
  • A small John the Conqueror root
  • Goofer Dust (or Graveyard Dirt)
  • Love Me sachet powder
  • A piece of brown paper
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes red
  • A waterproof ink pen that writes black
  • A brand new spool of red sewing thread
  • A red flannel bag
  • A sharp pen knife
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    On the paper, write his full name 7 times in black ink, then rotate the paper and write “ love me or die” over his name 7 times in red ink, crossing it and covering it. Set the paper aside. Use the pen knife to carve a slit-shaped hole in the root and wedge your hair and his hair in there together. Then pack the slit tight with a mixture of Goofer Dust and Love Me sachet powder.

    Thoroughly wet the written-on paper with your urine and wrap it around the root, pressing and forming it as you would paper mache, to keep the hairs and powders inside. While it is still wet, wrap it up in the red thread, going round and around very neatly, like a ball of twine, until the paper is entirely covered. When you are done, tie the thread off with seven knots and leave a length of thread to hang it from. You can double or triple the hanging-thread for strength, and finish it with a loop for your finger.

    Carry the prepared root in a red flannel bag and moisten it with your urine when needed. Hold it by its hanging-thread to "operate" it, swinging it back and forth or round and around toward you as you call the man's name, to draw him to you. Get a rhythm going, and say his name, like this, over and over: "First Name, Last Name, love me or die; First Name, Last Name, love me or die; First Name, Last Name, love me or die."

    You do this and the man will either love you or he'll get real sick. If he gets sick, don't let up; just keep your urine wet on that thing, just keep working with it. That's the way you get him, you weaken him. When he is about finished, you can nurse him back to health. Then he's all yours. I recommend that anyone who undertakes making such a "Love Me or Die" hand should be prepared to properly dispose of it if it is successful, or you may always have a sickly man on your hands.

    The making of this love spell is an exercise in working with pairs of opposites: The Love powder is mixed with Goofer Dust. The John root is male and you cut a slit-like hole in it to make him less strong and masculine. You mix your hair and his hair up together, so he will be as obsessed as you are. You offer him the choice "Love me or die." When he gets sick, you nurse him back to health. The whole thing is about mixing opposing pairs -- male/female, love/death, sickness/health, him/you -- into one mess.

    By the way, the specific shape of this mojo hand -- a round object wound around with thread or string -- is sometimes referred to as a Jack or Jack ball, although my informant did not call it by that name. Most Jacks, hung from their strings, are used for divination, like pendulums, but some are carried in the pocket or in a bag, as a hand.

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    Last edited on May 01, 2018
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    #2913 - Protection Puppet

    A puppet protection spell.
    You may need:

  • Dogwood twigs and shavings
  • Black thread
  • An acorn
  • Black cotton thread & stuffing
  • Eucalyptus
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Oak leaves
  • Parsley fern
  • Birch bark
  • Nail clippings
  • Hair
  • Blood
  • Cedar wood
  • Dragon's Blood ink
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    You may need:

  • Dogwood twigs and shavings
  • Black thread
  • An acorn
  • Black cotton thread & stuffing
  • Eucalyptus
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Oak leaves
  • Parsley fern
  • Birch bark
  • Nail clippings
  • Hair
  • Blood
  • Cedar wood
  • Dragon's Blood ink
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    Perform actual ritual on the Full Moon. Construct the "skeleton" out of dogwood twigs,lashing the twigs together with black thread, using an acorn for the head. I'm used nine herbs, cotton thread & stuffing, eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley, some dogwood shavings, fern and birch bark. I began consecrating and grinding these items, meditating on the purpose all the while three nights before the full moon.

    Mix in nail clippings,hair and some blood (not necessary, I just like to use it on my personal spells). On a piece of birch bark draw the rune of "Ohl" with Dragon's Blood ink roll it up and tie it to the "torso' of the puppet with black thread. Fashion clothes out of your own clothing and apply some of your own hair to the puppet. On the night of the full moon cast your circle and sew the clothes onto the little guy and stuff him. After your done stuffing it, anoint it with cedar wood or another protective oil and placing your puppet on the pentacle on the altar.

    Meditate in the purposeand then dedicate it to the south. Incantation: Magic doll, my little friend. Away from me all harm you send. Protect me now through day and night, as I bless you with this rite. All empowered these herbs within. See me safe through thick and thin. Protect me now oh little one. Keep me safe and harm to none. Blessed by the powers of three. As I will, So Mote it Be!

    Take the puppet and pass it through the flame to the south, the water to the west, the salt to the North, and the smoke (sandalwood) to the East. After that put it into a white muslin pouch with a black and white agate, some rose petals and a rosemary sprig. On the pouch again draw the rune of Ohl with Dragon's Blood ink. Carry this pouch with you and recharge or change the herbs every so often.

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    #2914 - Headache

    Cause someone to have a headache.
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Nine nails
  • White plate
  • Oil
  • Vervain
  • Basil
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Nine nails
  • White plate
  • Oil
  • Vervain
  • Basil
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    Say "This person _____ has made me angry! Lucifer bring forth the pain of madness known upon his head! Ardrelamastro, martarastar, frocuss!"

    To punish: carve the persons name in the candle. Then put the candle on the white plate. Push the nails into the candle at different locations. Annoint the plate and candle with oil. Whenever you decide you are done, remove the nails. Use a warm knife or metal spatula to smooth the pierced areas of the candle. Wrap it in vervain and sweet basil, then dump it in a garbage can.

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    #2915 - Three times Three

    To have someone see his errors This is a three times three spell to use on people who were corrupt in their ways.
    You may need:

  • something representing that person
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    You may need:

  • something representing that person
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    It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.
    Wind in the north, run through the trees
    Three times three, let them see, let them see
    Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
    Three times three, set them free, set them free
    Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
    Three times three, let them see, let them see
    Water of the west, flow to the seas
    Three times three, set them free, set them free
    It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail.
    The spell may not work instantaneously, you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways.

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    #2916 - Discord and Darkness

    Here is a great Hex to bring total chaos to your enemies or someone you hate. Perfect for someone who has done you wrong in a bad way.
    You may need:

  • Piece of thick string about 9 or 10 inches long
  • Destruction oil
  • Waning moon
  • Red candle
  • Damnation powder
  • Thorn
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    You may need:

  • Piece of thick string about 9 or 10 inches long
  • Destruction oil
  • Waning moon
  • Red candle
  • Damnation powder
  • Thorn
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    You will tie 3 separate knots a couple inches apart as you recite the following."With this knot I seal this hex: you will not sleep, you will not rest. Knots of anger, knots of hate: Discord brings you to your fate. I tie this second knot makes two: Bringing darkness over you. Slander, discord, evil too: Bringing darkness straight to you. With this third knot, I do bind: Weaving chaos in your mind. Hex of anger, hex of hate. Bring him down, I will not wait. So mote it be!"

    As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to your enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. This will make it all the more effective! When you are done see if you can hide this string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it more potent! If not then save it in a special place until you decide to untie the knots and give your enemy a second chance.

    The time of the Waning Moon, fashion a poppet from red wax and name it to be thy victim. Dress it with Destruction Oil and sprinkle it with some Damnation Powder. Await the time of the Dark of the Moon, and light a red candle and some XX Incense. In the flame of the candle heat a sharp thorn and insert it into the poppet's heart. As you do this, chant "I kill, I kill. I drive this wedge to fester and maim. Upon _____ I wish the same".

    Heat up a sharp nail in the candle flame and drive it totally through the poppet's body so that it sticks out the back side. Hold the poppet by the nail and twirl it through the incense smoke as you say: Pain and fear shall all be here. Ruin and rack are on the attack. Bring down this one to the graves moldy rot. Nothing but that to his or her lot.

    Bury the poppet in the earth for a month. Then exhume it on the Dark of the Moon. Scatter the Damnation Powder, the Destruction Oil and some rum onto the victim's doorstep and hammer the poppet into the door frame near the door knob. Try to accomplish this when the victim is out, if possible. One must be unseen doing all of this, or the work may fail.

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    #2917 - Cobweb Binding

    An easy binding spell.
    You may need:

  • Spider webs
  • Virgin paper
  • Black cloth
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    You may need:

  • Spider webs
  • Virgin paper
  • Black cloth
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    Gather spider webs from your house and a dead fly. Put the fly on the webs.Write on virgin paper: "North South East West: Spiders web shall bind him best. East West North South: Holds his limbs and stops his mouth. Seal his eyes and choke his breath. Wrap him 'round with ropes of death!"

    Fold the paper 4 times. Place the paper, webs and fly onto some black cloth. Bind the cloth together at the four corners so it makes a little bag with the paper, webs and fly inside. Then hang this in any dark corner undisturbed until it gets coated thickly with dust. Lastly, after this has happened, bury it.

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    #2918 - Smitten Battered Beaten Torn

    A voodoo spell of torment and pain affliction.
    You may need:

  • 2 Black Candles
  • Altar
  • Voodoo doll
  • Picture of your victim
  • Something from your victim
  • Pins
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    You may need:

  • 2 Black Candles
  • Altar
  • Voodoo doll
  • Picture of your victim
  • Something from your victim
  • Pins
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    Light two black candles on the altar you have worked up the negative energy and your anger has built.Take the voodoo doll and visualize with intensity that it is your enemy before you. You may even cut out the face on a picture of your victim and glue it to the head of the voodoo doll. If you have any nail clippings or hair follicles or any small item that has the victims vibration on it, you can place it inside the voodoo doll. That will make it a much stronger connection and all the more powerful.

    Once you have worked up the negative energy and your anger has drawn near its boiling point, slam it to the altar and stab one time at the doll in the place where you wish to afflict pain. Then take another pin if you so desire and prick the doll once again in a place where you wish to afflict more pain. Each time you stab at the voodoo doll make sure you are visualizing that you are actually inflicting pain on your enemy.

    Do not touch the pins after you have placed them. While doing this, recite the following incantation. "Smitten, battered, beaten, and torn: I prick at thee as if a thorn. Suffer now I will not wait. With this pin I seal your fate. Pins so sharp and made of steel: I strike at thee, these pins you'll feel. Smitten, battered, beaten, and torn: I curse you now, your pain is born!"

    You may repeat this again for a few days if you wish, adding more pins and leaving the pins that are already there alone. Do not touch the pins after you have placed them. Once again, if you touch any of the pins after they have been placed, the curse will come back on you.

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    #2919 - Bones of Anger Hex

    A hex against someone you are angered with.
    You may need:

  • Chicken bones
  • Anger
  • Hammer
  • Bag
  • Bell
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    You may need:

  • Chicken bones
  • Anger
  • Hammer
  • Bag
  • Bell
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    Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a few days.Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure you are worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This will add to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all this while doing this hex and when it says 'with these bones I now do crush" take a hammer or use your feet to stomp and crush these bones as if they were your enemy before you!

    When you are done sweep them up and place them in a bag. You will then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones on your enemy’s property around his house. If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say, “I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding. I invoke Cthulhu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld hear me now”.

    "Bones of anger, bones to dust- full of fury, revenge is just. I scatter these bones, these bones of rage: take thine enemy, bring him pain. I see thine enemy before me now. I bind him, crush him, and bring him down. With these bones I now do crush: Make thine enemy turn to dust. Torment, fire, out of control: With this hex I curse your soul".

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    #2920 - Be Gone

    An easy-to-do death spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    While looking at the thing you want to kill, focus on it hard. Say:

    "Die, die, die. Burn, burn, burn. Fall, fall, fall. Be gone!".

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    Last edited on Sep 12, 2015
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    2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters