2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Casting out unwanted feelings
- To Cure a Disease [A Doctor's Touch]
- Vessel of Vigor
- Summon demon assain
- Hex Bag of Illness: Necromancy
- Dragon claw
- Basic Pain Healing
- Simple Sleeping Potion
- Power of Three Healing Spell
- Curse an Enemy
#351 - Casting out unwanted feelings
On a piece of paper write on it everything that upsets you or is strongly on your mind. Wrap the stone up in a tight ball and visualize yourself draining your negative jo jo into the ball, now seal it with black wax. It takes a second because you want an actual ball of wax. When you get the ball of wax, freeze it. For the next thirty days just get it out of the freezer when your upset and hold it in your hand to "freeze your problems" and drain the unwanted feelings into the stone. After a months use you should make a new one and bury the old in the yard somewhere it can't be disturbed.
#352 - To Cure a Disease [A Doctor's Touch]
The simple form of this, that I myself have used often when getting a cold or flu, quite easy. Sadly not as easy as just swatting the patient in the throat.
Prepare yourself by discerning what the illness is. For instance, a cold may be less energy-intensive than an infected wound, but due to its nature is likely to re-adapt and attempt another infection. Once you understand what you're dealing with, pool a fair amount of energy in your hand. I personally use my index and middle finger, but I do not see why you cannot use your palm, or the webbing of your thumb if you want to go full spook. Simply anywhere you'd be comfortable holding a ball of energy roughly the size of a baseball, at least.
That exact energy type can vary. I myself prefer to use an electric blue akin to a gas flame to burn the disease from the inside out, but a cooler blue may work to freeze it out, and a darker crimson red may kick natural systems into overdrive. I have not experimented with the rainbow. Once you have a nice ball of energy resting on your chosen delivery system (look at me sounding doctory) you're ready to hand it over.
At this point, you want to begin with a hum in your throat/chest, raising it to a volume you can speak through. Once you can speak, hum the Latin phrase "Remedium morbo", or "The cure for the disease", if my already shoddy babblefish mind hasn't failed me yet. With this line, prompt the energy you hold to become active, a roiling, feral version of what you had made. Glowing, bold, tearing through itself looking for its prey - the illness. Then, touch the center of the disease. For, say, a nasal infection that may end up being a boop on the bridge of the nose. In my experience, for something more chest-and-head centered, a touch to the throat suffices.
If you're unsure of exactly where to touch, or you're pulling a discreet heal, I'd recommend touching any 'blood zone', or any part of the body where blood rises close to the skin either by necessity or to cool off. The back of the neck, either vein/artery in the neck, the insides of the elbows/knees, wrists/Achilles tendons, so on. Blood carries illness, after all, so it can carry our cure as well. If you are, indeed, trying to be discreet, humming Latin at your target may ruin that discretion. Thus, humming it before hand so you remember the tone, and 'replaying' that humming-voice in your mind ought to be a suitable replacement for the verbal 'lets go' signal.
Extra notes-
Remedium morbo is pronounced as it looks (Reh-med-eum m-or-bo), and as it means either "The cure for the disease", or "A cure for a disease", I'm not entirely sure how it will fare when fighting against multiple illnesses at once. Logically, more energy should offset the numbers/power difference. Then again, many things aren't logical.
For a patient throwing a fit, I'd recommend a blend of lavender and spearmint put into a sachet or other "Here, smell this" item. Similarly, if you or your germophobe friend aren't comfortable with touching each other (I cannot phrase that better without sounding like a stuck-up, posh ninny) then oregano oil is not only a helpful delivery mechanism, in which you'd pool your energy rather than your hand, but helps by lending its own boost to the immune system. I, personally, use oregano-infused-coconut oil. But hey, you know what oil you like to drink.
I had not considered this, originally, but there is nothing stopping you from forming the cure into it's ball, forming a nice, dense membrane around it like the gelatin-glycerin wall of a capsule, or the wall of an oversized cell, and chucking it at your patient. In hindsight, there may have been a reason for me saying "roughly the size of a baseball"
[If anyone has a suggestion or what have you that they'd like me to chuck onto this/experiment with, I will gladly consider doing so. If it's a complaint about my speech, I apologize, I am not the person you want to talk to medical things about. If you can figure out what creature I had in mind, originally, while starting to do this a month or so ago, points to you.]
woo, first spell up. naptime~
#353 - Vessel of Vigor
Basic: Take on part salt to one part maragrine and mix with 10 parts dirt and 5 parts water.
Mix by hand until you have a firm density and then craft into “cake” shape.
Place in preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius for 20 minutes until firm (but not brittle).
Advanced: Same as above but without the oven.
Before letting it dry put 3 pinches of ground human hair into it (animal hair can cause mutation) and add a milk teeth in the middle to capture the youth power of it.
#354 - Summon demon assain
Go out side at day time and draw a circle with the chalk then chant, rakasha rakasha come to me, kill my enemies and be bound to me
#355 - Hex Bag of Illness: Necromancy
- Lay flat the Purple cloth
- Place stones in the center of the Purple cloth.
- Say the hex," I chant you here and enchant whose near, with a hex of illness and fear." while sprinkling nutmeg on the stones. (With the Intent of the person in mind)
- Fold the Purple cloth around the stones and nutmeg.
- Tie the Ribbon/String around the cloth tightly, while saying, " Be bound. Oh, twine bind, and be bound."
- Then keep the hex bag until you are able to place or hide it in a general area your enemy visits regularly.
#356 - Dragon claw
To do it you have to activate the dragon spirit inside you. It's quite easy. Be in a calm state and think of a dragon in your chi trying to burst out of your body. Try to give it some of your ki. If the dragon accepts it then you may proceed if not try again after some time. If it does then bond with it using your ki do this for a few days and see the dragon being in your control or doing what you want. After that try to get the dragon out of your body step by step as first his mouth then his body and then his heat as he won't come out in one day. You have to keep doing it. After that you can do three things: destroy the dragon and keep its spirit, keep the dragon as a companion or convince the dragon to fuse with your body (he can come out whenever you need or whatever he likes) You have to be in the first or third state to do this technique. After you have done all this try focusing your Dragon's spirit and your ki in your most dominant hand and keep concentrating on it. Now open your hand like a dragon claw you will feel a powerful urge to leave this state but you have to be in this state for some time. Keep practicing it for few days and then after a week you will notice control over your state. After you have done that strike with all your power imagining a great dragon is striking its claw on your enemy master it and you will become more powerful
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#357 - Basic Pain Healing
(Optional steps)
Fill the bathtub with hot water. The heat helps you calm down and actually makes you a bit sleepy. Sleepy works best.
(Normal steps)
Note: keep your eyes closed.
Step 1. Gather energy into your palms. If you don't know how, Just focus all ur feeling into your palms or look up how to gather energy.
Step 2. Rub your palms together after you have gathered your energy.
Step 3. Place your palms onto the area that hurts and focus on moving the energy from your hands into the area.
Step 4. Wait a bit as your pain starts slowly healing.
Let me know if it worked!
#358 - Simple Sleeping Potion
1. Put the desired amount of purified water into a glass/cup.
2. Add a pinch of the ground sage into the water
3. Use the cinnamon stick to stir the mixture
4. Light incense and circle the glass top with the smoke
5. Chant
With this potion I find sleep
falling into darkness deep.
Mother moon, light my dreams
and light my path with your beams.
Where this potion will reside
in my bed, let me close my eyes.
Let me awake in the warmth of the sun
and at that time the potion is done.
6. Drink the potion and lie down.
#359 - Power of Three Healing Spell
Anoint each of the candles with the oils and set them up in an even triangle shape on your altar. Anoint the stones as well, and place them in front of each candle. Write the name of the ill person on each piece of paper and set them in the middle of the triangle. Light each candle and focus on the person who is sick. Think about them being healthy and free of their symptoms. Picture them strongly in your mind as the candles burn. Repeat the following three times:
"Magic mend and candle burn, illness leave and health return."
Leave the candles to burn for 3 hours, then snuff them out. Your subject should soon start to improve, but you can add some power to your spell if you do the entire ritual for 3 nights in a row rather than just once.
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#360 - Curse an Enemy
Repeat the following line three times.
"Spirits far and near, I need you to hear what I say. As you must do so, haunt (name) as (he/she) (reason for curse)."
Place Sacrifice on altar.
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.