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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Healing Internal Multi perpose spell
  2. shadow ball
  3. to induce a physical shift chant/energy tatic
  4. Develop Mri senses
  5. Real Vampire Spell
  6. Necromantic Psychic Protection
  7. Soul Anchoring
  8. To create a necromantic servitor
  9. Bring a dead plant back to life.
  10. Get rid of body flaws spell

#361 - Healing Internal Multi perpose spell

A spell that allows the person to heal internal or in some cases external. This spell works on anything that moves.
You may need:

  • Belief
  • visualization
  • Love
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • visualization
  • Love
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    First, you start off by haveing the person thats in pain to describe the pain and where it hurts once they have described it or if its an animal you use your intuition or watch how it walks. Next you need to visulize the human or animal body and make it look like a ghost with an white aura around the body and once you have imagine blue roots in the body and imagine the part that hurts and visulize it being red and focus on it fadeing back into blue and soon after if you beileive that it worked he or she or it will be good as new literally it works anybody can do even a 5 year old child can do it they can do it to anybody and everbody can do it.

    Added to on Oct 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #362 - shadow ball

    this spell will give you a ball of energy to use as a projectile.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    to summon the shadow ball you must concentrate all your energy into palms of your hands.

    Added to on Sep 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #363 - to induce a physical shift chant/energy tatic

    this takes about 3 hours to give you the energy to physically shift into your other form. *KEEP IN MIND YOU WILL NEED AT LEAST A LITTLE ENERGY FOR THIS CHANT TO START INDUCING THE TRANSFORMATION SOONER*
    You may need:

  • .voice (can't be inside your head)
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    You may need:

  • .voice (can't be inside your head)
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    start by sitting or laying in a comfotable position.

    say only up to three times:

    "by the power of my soul,

    by the power of strength,

    with my will,

    and my element,

    shift i will,

    and at will i must,

    with my souls energy,

    so let it be."

    contact me if you have any side effects. or need a weaker energy builder.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #364 - Develop Mri senses

    Summary: This works immediately after this is completed. Follow the instructions carefully. It takes about two weeks, or more depending on the person and their ability to develop things. Your eyes will change color and you will be able to get the vision. However some may not be able to control the vision right away. Here are some of the side effects: Improved regular vision More intelligent Flashes of your vision Magnetic items coming closer or flying at you Stronger connection to the mri machine More desire for sexual activity Weight loss Faster running/speed walking Faster healing Racing heart/ unusual heart beat Craving metal and iron Eye color change/ lighter more vibrant Needing to use the bathroom more often
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Electronic device with this typed or documented with you
  • Alone
  • Nude (fully)
  • Music that will remind you of an mri (or your theme)
  • Bathroom
  • door(s) closed
  • Mirror
  • Dimmed lights or lights on
  • Dedication to this machines senses and knowledge on the risks
  • 13 years or older
  • Works better if female
  • Ability to read
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Electronic device with this typed or documented with you
  • Alone
  • Nude (fully)
  • Music that will remind you of an mri (or your theme)
  • Bathroom
  • door(s) closed
  • Mirror
  • Dimmed lights or lights on
  • Dedication to this machines senses and knowledge on the risks
  • 13 years or older
  • Works better if female
  • Ability to read
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    development/ transformation instructions:

      Start by going into the bathroom, close door(s), have the electronic device with you, then get undressed.

      Set device next to you.

      Turn on the song, put it on repeat for the back round.

      Have the instructions open.

      Look in the mirror, hold your hand on your heart, take three deep breaths then take your hand off your chest.

      Say or chant while reading 3x:

    “Magnetic resonance imaging,

    Gods and goddesses,

    Change my vision,

    I am stronger,


    I am a mri hybrid,

    A better human,

    Never the same again.”

    Now look in the mirror and say once:

    “By the power of three,

    So mote it be.”

    The end results:

    Go along your business of life. Like the symptoms listed they may start right away, or it may take two hours. But it will happen if done correctly.

    Blessed be and good luck!


    if you want another machines vision or senses. mail me for the request.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #365 - Real Vampire Spell

    This spell allows you to curse blood-shot water (blood is for a better effect) and after the curse you will be able to drink it and gain vampire like powers and effects
    You may need:

  • one small bottle
  • a needle (to bleed yourself for best results)
  • a little bit of water
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    You may need:

  • one small bottle
  • a needle (to bleed yourself for best results)
  • a little bit of water
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    fill a little bit of water (Not too little tho) and poke yourself with the needle.. put atleast 10 drops of blood there then close the bottle and shake it.. it should be red but if you want to be SURE that it will work i advise more blood
    then write on the bottle with red marker ''BEWARE! CURSED BLOOD"
    then chant this:i call upon Satan and all the demons from hell to listen to this chant.. i curse the blood inside this bottle if anyone ever drinks it they shall gain the ability to run up to 40 miles per hour gain enough strenght to easily shatter a stone by squshing it with not alot of effort or even carefully pushing it but at the price of having to suffer an insatiable thirst for human blood and burn on sunlight

    enjoy... or not.. i guess

    Added to on Sep 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #366 - Necromantic Psychic Protection

    This gives you psychic protection.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Imagine the death essence, which is gray, surrounding you in the shape of a bubble. At the same time, visualizing that if anything touches the bubble or you they die.

    Added to on Sep 14, 2018
    Last edited on May 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #367 - Soul Anchoring

    This spell anchors your soul to an object
    You may need:

  • Object of choice
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    You may need:

  • Object of choice
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    Hold your object of choice and imagine a line with a hook coming from your soul and connecting your soul to the object.

    Added to on Sep 14, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #368 - To create a necromantic servitor

    This spell is used to create necromantic servitors
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Skull from a graveyard
  • Athame
  • Ritual space
  • Ritual altar
  • Very dark room
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Skull from a graveyard
  • Athame
  • Ritual space
  • Ritual altar
  • Very dark room
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    Place the skull on your ritual altar facing you then light the black candle and imagine black light going into the flame as you imagine a face forming on the skull both at the same time then take your athame and cut your hand then drip your blood on the skull while imagining your blood bringing the spirit of the deceased persons skull back to life and being bound to your will.

    Added to on Sep 14, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #369 - Bring a dead plant back to life.

    This is my first spell. It's intent is to bring any dead plant back to life.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    Go and find a plant that is dead. Then chant this spell-

    'This plant is in for a treat, powers of nature here please greet. Blooming with life, this plant was, growing happily like every plant does. Listen as I weave this spell, and let this plant be alive and well.'

    Added to on Sep 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #370 - Get rid of body flaws spell

    This spell might get rid of your body flaws but I don't know it works.It's an experiment but try repeating the spell's incantation at least like 100 times or more to make it more powerful and see what happens.
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
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    Say this as many times as you want to make it more powerful:Body flaws I hate you so.You need to go go go.So mote it be.

    Added to on Sep 09, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters