3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bloody Mary Eternity Death
- Change Someone's Mind
- Demon Wolf
- Big Stomach
- Pregnant
- Planet
- Become An Angel For a Short Time
- Love & Money
- To Serve the night mother
- Karma Unfold Chant
#1041 - Bloody Mary Eternity Death
Gather up the ingredients, place the mirror on the ground where no light can get though, place the two red and the two black candles to the left of the mirror, and light them. Place the two gray candles and the two white candles to the right, and light them. Scatter the roses or petals around the mirror. While you do this say a chant:
"Mary, Mary, you have been buried, down down deep in the ground, for what you did, never let that stop you, never let that."
Then place the rosemary, dragon's blood, and the myriad in the front of the mirror. Place the picture of your victim(s) on top of the mirror, slowly drip the blood onto the picture. While doing so, say this spell:
"Mary, Mary, here my bloody scream, come and take this life away, you can play with it at any cost, just take this poor soul away, now Mary."
You may hear a blood curling scream, that means it's working. Just be aware, she will get what she want. Let the candles burn, leave them where you have them.
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1042 - Change Someone's Mind
Think of the person and what you want them to change while saying this:
"Change your mind
Change your will
I take your mind
Into my will
I change your mind
I change your will
You will do as I wish
Your mind will change in favor
Of this wish.
By the power of three times three,
It is my will, and harming none, so mote it be
So blessed be."
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1043 - Demon Wolf
Say 5-10 times:
"Werewolfs of the full moon, hear my plea, make me the demon wolf off of teen wolf, in human and wolf form i will be able to see 1000 miles away, smell up to 500 miles away, and hear up to 900 miles away, and be x10000 stronger than a elaphant and 1000 times faster than a cheeta, i will be able to withstand temperatures over 150 and below -50 deegrees, please make me as i was meant to be the demon wolf, so mote it be."
Male- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 250 pounds with a 8 pack
Female- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 100 pounds with a perfect body
Side effects-
- Bone aches
- Super senses
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Super jumping skills
- Sharper teeth
- Transformation at will often at random too meaning transformations may happen without you doing it
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1044 - Big Stomach
Chant: "bigger then a town, bigger then a land, make my stomach bigger then the world. Grow grow grow and don't stop till i say. So mote be."
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1045 - Pregnant
Pour a glass of milk and chant:
"Babies babies
I want a baby
I will have (number) babies
So mote be it"
Then drink the glass of milk.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1046 - Planet
All you have to is chant "Space come to me. Let me be a planet. I will be (size) big and float in space so mote be".
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1047 - Become An Angel For a Short Time
After fasting for one day wrap a blindfold over your eyes. Then walk into the room you wish to change in, once inside close the door and put your head to the floor. Chant this incantation twice:
"Let divine light purify me, let it make me great and soar through the sky's with wings of purest white"
Then wait a month and you should change form on the same day at the exact same time.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1048 - Love & Money
Get your sacrificed item and say: "This (Name of the item) is my sacrifice to you, now it is time to say 'shoo!' to money problems. From the (The name of a bank) I will take as many thousands as I have sacrifices." Get your rose, divide the petals up onto your sacrifices. If there is an odd amount, rip one of the petals up evenly.
Get your coin or note and throw it out a window. Then scrunch up your picture of a love heart and chuck it into water, until it disintegrates. With the stem of the rose, you can use it to weaken another person by highly emotional love. Chant: "By my forced hand and my unconditional hatred I 'justify upon this person to fall.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1049 - To Serve the night mother
2.Chant The Following:
I Hear By Swear
To The Night Goddesses Blessing
To Use Her Shadows For Deeds
For The Listener Can Only Hear And Speak To Her
All Who Disregard Her Will Be Slain By Me And If I Do Disregard Her She May Enslave My Soul Unless She Considers For Me To Give Her A Reason Not To.
And If People Do Disregard Her I Will Do The Deed She Tells Me To Do And Have Their Souls In Her Slavery To The Darkness
I Hear By Promise This From Now Until The Day I Retire.
3.Chant this until the flames on the candles start flickering and suddenly go out. Once this happens, She is telling you she has accepted your offering and heard your call.
Listener,This Spells Cannot Be Put On Someone By You, The Person Who Wants It Done By Someone Else Tell Them It Will Not Work.
#1050 - Karma Unfold Chant
"Curse you, hex you, the one person I want to be through! Karma unfold. So mote it be on to thee!"
Last edited on Jan 01, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.