3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Leaf in the Stream Prediction
- Fat Spell
- Healing Spell for Infants
- Binding Necklace
- Fertility Spell
- Banish Slander
- Conceive A healthy Baby Working
- Ward Against Miscarriage
- Unborn Baby Blessing
- Wish spell
#1081 - Leaf in the Stream Prediction
Sit by the stream and cup a large sycamore leaf in both of your hands. look directly at the leaf and ask it a yes or no question. afterwards, keep your hands cupped and slowly lower the leaf into the stream and allow the water to gently release it from your hands. (Be sure to place the leaf "straight" into the water, not sideways)....if the leaf spins clockwise, the answer to your question is yes. If counterclockwise, the answer is no.
This same practice also works for wishes. make a wish and if the leaf spins clockwise, your wish will come true. If counterclockwise, your wish will not come true.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1082 - Fat Spell
Lay down somewhere and rub your stomach and say:
"I want to be big, big as a house, so big that I can't get out the door, I want to pop buttons I want to rip shirts this is my will so mote it be! "
Believe that your fat
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1083 - Healing Spell for Infants
After a little while, invite your spirit guides and guardian angels to join you. Also invite the spirit guides and guardian angels of your child.
Now speak to them. Express to them your warmest thanks for sending this beautiful baby to you. Talk about your gratitude and your love, in your own words, for as long as you like. Any emotions that come up, just let them flow right through you.
Try to stay in a loving and peaceful state of mind, without focusing on the fear for your babys health. You want to remain in high, loving, positive energy in order to create the best results.
Then ask the spirits to protect your baby. Ask them to help keep him/her healthy and strong. Spend some time visualising him/her getting older, being healthy and happy. Imagine him/her at 2, at 5, at 10. See it happening, know that future is coming.
Now place all your attention on your heart chakra. This is the center of your being and the seat of healing love, which can be directed anywhere with your intention. Breathe into your heart space and feel a warm glowing light, growing stronger for every breath. Focus on love and joy, which will increase it even further.
Now you have a strong healing light inside you, to direct to your baby. Visualise around him/her a white shield of light, like a protective cocoon. Now imagine filling this cocoon with your healing light. Keep breathing to increase the energy, while looking at your baby and in your minds eye seeing this cocooon growing bright and strong.
You are now creating a protective shield around your child. You can also focus on his/her physical and energetic bodies, and send your healing light to facilitate a healthy, unhindered flow of energy and, as a result, perfect physical health.
When you feel intuitively done, close up the cocoon around your child, and thank the spirits for their help and send them on their way. Afterwards, you can spend a few minutes every day strengthening this shield, by sending some heart energy to your baby and visualise the cocoon being strong and healing.
As an aside, I would strongly recommend that you and your baby spend as much time as possible in nature if you live in a city then take her to the park to be near trees and grass, go for a daytrip to a forest, play with your baby in a lake or river, feeling the healthy flow of natural waters being close to nature is incredibly healing and very important especially for young children.
Finally, if you can find a piece of amethyst, place it somewhere near your babys bed (obviously out of his/her reach). Amethyst is a master healing crystal which works to transmute negative energies into positive ones.
#1084 - Binding Necklace
Take the necklace you're going to use. It should have some kind of meaning to you. Tie a piece of your hair to it.
The part of you used to bind it is different for everyone. If your necklace has a particular kind of magick bound to it, I suggest using it according to your magick. For example, Air/Fire is a little blood (don't kill yourself) Water/Earth is a little spit.
Put the necklace on and don't take it off for at least 12 hours. Don't think about it.
After 12 hours, you should be able to dangle it and make it spinning without moving your hand.
Mail me if it worked for you.
First spell, hope you like it.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1085 - Fertility Spell
''With one mind, we call to thee
With one heart, we long for thee
Child of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Sea
Into our lives, we welcome thee.''
#1086 - Banish Slander
''Rumors, slander standing stout
With this X I cross you out
I toss their words into the fire
All these lies no longer hire
All bad things done and said
Leave my life, be gone, be dead
All the evil that they say
At this time will go away
Rumors carry me no more
Be gone, be dead, be no more.''
Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1087 - Conceive A healthy Baby Working
Take one half of the apple and rub the fruit over your belly
Envision any sickness being drawn out of your womb, out of your child and into the fruit.
Bury the tainted fruit as far from the baby's room as you can.
Wash up, light the candle and eat the remaining half while envisioning your baby being born happy and healthy.
If a tree grows, your child will be strong and never go hungry.
#1088 - Ward Against Miscarriage
''Secured in my womb, a seed of love
There to grow and blossom until released by nature __ months hence
Surrounded by safety, health, and wholeness you shall remain
Until this knot is undone.''
Untie the knot when you go into labor to open the birth canal and help with the pain.
#1089 - Unborn Baby Blessing
Burn herbs of intent and light the candle. Focus on the baby toy/Item visualize your baby playing with the toy. Hand on belly:
"I bless this baby of mine
My unborn child divine
Provide love, care, protection, and good health
Keep my baby safe from harm
With elements I welcome you into this world
Hear my voice: I am your mother/father
Feel the love between me your your mother/father
My baby, you are blessed in this life with arms to always hold you
Your magic will be awakened and true love will surround you."
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1090 - Wish spell
First you write your wish on a piece of paper.
Then you get the flower and put the paper on the flower
Then you throw it in the lake/river and say:
"As the water flows my wish grows."
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.