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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3307 Life Spells
3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. True Love
  2. Wish
  3. Luck
  4. Coffee Confidence
  5. Undo Spell
  6. In Your Thoughts
  7. Lemon-based Weight Loss
  8. Strong Plant Growing Spell
  9. Lacate Spell
  10. To Obtain Money

#1141 - True Love

This is a spell to make you love who you are. This spell will not effect the ways others feel about you or think about you.
You may need:

  • 1 flower
  • A charm or symbol
  • Scented candles (optional)
  • Confidence
  • A cup
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • 1 flower
  • A charm or symbol
  • Scented candles (optional)
  • Confidence
  • A cup
  • Water
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    First light candle, this part is optional though it does strengthen the effects of the spell. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply for 3 minutes Cup the flower in your hands Then call out 3 times

    "I am beautiful inside and out.
    My opinion is the only earthly one that counts.
    Small in size
    Big in meaning
    Like a rose blooming in spring
    This I call by the power of 3
    Lovely little me
    So mote it be"

    Take the cup of water (prepared earlier) Drop you charm/symbol in the water Start picking the petals off the flower. Drop them into the water one by one. Each petal represents traits you want to have so say them as each petal hits the water Your charm/symbol now is filled with confidence You may wear the charm any time you are worried or nervous. Remember to love yourself!

    Added to on Sep 06, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1142 - Wish

    This is a spell I made to grant wishes.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
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    Write down your wishes (5 limit) with the pen/pencil. Put your hands over the paper imagine energy flowing from your hands into the wishes with all your belief. Then chant 5 or 10x

    "Stars, moon, sky
    I wish to wish today
    These wishes I write down
    Shall come true
    I know you can do it
    With all your power
    In my need
    My wishes are what I need
    I will put all my belief
    To help for these wishes to be a reality
    That shall last forever be
    This is my will
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Sep 05, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1143 - Luck

    If you need luck and you need it fast this is a quick and simple spell that is easy to use.
    You may need:

  • A candle (this is optional)
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    You may need:

  • A candle (this is optional)
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    If you have a candle light it. Say:

    "I need luck so help me out
    Fill me with luck and take away doubt
    Give me girls/boys give me riches
    Please grant all of my wishes."

    Added to on Sep 05, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1144 - Coffee Confidence

    A spell to give you more confidence for as long as you need when you have the enchanted coffee grounds on your person.
    You may need:

  • Any kind of coffee
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    You may need:

  • Any kind of coffee
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    Hold it in your hand and say:

    "With this coffee at my side,
    give me confidence that will reside
    as long as I need
    So mote it be!"

    Then put it in a pocket, bra or handbag and carry it with you as long as you feel you need to.

    Added to on Sep 04, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1145 - Undo Spell

    A simple undo spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Think about the spell and chant:
    "Reverse the curse
    before it makes things worse."

    Make sure you imagine the spell reversing itself as you chant.

    Side Note:
    Also if you're undoing a spell that involves visualizing a person or looking at them (picture or in person), do that and imagine your initial spell on them reversing itself.

    Added to on Sep 04, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1146 - In Your Thoughts

    This spell will keep your crush/lover/ex lover or whatever you want to be in his/her thoughts/ memories of you.
    You may need:

  • 1 red or pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • A picture of your lover
  • His/her name written on paper (if you don't have a picture)
  • A needle
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    You may need:

  • 1 red or pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • A picture of your lover
  • His/her name written on paper (if you don't have a picture)
  • A needle
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    First you must go into a quiet/ somewhat dark room and light both your red/pink candle and your white candle. Take out a picture or the name you have written down of the person, place it between the two candles.

    Close your eyes and take a deep breath, build up your energy and really think about the person you want to remember you and the memories and thoughts of you. After you have done this open your eyes and look at the picture or name of this person, concentrate on everything you want this person to remember then pierce their head (if you have a picture of them) or the middle of their name with the needle. Then chant the following:

    "Water, air, fire, earth make (insert full name here) think of me as I have thought about him/her. Make the memories never fade away from his/her head and make him/her think about me constantly. Please don't let him/her think about anything else until he/she has been united with me and love me for all eternity. Water, air, fire, earth please answer my loving pray."

    Keep thinking about him or her and blow out the candles and say, "so mote it be."

    Added to on Aug 30, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1147 - Lemon-based Weight Loss

    A small, cheap herbal and oil mixture for use outside the body to help promote weight loss and better diet.
    You may need:

  • 2 tsp of Lemon oil
  • 1/4 of a Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 Citrine Crystal (Small)
  • 1 Small Oil bottle with a roller lid
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    You may need:

  • 2 tsp of Lemon oil
  • 1/4 of a Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 Citrine Crystal (Small)
  • 1 Small Oil bottle with a roller lid
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    Crush up the Bay leaf and the Cinnamon stick using a mortar and pestle, then put them into the oil bottle. Put the crystal in there with them, and then add the Lemon oil.

    Focus on it and visualise you losing weight and/or being your desired figure while visualising the mixture in the bottle glowing a yellow light.

    Let it rest on a window sill for 3 days, then apply it to wherever you wish to lose weight. Also apply to your neck or wrists so you smell it occasionally.

    Added to on Aug 29, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1148 - Strong Plant Growing Spell

    This is a spell for dying/slow growing plants.
    You may need:

  • 1 Chalk (any colour)
  • 5 Candles (green recommended)
  • 1 White/Transparent stone
  • Plant you want to echant
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • 1 Chalk (any colour)
  • 5 Candles (green recommended)
  • 1 White/Transparent stone
  • Plant you want to echant
  • Belief
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    I'm gona show this spell in steps so pay attention. The best time to do this spell at midnight when the moon is full.

    Step 1) Draw a five-pointed star and a sircle around it with the chalk.

    Step 2) Place the plant in the middle and the candles on the edges of the star and light the candles.

    Step 3) Put the white stone in the plants pot.

    Step 4) Say:

    "Oh Moon, give my plant the power, to ploom a flower, make all the pests flee, so mote it be."

    Added to on Aug 27, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1149 - Lacate Spell

    You can find the (HUMAN) you want to find. This spell in Latin so the spell is so powerful. So good luck.
    You may need:

  • Map
  • Blood From The Target Or Someone close to the target.
  • Focus
  • 2 White Candles
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    You may need:

  • Map
  • Blood From The Target Or Someone close to the target.
  • Focus
  • 2 White Candles
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    Put the map on the table and put a few of blood on the map.


    "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous."

    Added to on Aug 27, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1150 - To Obtain Money

    Here is simple yet effective spell for obtaining fast money when needed.
    You may need:

  • A green candle (a small spell candle, tea candle, or votive is fine)
  • Lighter/matches
  • Money-drawing oil (optional)
  • Three green aventurine gemstones (optional)
  • A new, shiny penny
  • A yard to bury the wax in
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    You may need:

  • A green candle (a small spell candle, tea candle, or votive is fine)
  • Lighter/matches
  • Money-drawing oil (optional)
  • Three green aventurine gemstones (optional)
  • A new, shiny penny
  • A yard to bury the wax in
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    Anoint a green candle with an appropriate money-drawing oil, such as Patchouli, Jasmine, Orange, or Cinnamon. If you do not have an oil, you can continue without it.

    Charge the candle and place it on your altar. Place a brand new shiny penny in front of the candle, and then surround the candle with three green aventurine gemstones.

    Repeat the following chant 3 times, replacing "a hundred dollars" with the amount you need:

    "Money, money come to me,
    A hundred dollars is what I need!!!
    With harm to none and help to many,
    multiply now this shiny penny!"

    Now light your candle and gaze into its flame, strongly visualizing the needed money coming to you. Feel the emotions that you'll feel when you receive the money - how excited and grateful and happy you'll be. Continue with this visualization for as long as possible. (This is the most important part of the spell.)

    After the candle has burned down completely, bury any remaining wax on your property and carry the penny with you to reinforce your magickal intention.

    Please note that spells to obtain money seem to work better when used for a true need, rather than for greed. For example, if you are having trouble meeting your monthly bills, this spell will help; however, if you are performing this spell because you just want to go out on a spending spree, your results may not be as successful.

    Added to on Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters