3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Animal Morphing Potion
- Power Witch
- Become an Avian
- Lucky Hand Charm Bag
- Become a Bird
- Create A Spell
- Curse of the Cat
- Sleepy Voodoo
- Murder Someone (Accident)
- Life Swap
#1261 - Animal Morphing Potion
Get the bowl and fill it with water but not so it over flows. Put the food colouring in the water FIRST and then the sugar and stir till the sugar dissolves. Rip apart the mint leaves/leaf as much as you can and then stir it in the water. Put one or two hands in the bowl (depending on the size of the bowl) and say the spell ONCE:
"Make me sprout two _____ears and a _____. Slowly turn into a ____. Sprout ____ and grow _____. Turn into a ____."
Example to morph into a wolf: "Make me sprout two white fluffy ears and a white tipped tail. Slowly turn into a wolf. Sprout grey fur and grow white paws. Turn into a wolf."
Then take some of the water with the mixed ingredients in and put it in a cup. Drink that mixture and you should slowly start to turn. The morph will eventually ware off in half an hour to three hours.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1262 - Power Witch
Go inside or outside, whichever one you think will work best (I think outside). Say the spell 3 times, say it clearly and calmly not too fast.
"Dear witches from forests and winds, please listen to my calls. I plea to be a witch, witch beautiful as an angel, agile as a tiger and wild as fire. Please let me become this, a witch! A witch gifted with the power to grant as many wishes I will to anyone I plea. Witch gifted with the power to manipulate and conjure (element of choice) and (element of choice). Witch gifted with the power of flight, to fly whenever I wish, as long as I can and as far as I plea. Please let this me, a being gifted with all kinds of magic I will be! As soon as sun rises, so will my magic rise, as soon as the next day is born, so will I be reborn. Reborn and awakened as a witch. This is what I wish to be, I wish to become a witch."
Put the necklace on after you've said the spell 3 times and close your eyes. Imagine you flying in a dress of your favourite colour. Imagine it waving in the wind as you fly across the night sky in the presence of the full moon.
If you did the spell outside then go back inside, go to your bedroom take the necklace off but don't let go of it or put it down. Hold it in your hand while you sleep because you don't want to risk choking yourself with it round your neck so hold the necklace tightly while you drift off to sleep.
Make sure you think about dreaming that dream as much as you can as you gradually fall asleep. You may or may not have a dream of being a witch and using your two chosen elements, wearing your favourite coloured dress flying in the presence of the full moon.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1263 - Become an Avian
Go outside on a non windy or windy day and make sure its day. Close your eyes and imagine pure white wings upon your back, can you feel the blood flowing through them? Let that feeling fill you with joy and happiness.
Now once you've achieved step 2, imagine that those pure white wings are filling up with your desired choice of colour (can be any colour even rainbow coloured wings will work) also imagine with the colour what type they are (bird wings?) and then feel the blood flowing through them again but this time with the desired colour. Say the spell 3 times clearly and calmly, not too fast (so it can't be a whisper)
"Great Goddess of nature and the spirits of the wind, let these wings grow upon my back. Allow me to no longer be human, but the avian that I have wished to be. Let these wings rise from my back in exactly one lunar cycle. Mother Earth, allow the clay used to make me be shaped one more. With my wings I've always dreamed, allow my eyes to change to the purest (colour). I will be forever grateful and ever humble. Oh great Goddess and wind spirits, I will never do evil as long as these wings lay upon my back. I will always do what I believe in and what is right. I shall never let darkness tempt me to defy my oath. If I do evil, you may remove these wings from my back, as I will not be deserving of them."
After you have said the spell 3 times, close your eyes and imagine your wings (with colour) shimmering with new found power then open them again.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1264 - Lucky Hand Charm Bag
#1265 - Become a Bird
Put the feather in the mortal then get the pestel and crush the feather. Next put the feather in the bowl. Pour the water in all of it!. Get your rock and pour quite a lot of salt on it. Literally throw the rock into the bowl
Now sing in a high pitched voice
"Bird Bird
Fly me away
To the castle in the sky"
Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1266 - Create A Spell
#1267 - Curse of the Cat
Say this or say it under your breath if you want
"Bend the back and twist the bones,
Make their body cry and moan,
Leave the soul but change the skin,
Turn him/her in to lion kin,"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1268 - Sleepy Voodoo
Put the bed,put the pillow on the bed, put the candles, light them. Then put the pins on the voodoo doll, put the voodoo doll on the bed and blow out the candles.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1269 - Murder Someone (Accident)
Take the candle and light it. Then pick up the picture of the intended and look into his or her eyes, and imagine them dying. Then take the scissors and cut the photog into tiny pieces. Pick them up and hold them in you hand. Put piece by piece onto the flame while saying
"This one. This (persons name) has hurt me. It is with great pleasure that he/she shall die. Once they are gone, I shall feel no remorse, feel no pain. This is how it was meant to be. Mess with me once, my blame. Mess with me twice, your flame. Kill him/her now, spare him/her no mercy. This is the will of all, so it shall be."
Let the photo pieces shrivial up and smile evily while gazing upon the flames, watching the person's picture burn and crumple. Think bout how much you hate them, and how happy you'd be when they die.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1270 - Life Swap
Go to your well or fountain(can be public) and say this holding on to coin "Gods and Goddesses, give me (persons full name)'s life." The next day you will wake up in their body. To reverse go to the same fountain or well and say "I wish not to have this life."
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.