3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell for finding a lost pet.
- Wish on A Star Spell
- Become a Cat
- Get Wings
- Stop a Lie
- Grow Wings ( If it does work email me)
- Take down powerful forces.
- Tell me the Truth
- Become a Magical Creature
- Smart
#1271 - Spell for finding a lost pet.
So the cards we will be using are the significator, the Star, the 6 of cups, the Magician, and the Hermit.
So now that we have all that figured out, in the center of the candles place down the significator. Visualize the animal, recalling its features and mannerisms to the best of your ability. Picture the missing pet being drawn to the light of the candles--to the light of love. Hold your hands above the candle flames for a few moments. Feel the warmth of the candles, and visualize the light of the candles acting as a beacon to lead the animal home.
Afterwards, lay down the SIX OF CUPS, and think about all of the good times you and your pet have had together. Try to remember the day you first got your pet, what they were like as a youngster, etc.
As you lay down THE MAGICIAN, consider the various courses of action that may be taken in the search for your pet.
Lay down THE STAR, a card for wishing. Make a wish for your pet to return.
Finally, lay down THE HERMIT, visualizing your pet being found or returned, and how happy you both will be to be reunited.
After you have finished meditating on the cards and visualizations, carefully, and with as much feeling as you can, recite the following affirmation:
''As I set forth these cards in the light of these candles, the small friend for whom I have so much love is drawn home to me!
I do not cease trying to find my friend until he/she returns home.
I call upon all good spirits and all good powers who care about small and helpless creatures to aid me in my search!
My small friend (name of pet) is brought home through the spell which I call forth.
It shines like a beacon that my animal friend can see!
As my will, so mote it be!''
You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you may close the spell as desired.
#1272 - Wish on A Star Spell
A piece of white paper
The first star you see at night
Write your wish down on a piece of paper and fold it over once. Carry it with you outside to where you are going to watch for the star. Watch the sky and when you see the very first star, focus on its light for the rest of the spell.
Hold up the folded piece of paper so it blocks out the star, and repeat the following:
When you wish upon a star,
Your desires won't be very far.
Repeat 3 times. Lower the paper, and look at the star again. Repeat the words another 3 time while watching the light of the first star. Go back inside, and store the paper under your pillow. In a few nights, you'll see your wish start to come true.
I got this for another website, I tried this and it worked for me
I am not just saying that and I think you can use it as many times as you want , this is for beginners or higher.
Message me if it works and please no bad comment or message. P.s. sorry if this wish spell don't work for you, so sorry, rate it after you use it and when I do this spell I throw the wish paper away after like three to four day being under my pillow and it usually comes true with in the next day. I have not yet tried against free will or love I just tried it after my surgery is done and it came true. so I am soo sooo sooo sorry if it don't come true for you. but keep trying three times
Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1273 - Become a Cat
Put on the water proof pants shoes and sweater. Then chant this
"A cat I wish, a cat I wall be a girl/boy is what I seek. A boy to mark a girl to hunt grant me/us this and blessed be"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1274 - Get Wings
This part is not ness art but is recommended. First visualize yourself with your wings and every detail of the wings. then visualize yourself flying with your wings. Now chant this until you feel you have finished
"Underneath my skin wings do lay, Waiting for that certain day. They will grow with grace and might ,giving me the gift of flight. They shall reach (wingspan) feet, no blood this shall be neat. They shall look (maximum of 3 words) and be only seen by people I want: No cameras can capture their might. I soon shall fly higher then a kite. This is my will so mote it be, Is in my soul so hear my plea."
You may feel pressure and(or) pain on your back,
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1275 - Stop a Lie
After that let the mixture to cool down. After it cooled down, use feather as a pen and mixture as an ink and write the name of the person 3 times onto a large paper. Bottle the rest of the mixture if you want to use it on your other workings. Burn the paper with flame of the candle and while it's burning, throw it into the bowl and wait until it stops burning. After it stopped burning add chili, aloe, asafetida and alum into ashes and mix it.
Pour mixture and four thieves vinegar into the bottle and mix it. After that, seal the bottle with wax of the black candle and wait until all candle burns down, you can use this time for concentrating and digging a hole. After candle burned down, shake the bottle vigorously and chant these words: ''Let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things against the righteous. After you stopped chanting burry the spell bottle in the hole you dug and leave the graveyard without turning or looking back.
#1276 - Grow Wings ( If it does work email me)
Make sure you have a very high tolerance for pain. Stand up and hold the feather to your chest tightly then shout
"Heavens I call above, sun and moon guide me, I wish to be one with you, up in the sky. (Name of animal you want wings from) surround me and make me on of you, wings carry me away! I say! Anyday! I command thee earth to release me from its gravitational bind and let me fly away! So it shall be, gods and goddesses hear my prayer, release from the ground and into the air!"
You should feel light headed and your back will hurt, between your shoulder blades, warning: there will be a lot of blood.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1277 - Take down powerful forces.
While you are visualizing the supernatural force/s. Chant this words using nonverbal incantation:" bingkongkarum binunom binugaum. pagbantay ni hesus mabangga ka sa krus."
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1278 - Tell me the Truth
Chant this four times:
"Tell me the truth, tell it to me
Tell me the truth, so mote it be!"
I'm not promising that it will work
Last edited on Aug 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1279 - Become a Magical Creature
Make up a circle using the chalk. Light the 2 candles and place in the center. Place the picture or description in between the 2 candles. Chant the following: " I,( your name), wish to become this creature. I call on all the gods to help me succeed. So mote it be!"
When you finish, burn the picture or description using the right candle. Bag up the ashes and bury it.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1280 - Smart
Say: "I want to be smarter for the rest of the day this is my will so shall it be!"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.