3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Wish
- Reams of Money
- Piano Divination
- Easy Prophetic Dream
- Wealth and Fortune
- Guilt Elimination
- Bad Luck
- Uptown Funk Confidence Spell
- Send good energy
- Dampen power
#1301 - Wish
Do a relaxation ritual before this and clear your mind well. Concentrate on the spell not the joy afterwards. Take the paper/parchment and draw a pentagram in the middle of it. Then draw a yin-yang symbol in the middle of it.
Now write down your wish on the top of the sheet. Write your wish such as ''make me get rich, make my mother/friend etc. get healed, make me get 'the thing you want''... Then fold the sheet 2-3 times and seal it with your candle. Then burn it with the fire of candle you sealed it. While it turns into ashes, repeat your wish inside yourself or out loud. When it's all ash,sprinkle the ashes from a window or such. 'Be careful what you wish for, it can come in any way'
Hold a "Lucky Charm" (not the cereal) and light a candle and chant three times: "This simple wish is mine to cast,a magic spell to make it last,I close my eyes a little shiver,this wish for me now please deliver. While thinking of your wish when you have finished drop the charm and blow the candle out
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1302 - Reams of Money
Start of by grounding your self and cleansing your self from negativity. Put your self in a zone where you are able to connect with the Spirit World. Once you have done that start to build up energy running from your feet and through your body, piercing through your head, connecting to the spirit world.
Now you are ready to say these words:
" I call upon the money stream.
Come to me in wad and reams.
Grant me the money that I require.
Grant me my greatest desire"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1303 - Piano Divination
Piano divination, or pianomancy, is a simple divination form. The upper half of the keyboard, or treble clef, has positive connotations, whereas the lower half, or bass clef, is negative.
- C- life
- C#- good luck
- D- beginnings
- D#- protection
- E- friends
- F- wealth
- F#- change
- G- the Divine
- G#- family
- A- healthiness
- A#- heaven
- B- love
- C- death
- C#- bad luck
- D- endings
- D#- defenselessness
- E- enemies
- F- poverty
- F#- things staying the same
- G- mortals
- G#- strangers
- A- illness
- A#- earth
- B- hate
1. Think of a question. Keep this question in the back of your mind.
2. Close your eyes and hold your hand over the keyboard at the intersection of treble and bass clef. You may wish to ask your question aloud.
3. Let your finger rest on a key you feel is right.
4. Do this a few more times for a spread.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1304 - Easy Prophetic Dream
Sit on your bed in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and visualize the colour blue and chant once " oh please goddess of the night, fill my dreams not with fright but instead with meaningful insight, thank you and blessed be"
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1305 - Wealth and Fortune
This spell will only work during certain times of the month. It can work on a new moon, 1st quarter moon, full moon, or 3rd quarter moon only. You will not get good results if it is done before midnight. Best results occur when the spell is done at midnight or within the midnight hour. You'll need to light your candles next to eachother in a dark room. You will also need to think of 3 reasons why the gods/goddesses should grant you with money/fortune and remember that...nothing comes for free. The gods/goddesses may ask you for favors in return.
"Gods and goddesses of wealth and fortune
Grant me with money and give me a portion
All my life I've been poor
But not anymore
I deserve this wish because I am (insert 3 reasons)
I will return your desired favors
So mote it be!"
Say it once only and keep the candles lit until they burn out. That's when the fortune will start to come (the next morning). You will have an amazing day and will start to receive the first parts of your fortunes. The gods/goddesses might ask you for favors. If/when they do you will know it. If you do not complete their favors your fortune may be decreased.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1306 - Guilt Elimination
First, you will need to gather the equipment necessary to perform this spell. Place the large candle on the floor in the middle of a dark room. Place the small stones surrounding the candle. Light the candle and place your symbol (which must be an object) somewhere inside the circle of stones or marbles. Recite this spell 3x:
"I call upon the gods of guilt and sin
To make me free from far within
Remove my worry and cleanse my soul
Happy thoughts and remedies replace this hole
Depressed no longer, I will not give a care
Because my wrong doings vanish,
Right amongst the air!"
After saying this spell 3 times, blow out the candle and sit in silence for 10-20 mins thinking about new ways to move on from your mistakes. After about 24-48 hours, you will be introduced to feelings of happiness and strength. You will no longer worry or feel guilt for your previous wrong doings. This spell will work best if you keep your symbol(s) under your pillow every night.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1307 - Bad Luck
Write the name of the person who's deserved bad luck then use the candle to burn the person name on the paper while chanting:"Near god of the darkness come forth and send me your power of flame to bad luck (say his or her name.)"
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1308 - Uptown Funk Confidence Spell
2. Draw or paint the sigil on your disc, stone, etc. with paint, ink, or even water. Charge it. There are multiple ways to do this; one way I like is to imagine the sigil being lifted off the item and then embedding itself back onto it.
3. Chant/sing/play the ''I'm too hot'' part of Uptown Funk. This can be done while holding the item above your candle, if you wish.
''I'm too hot
Say my name, you know who I am
I'm too hot
Make a dragon wanna retire, man''
Be sure to focus on your goal while doing this.
4. Carry the item with you for an extra confidence boost.
#1309 - Send good energy
Visualize the person in your mind (or stare at them.) Envision a white light surrounding them and think good thoughts towards them.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1310 - Dampen power
Pour the salt in your hand. Find your unwanted power and grasp it with your mind. Pull it or push it out of your hands and imagine the salt absorbing it. Dig a small hole in the ground and pour the salt in, remember to put all the salt in the hole. Leave it there and your power shall be dampened.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.