3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Become A Pokemon
- No Ingredient Wish
- Fall for me
- Money Drawing Recipe
- Wing "Potion"
- Writers Block
- Wish Spell
- Avian/Wing Prayer
- Wizard Spell
- Good Luck
#1311 - Become A Pokemon
Sit down and imagine the pokemon you wanna become. close your eyes and chant this three times,
"Pokemon Pokemon,
A game series I know,
Id like to become a pokemon
And make my humanity low.
(A pokemon you want)
(A pokemon you want)
God make me (a pokemon you want)."
Afterwards visualize yourself becoming that pokemon. now open your eyes and say
"by the power of 3. Mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1312 - No Ingredient Wish
Chant thrice: "What is wrong shall be right, make it happen right tonight, this is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1313 - Fall for me
Write on the back of the picture,"Fall for me fall for me. Dying is ur wish, if not to fall for me. See me soon, in our new life. Life together for us. Fall for me again."
Then burn the picture over the lit red candle.
Last edited on Aug 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1314 - Money Drawing Recipe
With a lit candle you begin with sprinkling Ginger into the flame. Ginger is a great spice that gives the spell success.
Grab the empty wallet and hold it high over the flame to let the wallet absorb the smoke of the spice. And as you throw in the rest of the herbs, keep the wallet up high over the flame.
Throw in Lavender for luck,
Lemon Balm for success,
Cinnamon for money and protection from negative energies,
Dill for protection from physic attacks,
Eucalyptus for purification and for good health,
Vervain for money and peace,
Black Pepper for courage and mental awareness,
Sage for protection, wisdom, and money
Salt to purify the spell,
And Ginger to finish off the spell.
Blow out the candle and let the wallet absorb all the smoke, inside and out.
Thank your God or Goddess,
So mote it be. :)
#1315 - Wing "Potion"
First, put all of the ingredients into the cup. Use a spoon to stir all of the ingredients.
Next, take your shirt off. Get the feather, and dip 1/4 of the feather into the mixture. Rub the mixture on the feather onto your right shoulder blade. Dip the feather into the mixture again. Rub that onto your left shoulder blade.
Now, drink the rest of the potion. Now, get into the shower/bath and recite this,
"Gods and Goddesses,
I have a potion in my body,
And on my back,
Could you make that potion give me wings?
Mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1316 - Writers Block
#1317 - Wish Spell
One single wish i shall break,
One single wish to come true,
I want to see this through,
A wish to you, dear spirits is a promise i will not break.
Burn the paper before saying:
Paper to ash,
Will to air,
My wish is floating all around,
With my energy and that of the spirits,
A mote this wish be true.
Use the feather to fan the ashes around you:
With the feather of a bird,
A will of light heart and pure innocence,
Please let my desire be,
Spirits all across the land hear my plea,
Please let this wish be.
Stand where you are for a few moments, and invision your spell working and that you get your wish. Allow yourself to feel connected to everything around you. And when you feel you have connected with the earth and spirits, tell them thank you.
Please message me your results :)
#1318 - Avian/Wing Prayer
When one of our alters was alive, he was an avian. Thanks to the rest of us prying it out of him, here is how he got said wings: Hold the feather and envision having your wings, flying with them, soaring, ect.
"I want to fly and reach the sky,
Fly so high my feathers die,
Wings of ____ and pearly down,
To carry my weight up from the ground.
For if I wish and force this may,
Wings will I grow today
So must/mote it be"
According to him, make sure you say it at least say it once every day, so you keep the energy alive. They should start growing after your next meal. If you use a power charm, be sure to keep it on you at all times except when you need to shower or anything that could damage it.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1319 - Wizard Spell
''Make me a wizard, that's all I ask.
Make me one, with the powers I pass.''
Then, state the powers you want.
And then say how you will use each one.
Then, pray to the god/goddess/religion you believe in, asking them to grant your prayers.
Close the circle, and take a nap.
#1320 - Good Luck
Concentrate on what you want to have luck on. For example, you might want to ace a test. Then, still concentrating on what you want to have luck on, point your wand at you and make a circle with it each time you spin around. You have to spin around each time you say the spell. The spell is "Luck be a lady, Lady Luck into me!" Say it as many times as needed.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.