3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Witch Spell
- How to Concieve a Boy
- Wishing
- Consecration & Cleansing Ritual
- Greater Luck Enchantment
- Happiness Enchantment
- Creating Moon Water
- How to get Ice Powers
- Ice Powers
- Using Full Brain Power
#1391 - Witch Spell
1. Put your favorite piece of jewelry on
2. Say this 3x
"I call to you, and only you.I wish to be a witch, which has powers. I plea to be a witch with powers, so mote it be."
I've never done it but please contact me if it works and you can be inside or outside..... and tell me the side affects too.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1392 - How to Concieve a Boy
Step 1: Place the 9 red rose petals and the blue baby item in the plastic bag.
Step 2: Take the blue candle and break it in four places and put it in the plastic bag, zip the bag closed. Then say these words:
"__________________________the bearer of children, I come to thee in hopes of what shall be, bring me a baby boy."
Say this 3x's before trying to conceive your baby boy. Now place the plastic bag under your mattress.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1393 - Wishing
Write your wish on the parchment paper, make sure you're specific in what you're wishing for. Roll up the parchment paper. Light the incense, and then close your eyes and then say these words:
"Goddess of the night guide my wish in flight, guide it with love for this wish I wish tonight". Say this 3x's
Finally light the candle and burn the parchment paper and then gather the ashes. Take them outside and toss them into the wind and it will carry your wish wherever you want it to go.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1394 - Consecration & Cleansing Ritual
“With the power of this fragrance I shall cleanse thee”
2. . Hold up the object with one hand and the incense in the other, while swaying the smoke of the incense underneath the object then say while facing west :
*Use this chant and visualize a mighty wind coming towards you in the following order in each direction*
“Powers of the (West/south/east/north) wind may you cleanse this _____ of mine, in the name of mighty ocean” 3. Face west again then light your myrrh incense then say :
“With the power of this fragrance I shall bless thee”
4. Like last time hold up the object with one hand and the myrrh in the other, while swaying the smoke of the incense underneath the object then say while facing west :
*Use this chant and visualize a mighty wind coming towards you in the following order in each direction*
“Powers of the (West/North/East/South) wind may you consecrate and bless this _____ of mine with your energy in the name of mighty ocean” 5. Finally face west then say this aloud :
“I thank the mighty ocean and glorious winds that assisted me today thank you and you may dismiss”
#1395 - Greater Luck Enchantment
Crush four leaf clover. Rub four leaf clover on trinket. Put both in moon water. Draw pentagram around moon water while saying
"Under the power of the five elemtents
spirit, fire, water, earth and air,
I give this charm the power of luck and happiness
Ut Fortuna Hoc(make a kh sound) Transfluit"
After leaving it under sun or moon, discard water and clover and destroy the pentagram, then keep the charm within 1 and a half feet of you
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1396 - Happiness Enchantment
Ut Fortuna hoc Transfluit
(Ut Forchuna k transflewit)
Meaning: May luck flow through this
3.Wash it in Moon Water
4.Leave it under the moon or sun for a night or day
#1397 - Creating Moon Water
2.Put a white candle at each point
3.Place the water in the middle (inside a container)
Under the light/darkness of the moon do I bless this water with the moons light, so mote it shall be!
You can also think it if you have a powerful will and great concentration.
5.Blow out the candles in this order, top, top right, bottom right, bottom left, and top left
6.Leave the water out for the night
Remember that belief is key, doubt kills the spell.
#1398 - How to get Ice Powers
First you take the ice cube and squeeze the icemcube while you holding the cube
"Ice Ice Prayer."
Than you squeeze the ice cube untill its melted.
Than wait untill the next day.
Side Effects :
When it's cold its warm to you
and when its hot its cold to you.
But dont try to use you powers till the next day.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1399 - Ice Powers
You must believe and Chant x3:
"Shiva, goddess of ice and snow.
I wish to have the power of ice,
I shall use it for good, never bad.
Make my wish true, I beg of you.
So mote it be!"
In two months you will have your powers!
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1400 - Using Full Brain Power
Think about being smarter. Think about making your mind open up. One you do that say this 3 times:
"Brain expand and open. Allow all knowledge to be unlocked within you.
You should then be able to use full brain power."
I don't guarantee it will work. This is my first spell. Not that if it does work, it shouldn't last forever.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.