First of all, what exactly is an aura? It's an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.
They can be seen as well as felt, or sensed.
Auras can reveal a person's emotional well being as well as physical state.
There's no one method to seeing auras, the method given below is my personal way.
First there's the background.
Some sources say that when reading an aura it's best to have a very dark black or red
background, other's say to a white one. I've tried both and found that for me darker is much
easier. Next, the aura is generally strongest around a person's head, but it you don't have
another person to try this with, your own hand will work fine.
Pick a point just beyond your hand and let your eye unfocused (it's very similar to the way you
view a 'magic eye' picture for those of you who know what that is). Eventually a thin white
band will come into view. This is the first layer of the aura. Once you're able to view the
white band, fix your gaze a little ways beyond it. Eventually a colored(s) band will
come into view. Note, this stage is much harder to see, after a ton of practice I still
can't see it every time. Each color has a meaning which is posted below.
This is a fine starting point. Remember, the shape and distance to ones body is also important. Aura colour and shape changes day by day, and you should cleanse your aura regularly as the energy of others can mix with your aura and effect you.
I’ve been practicing seeing my own aura by putting my hand in front of a white background. I focus on the tips of my fingers and I see the white outline (rising from the base of my palm to the tips of my fingers). The white outline seems like it’s flowing, floating slightly above my fingers then fading. There are times when I can see the color of my aura, and times when I only see the color white (the outline). I’m new to practicing magic, starting with energy and aura spells and practices.
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