3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Popstar
- Werewolf
- Past Lives
- Temporary Tail and/or Ears
- Gods Grant Wishes
- Knowledge Tea
- Money Gain
- Antler Spell
- Spell Fixer
- Tree Growing
#1481 - Popstar
Say 5 times in front of a lit candle while holding a microphone
"May my voice sound like a popstar,
may I sing my best,
the stars answer my plea,
may Mother earth help me.
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1482 - Werewolf
Light the candle and let it burn for a while. When there's enough melted wax in the bottom to drown the charm in, drown the charm in the wax and say:
"By this seal,
I do reveal,
By fur,
By fangs,
By the hunter's blade
I shall shift,
I shall twist,
Under a moon no less than Full;
A wolf of all,
Running free and running wild;
A wolf! A wolf!
Ears, long fur and clawed feet,
By this wax,
Oh how it's binding,
Trap the spirit of the moon in it's coating
For if I might and if I may,
A werewolf shall I be today.
For I cannot bear to be human any longer,
On my will and On the full moon's light;
I shall be bonded to the night."
Then wear the charm to bed and when you wake up take it off only to shower/bathe. Wear it until the next night, and then take it off. Don't look at it until the night of the next full moon, and wear it once again whilst under the moon. You should shift within an hour.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1483 - Past Lives
First make sure you have a clear mind. And then lite the white candle. Takeyour blood and make a pentrgram on the candle Then say: "Oh godess above I wish to see my past lives. Show me who I was." Say thi 3x then put the candle out with a drop of your blood.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1484 - Temporary Tail and/or Ears
Draw & color your tail and/or ears on a piece of paper. Ask Mother nature for help, also ask the moon. Say (while looking at picture), "This is what I want,( a tail and/or some ears), I will be able to move them at will, and let them disappear in ( )day(s). This is my will, so mote it be!"
It is better to name the days under 100.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1485 - Gods Grant Wishes
This is something I grew up with, it grants wishes. I don't know if this is my power or just a spell. All i know is that it works for me, and if you mess up while saying it / thinking about the wrong thing then it will be less powerful and effective. Also it could be anyone's wish not just yours, like you could do this for a friend and it would work, but you have to include their name. Anyways, lets get started!
It can be anytime and almost anywhere. Chant this as many times as you like, but i just chant it once.
Chant : "I pray to the gods / goddesses, to hear my cry, to hear my plea. Please grant my / her / his wish and hear my desires. So gods / goddesses please ( your wish ). I want this to happen, it is my / her / his / their fate. So please i beg you grant my / her / his wish."
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1486 - Knowledge Tea
Take the leaves out of each bag and put them into 2 SEPERATE bowls. After boiling the water, put half of the water into each bowl (be careful)
Wait for the tea leaves in both bowls to steep (and cool down a little so the measuring cup doesn't shatter in step 4), pour the bowls into a strainer over that original bowl (so you don't get the leaves in your tea while you drink it), and pour one of the bowls of tea (it doesn't matter which) into the mug up to where ever you think is enough tea.
Using the measuring cup, measure the amount of tea that you poured into the mug. After measuring it, divide that number by two and then measure that amount for each bowl of steeped tea. Put them both into the mug and mix. (If the tea cooled down too much, re-heat it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds)
Use the honey if you want to sweeten it, and drink it while studying.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1487 - Money Gain
Light the candle in a dark room, and while its burning, start etching in how much you need on the side like this. $00.0 then start meditating on the thought of cash. After about two minutes say this while meditating. "Money, money, please come to me. I need you in this time of need. Now is not the time to fret, now it is the time to get. So mote it be". Then, soon you will get the money.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1488 - Antler Spell
''Gods and goddesses of nature, I ask of you a request small.
Like a stag, I wish for antlers.
[Size, small, large or medium] sized [colour] antlers right on my head for all to see.
I wish for this and this alone. This is my will, so must it be.''
After a few days, they should start to grow in, but you may need to will them in. If they don't grow after a month, then try the spell again.
#1489 - Spell Fixer
Say this 5 times a week if needed: "Spells work for me. In the name of Darox come to be".
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1490 - Tree Growing
Sit in a meditative position near the tree with the leaves on your lap and the candle in front of you imagine the Qi energy entering the candle then entering the tree and say: "Tree grow for me. Grow so great all will see". Now repeat this 10 times and it will reduce the grow time.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.