3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Summoning a Bus
- Justice Spell
- Natural Wish
- How to Make a Wand
- Super Speed
- Test, Homework, Good Grades
- Popularity
- Wish
- Get Someone to Give you Something
- Memory Removal
#1521 - Summoning a Bus
Chant this as much as you want
"Bus, bus,
Come here now.
Come to the place I need you
As I say these words,
Make the bus here as thee,
As I say these words easily,
As one, two, three"
Then wait for a few seconds or minutes and the bus will come
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1522 - Justice Spell
2. Go outside.
3. Light the candle.
4. Write the person's name on the paper using the blue ink pen. Then, write what they did to deserve this spell beneath their name.
4. Fold the paper up into a square, and draw a scale on the outside.
5. Focus on the candle intently. Then say the following: ''(Target's name), you shall now be punished for your wrongdoings. In the name of Justice, may all your evil deeds fall upon you in Vindication, righting the wrongs you have committed!''
6. Burn the paper with the candle's flame, then repeat the following until you feel you no longer need to: ''May justice be dealt on this night of all nights.''
7. Blow the candle out, allowing the smoke to float freely. Wait until the candle stops smoking, then say the following: ''It is done.''
If done correctly, something should happen to the target. For example, if they committed a crime, they should be arrested. This spell may take a while to take effect, so be patient.
Note: Only use this spell if you really need to. DO NOT USE IT FOR REVENGE! ALL desire for revenge should be cleared from your head before you use this spell. Otherwise, either it will not work, or bad things may happen to you.
Please rate this spell based on how well it works. (1 star for not at all, 5 for very effective.)
#1523 - Natural Wish
Write your wish on the leaf with the marker. Make sure you put this is your wish. Then put it in the natural rover lake pond etc, then nature will grant your wish for your respect. Oh it's optional but you can say: "Oh I wish for the wish on this leaf so mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1524 - How to Make a Wand
Find a stick preferably a one that's already fallen off the branch if you need to pick the stick off the branch you'll have to leave the tree a offering of your choice but either way thank the tree
Whittle at the stick till there is no bark left this is where your sandpaper comes in sand the wood down until the wand gets silky smooth
Finally make a psi ball from your body and focus your psi into the wand (don't strain yourself) now this will make the wand spiritually yours after that you can keep filling in your wand with your energy to empower it or you could use the earths energy
Last edited on Jul 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1525 - Super Speed
This spell is deceptively simple purely say: "Give me the super speed I need". Then imagine you running super fast.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1526 - Test, Homework, Good Grades
Take out a piece of scrap paper. Get your homework, or test near you. Have your writing utensils near. Chant 6 times: "My grades, not so good. I wish to ace my homework/test. I know my grades aren't the best. But let faith be near and confidence with me. I know I will do good and do my absolute best ."
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1527 - Popularity
Light a candle. Get a pen and a peice of paper. Write down what you want to become popular in. Say: "Gods and goddesses of fate and destiny, I ask of thee to grant my wish of becoming popular. So mote it be." Burn the paper. Try not to set the house on fire.
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1528 - Wish
At night, write your wish on a peice of paper. Light the candle. Think about your wish coming true. Say: "Oh gods and goddesses of fate and destiny, I ask of thee to grant my wish my wish is (name of wishe) so mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1529 - Get Someone to Give you Something
At night take the paper write your wish. Light the candle. Say: "I wish I will have (whatever). Oh please (name of deity) grant me my wish so let it be".
Then burn the paper with the wish in the candle. The wish has to be the same type of color the candle symbolizes. There is a few articles on candle colors and what the represent. They do not always represent what you think they would. The reason you don't need to say the wish in the spell, is because it's on the paper. The paper is what the wish goes to the god or goddess.
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1530 - Memory Removal
First use the pen (must be a pen, not a pencil as it symbolises permanence), and the paper to write down the memory you wish to remove. Begin at the very start, stating the date(s) of which the event took place and those people involved.
Write down the whole memory to as best you can remember. As you are writing, visualise the event and make it real in your mind again. Next place the candle on the small tray to catch any wax drips and to stabilise it. light the candle and spend a few minutes breathing deeply and concentrating of the memory you want to remove and everything you have just written down.
Center yourself. Feel the energy inside you. Feel it growing larger and larger until it fills your whole body making everything tingle. Now that you have raised the power to perform the spell, open your eyes and reed the following allowed:
"Memories scribed on paper with pen,
shall be forgotten and never remembered again.
Memory erased through time and space,
for all involved, thoughts of sleep shall take its place."
Now fold the paper so its about the size of your palm. This is nothing magical, it just makes sure all the paper gets burned before the flame goes out. Place the paper into the flame so both the farthest corners from your hand are alight.
"As fire consumes,
the memory is removed.
This spell is complete,
and my will is proved."
Place the memory paper into the bowl and watch as the memory is burned away. If the spell was successful there should be a hell of a lot of smoke as the memory is being affected through both time and space. Not an easy task, hence why I said to raise all that power.
Try not to think about the memory too much over the next 24 hours.If you don't think that the spell was successful, don't try the spell again straight away.
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.