This spell Is from the book "the spells dictionary" enjoy.
You may need:
Hot water
You may need:
Hot water
First divide the paper into two sections on one side write all the good things about yourself. On the other side write all the bad things about yourself. Then cut along the line in the middle so you have two separate prices of paper, after this place the bad paper into the water, watch as the bad things disintegrate and crumble. Once you've done that roll up the good paper and put it in a flower, soon new love will come.
This spell actually works to increase your beauty.
You may need:
You may need:
Dip you hands in water. Take them out and put them over your face. Then chant the following X3, "I will be seen beautiful to all, so mote it be!" Remove your hands from your face.
Tear out a piece of paper that is about an inch or two in length and width. Its best to use a pen, or maker, and not a pencil. Write down the following:
Your name
Your birthday (00/00/0000 or (00/00/00)
Your wish
Current date
Chant the following:
"While many without faith may dismiss,
I promise to always believe in this wish,
and in the things I am let to learn,
so grant me this wish I soulfully yearn."
While still chanting the following, fold the paper three times and place it in the candle. Now watch the paper burn and continue to chant. Imagine the outcome. When you think the wish will come true, you can either let the paper burn out, or blow the candle out.
The spell usually works the following day, depending on the wish.
Light candle if you have one. Say 1-4 times: "Oh will power come to me I need you in my darkest hour will power come to me so mote it be!" Then channel your energy.
Using a traditional banishing spell turn yourself from human to vampire.
You may need:
Knife(or something sharp)
You may need:
Knife(or something sharp)
First get your apple and carve a picture of something that represents human(eg. Stick figure) then meditate for a few minutes and put all your human energy into the apple. After that burry the apple into the ground and over time you will slowly become a vampire. The human symbol represents the human in you and the apple represents you. As the apple decomposes it symbolises the human in you decomposing. The ground represents the vampire.
Apply the lipstick or gloss. Next kiss the paper. After that right down your crushes or a random boys or girls name. Then chant this: "She/He needs me. I need him/her, so make or lover forever. And so mote it be".
In the tittle mail me on this site if it works please?
You may need:
A curse
Candle (optional)
Help from deities
You may need:
A curse
Candle (optional)
Help from deities
Say enforce doing. Oh gods and goddesses please back up this spell. Say 10 times: I wish to be free from the curse of (name of curse) this is my will so mote it be.