3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 3304 Life Spells
- Grow Hair
- Anger Management Spell
- Black Angel Wings
- Love Spell
- Toy Alive
- Open the Third Eye
- Overnight Merman
- My before Meal Prayer
- Golden Wishing Ring
- Harleen's Flying Devil Powder
#1551 - Grow Hair
Spell to grow hair by morning!
Note: Smile while doing all of the spell! If you mess up on the chanting, just start over. You can only do this once per day. For instance, I asked for two inches and then for six. I only grew two.Steps:
1) Make sure your outside, either in or near grass. Preferably during evening.
2) Hold the lock of hair in your hands.
3) Chant: ''Mother!
I want my hair to grow!
Can you make it so?
My beautiful hair
Even nicer as I go
My hair is lovely and adoring
Make it (length you want to grow) longer by tomorrow morning!
Mote it be!''
4) Kiss the hair.
KuraiGold has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Aug 17, 2014
#1552 - Anger Management Spell
In the tittle
Say: I invoke the peace to come to me and take this anger so mote it be!
Fenrir13 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Sep 02, 2014
#1553 - Black Angel Wings
To become a fallen angel demon would make you look hideous/to you demons out there.
Say after lighting candle: "Oh fallen angel lend me thy light. Make me one of you a fallen angel. Make this me at midnight. I wish for black angel wings. I am (gender) and will stay that gender so mote it be!"
Werepyre13 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Aug 31, 2014
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#1554 - Love Spell
Would you like to strengthen a bond with a friend you love? Here is an accurate spell I came up with a while ago ~Lura
You may need:
What you need:
One rosequartz
A handful of rose petals
A glassful of rainwater
Vanilla extract
Red/white candle
Your voice
A place that will not be disturbed
Fill a glass with rain water about 3/4 of the way up. Bring it inside and place it somewhere high up in your room, and cast a protective circle around it using salt. Then place a rose quartz in the water.
Collect a handful of rose petals and set them inside of the salt circle to dry out.
Leave this alone for 5-7 days.
NOTE: Create this potion during a waxing moon for best results.
After the proper amount of time has lapsed, light a red/white candle in front of the water and chant,
''With this quartz, I do pray,
For true love on this day.''
Next, boil the rose petals in the rainwater and say,
''A rose, so quaint and pure,
With it my love be sure.''
Whilst the rose petals simmer, add three spoonfuls of vanilla extract, and three spoonfuls of sugar. You also need to pour in an extra spoonful of rainwater. After mixing all of these together, repeat this phrase three times to ensure that your love will be faithful,
''Bittersweet, love may be,
Rain or shine, stay with me.''
Pick up the quartz and kiss it three times. To activate and protect your spell, set the quartz in a box cushioned by lavender. Say,
''This spell I bind to thee,
As I will, so mote it be!''
Turn off the heat and scoop up your rose petals, then set them somewhere to dry.
When they are completely dry, you may burn them and then sprinkle their ashes over a body of water, or keep them with your quartz. If you choose to burn and sprinkle the ashes, you must recite these words while scattering,
''My heart and soul I give by this,
To the water, a floral kiss.''
You and the one this spell will affect must consume one teaspoon of the potion. This will only work if you already have some sort of friendship bond prior to drinking the draught.
CAUTION: This cannot be undone for a full moon cycle, so be wary.
To preserve the potion for a friend that might need it, place it in a safe place surrounded by mint and salt. If you have no desire to keep it for future use, bottle up the potion and wrap it in silk. Then bury it next to the rose bush from which you got the petals. This will ensure that more flowers will bloom.
LuraSanctum has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Sep 01, 2014
#1555 - Toy Alive
Makes any toy alive.
Sprinkle flower petals on whilesaying Earth water fire air ice
make my toy alive just like me.
Say 5 times hope works!
Bridget1000 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jul 30, 2014
#1556 - Open the Third Eye
Opens your third eye.
This is one you want to do on a Monday to harness the power of the moon.The day before you want to perform this spell, drop the stone into the water and leave it on your alter until you are ready. Monday night,findable quite and peaceful place. Take the crystal and hold it to your forehead, and visualize your third eye opening when you do. Picture the crystal as a magnet, pulling in energy for you. Set the stone back down and draw an eye on your forehead in the same place with the purple ink. Let the ink dry and continue your visualizing to open up your third eye. Hold the moonstone/aquamarine to the eye you drew and repeat several times:
''Open the sight,
With moonlight''
Drink the cup of water that held the crystal, and repeat the chant again. Sleep with the eye still on your forehead, and don't wash it off until you have to (ex: before school or work). The longer you keep it on the more power that is added to it. You should soon start to feel new psychic abilities start to waken.
Kali_Ma has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Aug 31, 2014
#1557 - Overnight Merman
For boys only
First draw a picture of the tail you want color, shape ex.Next put it in the bowl folded or unfolded
Next burn the picture in the bowl
And while it's burning say
''Mermen of the great blue sea, make me one of you like I wish to be so mote it be.''
Grave_digger has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Feb 25, 2014
#1558 - My before Meal Prayer
This isn't really a spell but I believe it improves the taste and it is just nice to let the gods and goddesses know you appreciate them.
Say this and focus on pouring your energy into the mean:Wicca, Wiccan that's what i am.
Earth, wind, fire, sea, and thank you for this meal in front of me.
I ask the gods and goddesses to keep me plump and healthy and well.
I'll eat this food with pleasure and keep in close touch with the earth.
Thank you, and blessed be with the power of three times three times three!
If you want you can draw a pentagram onto the back of your left hand with your right hand. You can also replace ''blessed be with mote it be''
or change it up to your liking ^.^
glitterbug has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Aug 27, 2014
#1559 - Golden Wishing Ring
I got this spell from a book. It is not mine. It will grant you ANY wish you desire.
Put on the ring. Then say: "Ring of gold, ring of old, do my bidding as your told." Then wish away.
Merlin1998 has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Mar 06, 2013
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on Aug 26, 2014
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Last edited on Sep 21, 2018
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#1560 - Harleen's Flying Devil Powder
Considered dependable and fast acting, this hoodoo formula is used for uncrossing and returning a hex to it's sender.
Grind and powder all ingredients. Burn them on lit charcoals. Repeat daily for 7 consecutive nights, for safety's sake
Harleen_Rose has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Nov 27, 2013
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Spells Of Magic
on Aug 25, 2014
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters