3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bring the Worst in Someone
- Solitary Fullmoon Esbat Ritual
- Stay Away
- Money
- Make Hair Grow
- Magic Fog
- Real Mermaid
- Hush Little Baby
- Memory Rock
- Koi's 8 Day Wish Spell
#1571 - Bring the Worst in Someone
Say: "(Name) will do something horrible ( she/he) has done me wrong, revenge is mine so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1572 - Solitary Fullmoon Esbat Ritual
Many times we find ourselves away from our Coven, Temple, Altar and home when the Moon becomes full. We think that it would be wonderful to do a little Ritual in honor of the Moon, but have no tools, candles, incense etc. The magick is within you and the power of visualization is the vehicle of transportation.
All you need is you and a view of the Full Moon. Preferably standing outside (but if its cold and raining you can gaze thru a window) make sure that you have a wonderful view of the Full Moon.
Allow the Moons rays to envelope you, take your time, and appreciate the feel of the Moonlight on your skin. If you wish, you may imagine the Moonlight completely encircling you, protecting you with loving energy. You have cast a Magick Circle.
You may wish to consider the power of the Full Moon, the tide is strongly attuned to positive manifestation and to increase and gain. What do you wish to manifest in the next month? Take your time, allow the spirit of the Moon Goddess to fill you. Feel Her Power and Presence within your mind, your spirit, and your emotions. You have Drawn Down the Moon.
When you are finished communing with the Goddess, thank her in your own words, either silently or out loud, for Blessing you with Her presence. Kiss the back of your power hand three times, and then extend your hand to the Moon as a gesture of love and gratitude.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1573 - Stay Away
Throw a pinch of black salt at your desired targets back and chant; " Manete Tolle Ex Mea Spactium!"
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1574 - Money
I wil give you a link to information on Elder Futhark Runes that will be helpful to make the charms needed for this spell it will be at the end of this message.
Take the three stones or wooden disks and paint/write/carve the Elder Futhark Runes of *Fehu* (for wealth, money, financial strength, prosperity, luck, & abundance), *Uruz* (pulls energy together, strength & power, increases business opportunity, physical health, manifestation, formation, luck & sudden changes), & *Wunjo*(harmony of forces, effortless ease, fullfilment, prosperity, binds energy fields together) these will be the charms. The symbols will be with the information in the link on runes below, and you just need the three I listed above~
Once you have your runes collected & scribed, collect one candle of *Green* (good fourtune, money, wealth, & success), *Yellow* (fast luck & money), or *White*(anything), or one of each for a total of 3 candles. Now you are ready to create your space, you can make a circle if you like, but isnt 100% needed. Just have a quiet spot to work this spell where you wont be disturbed will be fine.
Place your one candle in front of you, or line all 3 canldes in front of you. Line the 3 rune charms in front of the candle(s) in front of you. You can now start the allspice insence for added money & luck, and will increase the spells potential but sence its optional you dont need this step. Now Light the candle(s) and meditate a few moments on exactly what you want and the outcome happening successfully. Then chant:
"Money Come,
Poverty Go,
Make Funds Abundant,
Let the Wealth Flow,
Mighty Runes Help Focus Thee,
To Bring Me the Fullfillment of
Luck & Prosperity"
Let the candle(s) burn completly out behind the runic charms before touching them so they have the chance to pull all the candles energy. Once candles are completly extinguished, you can place the runes in a safe place or carry them on your person. If you made a circle to preform this spell you will need to close the circle uppon completion of the steps, you can even close the circle before the candles go out if your candles burn for a long time, I would use small candles that burn in less time to make the ritual less time consuming.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1575 - Make Hair Grow
Hold the part of your body you want hair to grow and chant this: "This hair of mine is awful short make it --- inches long in the time period of one night". Now imagine how you want your hair to look like within the night. The more you brush your hair the quicker it will grow
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1576 - Magic Fog
You must focus on what the spell will do then say this (at least 3 times but you can say it as many times as you like) " from water to air and air to ground the forces lost will now be found I see standing there that is my wish so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1577 - Real Mermaid
Try saying this on a full moon or new moon or first quarter and carry aquamarine and moonstone with at all times until the spell is complete and have my tail and powers. Best would be saying the spell every full moon or what ever moon you chose to do the spell on.
"By the power of three times three make me what I wish to be, A MERMAID. With the power of hydrokinesis . Witches one, witches all, witches from North to South, East and West hear my wish. When I transform into a mermaid I will have a tail the color of teal. A long with this I shall have a bra that matches my tail. Gods and Goddess please hear my prayer. I will turn into a mermaid when I say "Flicker" three times and I will turn back into a human when I say " water" three times. When I am in the water, I will swim three times as fast. Also , I'll be able to hold my breath for at least a half hour in order to explore the depths of the water. Please Gods, Goddess,and Witches let this be me . so Mote This Be!"
Last edited on Apr 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1578 - Hush Little Baby
Simply chant:
"Little child crying so much
Please calm down, do not fuss.
I am here, don't you worry
May your crying stop in a hurry"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1579 - Memory Rock
Spray perfume or lavender on rock, chant ten times holding rock.
''With the touch of my hand,
show me my lost memories,
so mote it be.''
May use this to remember dreams. When wake up, touch rock. May take awhile to take affect.
For better results, charge the spell with your energy;
#1580 - Koi's 8 Day Wish Spell
` Wishing well, can you tell?
Guide my soul, my wish be told,
Make my wish come true.
So mote it be.`
Each night for 8 nights, tape or hold up the paper to a window (on the inside) and expose it to moonlight for 30 minutes. Keep it there for a hour if it's cloudy.
Do this again each night. If you forget a day, when you go to expose your paper to the moonlight, keep it there twice as long. (2 hours for cloudiness and 1 hour for not cloudy)
Note: This is one of my more difficult spells, you MUST either go all 8 days and night or make missed days up or IT WILL NOT WORK!