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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. First Date Confidence Charm
  2. A Wish Spell to Manifest a Musical Theatre Casting
  3. Felselvo Potion
  4. Pay a Bill Spell
  5. Restore Blocked Memories
  6. Dark Angel
  7. asistance spell
  8. Summoning para (A Finnish wealth spirit)
  9. Wish Granting spell!!!
  10. Disguise of Aphrodite

#151 - First Date Confidence Charm

How many times have you been asked out on a date? If the answer is not very many, which is probably the case as Wiccans are known to be solitary people, then you probably get nervous during those first dates that you go on, which can cause problems for getting a second date. First date jitters can cause you to stutter over the simplest words, be unable to perform the simplest tasks properly. And make you knock things over. If you are one of those people who literally freeze up in a nerve wracking situation, the awkward silences can be what get you. That is where a confidence charm comes into play. However, any confidence charm could cause issues, as some may cause you to talk too much, to boast a lot, or to become obnoxious almost. So you need one that is geared towards a first date. That is where this charm comes into play. You don't need anything special, as this is just a simple charm. However, if you feel you need a little boost, you can smell some crushed borage to give you a confidence boost on top of the charm. Only for a short second though, because too much will become overbearing. This charm is not permanent, so you want to do it, just before your date, and if the date goes on for more than an hour, then you may want to reapply so to speak. If you are not ready to let your date in on your Wiccan secret, excuse yourself to the restroom, and you can do it in the mirror there.
You may need:

  • What you need:
  • Yourself
  • A mirror
  • A pinch of crushed borage (optional)
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    You may need:

  • What you need:
  • Yourself
  • A mirror
  • A pinch of crushed borage (optional)
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    Just before your date, go into your bathroom, or any room with a mirror. If
    you have your borage, take three good whiffs of it now. Then look yourself
    in the eye in the mirror and say:
    " I call upon your forces three.
    Let me see the worth of me.
    Confidence is what I seek.
    I am strong, I am not meek."
    Say this three times in the mirror, and then go enjoy your date. If you feel
    yourself start to loose confidence, say the charm again in a mirror, doesn't
    matter if it is a big mirror or pocket sized mirror. You may want to practice
    this a few times before your date as well, that way you are sure that it will
    work well, and that you got it right.

    Added to on May 12, 2021
    Last edited on May 13, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #152 - A Wish Spell to Manifest a Musical Theatre Casting

    This is a spell that I came up with to help me in the future with auditions. Remember that with every spell comes intention and action. Don't expect spells to work if you don't act on them. Put your intuition into everything. And most of all, do your research. This spell will work for plays, band auditions, etc. Feel free to change up the wordings to how you see fit. Blessed be.
    You may need:

  • 9 Bay Leaves
  • 9 pieces of sandalwood, preferably big pieces
  • Peppermint, Sage, and Willow
  • Two candles: One purple, the other candle is a color that represents the musical you are wanting to audition for, or the character
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • Incense. Any will do, but preferably Sandalwood, for wishes, or Dragon's Blood, to increase the spell?s potency.
  • Optional - Any crystal that your intuition is drawn to for this spell. I am drawn to clear quartz and rose quartz. This is optional.
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    You may need:

  • 9 Bay Leaves
  • 9 pieces of sandalwood, preferably big pieces
  • Peppermint, Sage, and Willow
  • Two candles: One purple, the other candle is a color that represents the musical you are wanting to audition for, or the character
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • Incense. Any will do, but preferably Sandalwood, for wishes, or Dragon's Blood, to increase the spell?s potency.
  • Optional - Any crystal that your intuition is drawn to for this spell. I am drawn to clear quartz and rose quartz. This is optional.
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    • Cleanse everything with your incense, if you can, cast a circle if you choose, and call on any deities or divine beings to aid you in this spell.

    • Fill the bowl with salt. I suggest getting a wide bowl.

    • Next, inscribe your purple candle with the following words:
      You may choose one of these words, or all of them.

    • Now, inscribe your color of choosing with the following things:
      Your full name
      The musical / character you want to audition for, or Are auditioning for

    • Place these candles into the salt bowl, or on both sides of the bowl, if you feel more comfortable doing so. You may also dress the candles with the herbs I suggested by using peppermint essential oil to help the herbs stick.

    • Now, write an affirmation on all 9 bay leaves that correspond to what you want/are auditioning for.

    • Affirmations are statements that are said in a way that have already happened, so things like

    • “I am”

    • “I have”

    • “I will” are all good ways to start affirmations. Do not have anything with “I can’t” “I won’t” “I don’t”. It will most likely not work. The affirmations I recommend are “I have been casted as (character name) from (musical name)” or “I am perfect for the role (character name) from (musical name)”.

    • Do the same with the pieces of sandalwood. If you have smaller pieces like I do, skip this step.

    • Place the 9 bay leaves into the salt in a circle. Place them going clockwise, to attract your manifestation to you.

    • Do the same for the sandalwood pieces, along with the rest of the herbs.

    • Feel free to come up with any chants, incantations, etc. for this spell, but it’s not needed.

    • Light both candles. Make sure you keep your intention in mind. Visualize the energy of how you feel once you have been casted.

    • Let the candles burn down on its own. If you must put out the fire for hazardous reasons, for example, you go to sleep, make sure you try to snuff out the candles, so the spell is “”paused””, then you can re-light them once you are ready. Do not reuse these candles or herbs for other things.

    Added to on May 01, 2021
    Last edited on May 02, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #153 - Felselvo Potion

    I made this newer potion spell over a really cringe and just wrong one I posted in 2017. So the comments might not make sense. Since you can't delete spells off SOM, here's a new one. Helps you feel good about yourself and makes you feel confident.
    You may need:

  • your fav juice
  • water(to dilute if needed)
  • rose quartz
  • a bottle
  • /OR/
  • the juice of..
  • 3 oranges
  • 5 strawberries
  • sugar
  • rose quartz
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    You may need:

  • your fav juice
  • water(to dilute if needed)
  • rose quartz
  • a bottle
  • /OR/
  • the juice of..
  • 3 oranges
  • 5 strawberries
  • sugar
  • rose quartz
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    Before doing this, get into a relaxed state of mind. Get your juice and get a bottle. If your rose quartz is small enough, place it in the glass. Keep it near you if it isn't. Pour the juice over the crystal. Start to visualize yourself feeling love and confidence, you can be as specific as you'd like. Direct this energy, towards the drink. Make sure you visualize this energy flowing through it. Mix it clockwise, thinking about your intent.


    Squeeze 3 oranges and 5 strawberries. Try to make it with it's juices only, no puree of any kind. Once you feel you did it right, add the sugar to sweeten. Add water if you feel it's needed. Place the rose quartz in the bottle, then pour the juice over it. Start to visualize yourself feeling love and confidence, you can be as specific as you'd like. Direct this energy, towards the drink. Make sure you visualize this energy flowing through it. Mix it clockwise, thinking about your intent.

    Then when you feel you are finished, take the crystal out and drink the potion. Feel the energy you poured into the potion as it passes your throat and into your belly. The effects should kick in very soon. :)

    Added to on Apr 23, 2021
    Last edited on May 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #154 - Pay a Bill Spell

    This spell is intended for use when you have a specific bill or debt to be paid, rather than just general prosperity.
    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Patchouli or cinnamon oil
  • Incense to match the oil
  • A piece of paper
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Patchouli or cinnamon oil
  • Incense to match the oil
  • A piece of paper
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    Use a pen or a pencil to draw a representation of the bill on the paper. Words and logos, along with the dollar figures. You will be burning the paper, so don't use the real bill. A photocopy may be more accurate, but will lack your personal energy so make your own drawing.

    Anoint the candle with your chosen oil, and place the folded paper under the candleholder. Light the candle and the incense. Watch the flames and say:

    The candle burns.
    And lights the way.
    For money coming.
    This bill will pay.

    Concentrate on this specific bill and why it's important to be paid off. Let the candle burn for about 15 minutes, then snuff it out. Every day, let the candle burn for another 15 minutes for a total of 7 days (make sure the candle is large enough). On the last day, remove the paper and light it in the flame to burn completely. Let the candle keep burning at this point until it goes out naturally.

    To honor the spell, any unexpected money that comes in must be put towards this bill. If you don't, you'll find you'll just end up losing the money.

    Added to on Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited on May 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #155 - Restore Blocked Memories

    A meditation spell that will help restore blocked or lost memories.
    You may need:

  • A quiet place where you will be uninterrupted
  • An image of any kind that you may have any sort of connection with, or that may seem familiar (ex. an image from your childhood)
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    You may need:

  • A quiet place where you will be uninterrupted
  • An image of any kind that you may have any sort of connection with, or that may seem familiar (ex. an image from your childhood)
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    Look at the image for a few minutes. Study it's every detail (the surroundings of the image, the people in it, etc.) until you can keep a clear picture of it in your head. Close your eyes and meditate for around 3 minutes while focusing on that picture in your mind. Keep the intention of bringing forth blocked and/or lost memories clear in you mind. Visualize and feel your energy rising and falling within you for each breath, and then visualize your energy coming up to your head, and surrounding the image, absorbing any feeling the image may bring forth, or any connection you may have with it, or any familiarity it has. Then visualize the energy diving down deep into your mana core, breaking through any sort of memory or energy barriers, and then bring the energy back up and visualize it flooding your mind space. Keep the intention clear in your mind of it bringing forth any sort of memories. Hold it for about 10 seconds, then let the energy dissipate. It may not take effect immediately, but it should conjure up any sort of memory eventually. This may mean it could come to you at any time.

    Added to on Apr 09, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #156 - Dark Angel

    Become a Dark Angel.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just chant 3X Day/ Or nighttime;

    ​​​​​​'Night black, no turning back. Make me Dark Angel.

    so be it.'

    Added to on Apr 05, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #157 - asistance spell

    Not sure if this is already on here. I looked but couldn't find anything the same as this. But this is just supposed to help guide or a hint.
    You may need:

  • your voice
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    You may need:

  • your voice
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    Divine mother.

    Mother Divine.

    Show me the way.

    Give me a sign.

    Added to on Mar 25, 2021
    Last edited on Jul 23, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #158 - Summoning para (A Finnish wealth spirit)

    Para (bjära in Swedish) is a familiar spirit in Scandinavian pagan tradition. Para is associated with bringing wealth to its host. Para is a stealer spirit, that steals wealth to its host from neighbors. In medieval times this commonly meant stealing crops, eggs and milk etc. In modern times para would steal the energies, health and money of others to you from your neighborhood. When para is created, the host becomes part of the para, and para becomes part of the host. If something were to happen to para, the host would suffer accordingly. "When the maid kicked the para, the host's leg broke" (Iisalmi, Finland). "When the maid struck the para, the host came home in bruises" (Uusikirkko, Finland). "If the para is killed, its host will die." (Suistamo, Finland) "When the maid threw boiling water on para's back, the host was brought home painfully" (Vuonninen, Finland). "The host's leg broke when the maid struck across the leg of para; if the para had lost his life, the host would have died (Veteli, Finland)." Para is usually in a form of a cat, a frog or a bird in Finnish tradition. In Swedish tradition para manifests in a from of a sphere and is not associated with an animal.
    You may need:

  • A children's hat
  • Multicolored sticks
  • A consecrated eucharist wafer
  • A women's headcloth
  • Thread
  • Spindles
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    You may need:

  • A children's hat
  • Multicolored sticks
  • A consecrated eucharist wafer
  • A women's headcloth
  • Thread
  • Spindles
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    1. Form the head of para from a children's hat by filling it with multicolored sticks

    2. Put one consecrated eucharist wafer inside the head to give para a spirit (traditionally stolen from the church during communion)

    3. Make the body from women's headcloth and fill it with threads.

    4. Knit the body and head together.

    5. Make the legs from three spindles by sticking them to the body pointing in opposite directions.

    6. Take the para in an early Sunday morning to your local church (preferably Catholic of Lutheran) and run with it nine times around the church shouting: "The para is born".

    7. Soon after the para is born and will jump on three legs.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2021
    Last edited on Mar 24, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #159 - Wish Granting spell!!!

    This spell incantation helps your wishes come to fruition. I highly recommend ya'll start out with one wish or else you'll confuse the spell and yourselves as well. This spell isn't truly mine it's from my two well known sorcerers magnolia and ash, so you can thank them.
    You may need:

  • Just thy voice.
  • Your minds eye and the abilities to visualize.
  • And believing is the key towards everything and all.
  • And believe you've already received your wishes how does your heart feel visualize yourself in a world where your wishes have already come to fruition for nothing's impossible!
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    You may need:

  • Just thy voice.
  • Your minds eye and the abilities to visualize.
  • And believing is the key towards everything and all.
  • And believe you've already received your wishes how does your heart feel visualize yourself in a world where your wishes have already come to fruition for nothing's impossible!
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    See the powers of my magic, grant this wish I hold up to you. It's the wish that shall circle the realms and return fulfilled, (say your wish three times). I’ll hold you to this wish that it be granted!

    Added to on Mar 14, 2021
    Last edited on Mar 29, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #160 - Disguise of Aphrodite

    Based on an ancient Greek ritual, after completing the spell you will be able to change your appearence. However, it is not instantaneous and will require time.
    You may need:

  • Sweet blossoms, fire, a handheld mirror, running water, and a single tear. You will also need belief in magic, along with a positive energy source to fuel the spell.
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    You may need:

  • Sweet blossoms, fire, a handheld mirror, running water, and a single tear. You will also need belief in magic, along with a positive energy source to fuel the spell.
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    Disclaimer:This spell can't change your gender. However, it can give you a more masculine or feminine appearance. To begin the spell, go to the closest running water source from where you live during the full moon and start a fire. Stare Into the mirror,; ,and say, "Aphrodite, I be not who I wish to be. I wish to shed this thing I so hate. May it be for love, may it be for hate, may it at times be a blessing, at others, a burden, a curse, I wish to be the one I imagine, the one I shape, the one of which I be true, (Starts whispering) I leave you this offering, may what I hope come to pass, for this is what I want with all of my heart....." Let the tear fall from the vial and into the fire. Put it out. Then, scatter the blossoms to the wind. Imagine what you wish to be like. Results in 2 to 3 weeks. Afterwards, all you have to do is look into the mirror and imagine what you to look like. Again, results in 2-3 weeks.

    Added to on Feb 14, 2021
    Last edited on Mar 16, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters