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3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3304 Life Spells
3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3304 Life Spells
  1. Get $1,000,000 Every Year
  2. Graceful
  3. Make a Spell Successful
  4. Make a Seeing Pool
  5. A Wish
  6. Luck of Nature
  7. A Spell To Bring Forth Money
  8. Become a Witch spell
  9. Animal Transformation
  10. Have a Baby

#1601 - Get $1,000,000 Every Year

If you save all of your money for a year and ever year you will get $1,000,000.
You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "I want money but I am broke
    I want to be (ex: famous, rich)
    This is my wish
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 12, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1602 - Graceful

    This spell will make you dance as graceful as swaying grass.
    You may need:

  • A dress or skirt
  • A necklace
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    You may need:

  • A dress or skirt
  • A necklace
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    Put on the dress or skirt. Make sure if you are wearing a skirt, you are also wearing a pretty shirt and the skirt sways. Go to the open area room or outdoors. Hold your necklace in your hand while reciting this:

    "I wish to be a graceful dancer. I wish to dance like the grass in the wind. I cant stumble or fall, or trip or mess up"

    Then put the necklace on and don't take it off till tomorrow. Tomorrow, go to the open space area again and try and dance. As long as you wear the necklace, you will be graceful

    Added to on Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1603 - Make a Spell Successful

    This is some general information about making a spell work.
    You may need:

  • Quartz crystal other things of your own that you think may work feel free to do so.
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    You may need:

  • Quartz crystal other things of your own that you think may work feel free to do so.
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    So first why spells may not be working usually has to do with the way you feel act or understand what you are doing. Okay so number1. Spells do not work if you have a bad understanding of why or what you are doing when you do a spell you have to know what know what the ingredients mean not just take some ones word for it or can can change some thing to fit the way you feel for example to the person who wrote the spell red could mean to them healing and life but blue would mean that to you another thing is strong negativity. a little negativity is perfectly normal nothing to worry about so don't stress your self bye trying to stop that little voice in your head that is saying no it is super normal.

    The way you can clear your aura and get that strong negativity out -for some people unless you of course have no belief in wicca at all. Tie a string or what ever around the quartz crystal then tie the string around your head so the quartz crystal is in the center of your for head. Then just imagine the color of the negativity and bad energy all going from your head in to the Crystal.after you're done wash the Crystal is salt water. The other reason why spells don't work is because it has to mean some thing to you or it mens nothing.

    So when you read someone's spell maybe at your own things to it that make sense to you to make it your own. You can not! Have that okay i will do this and lets see what happens attitude what your doing has to mean some thing to you in your head and hart.

    Added to on Jul 09, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1604 - Make a Seeing Pool

    This will make water into a seeing pool.
    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Wand
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    You have to fill up the bowl than go outside on a sunny day with your wand. Spin your wand in the water and say...

    "Gods of water,
    Make me see
    The power of the
    Seeing pool.
    So mote it be!"

    Repeat 10X

    If the reflection is

    • Green something bad will happen,
    • Purple your next car ride will be bumpy,
    • Blue it will rain,
    • Yellow your next spell might work

    Added to on Jul 08, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1605 - A Wish

    A spell that gives you 1 wish when you do it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit where you can see the moon. Breathe in and out slowly. Now clear your mind of any negative thoughts and say "Hestía give me one wish. This wish I would only use for good. Please help me give this wish please."

    Added to on Jul 07, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1606 - Luck of Nature

    This spell will give you good luck for up to a week.
    You may need:

  • A flower with many petals (daisy, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • A flower with many petals (daisy, etc.)
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    In an open place, hold the flower in your hand. Breath in and out deeply, making yourself calm. Take one petal off and then begin to take each petal off one at a time. While doing this, chant:

    "Great gods above hear my wish
    Bring good fortune to me as a witch
    Show me luck from every way
    A charm settling over seven days
    Accept my offering to thy great power
    For the earths spirit to devour
    Bring me luck
    Bring me luck
    Bring me luck
    I now invoke the rule of three, this is my will so mote it be."

    This spell should work for a whole week and bring you good luck.

    Added to on Jul 06, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1607 - A Spell To Bring Forth Money

    This spell gives you money, while warding off bad luck. So basically, a two in one spell.
    You may need:

  • A Drop of honey
  • An eyelash of yours
  • your blood (very little)
  • Coin
  • Paper, pen
  • Water (Rain Water recommended)
  • Thread (any, but white or black is better)
  • Lavender spray (or leaves)
  • Green candle(s)
  • Blue Candle(s)
  • A Variety of Candles
  • Leaves (optional)
  • Two jars/Cups
  • A lid, or something to use as a lid
  • Inside, alone
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    You may need:

  • A Drop of honey
  • An eyelash of yours
  • your blood (very little)
  • Coin
  • Paper, pen
  • Water (Rain Water recommended)
  • Thread (any, but white or black is better)
  • Lavender spray (or leaves)
  • Green candle(s)
  • Blue Candle(s)
  • A Variety of Candles
  • Leaves (optional)
  • Two jars/Cups
  • A lid, or something to use as a lid
  • Inside, alone
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    Meditate for about ten minutes. This is optional, but recommended.
    Now, sit on the ground (inside). Place two jars or cups in front of you. Put the blue and green candle(s) in the middle of the jars, and either place the other candles behind the jars or circle it.

    Place the following in the first jar to the left, in this order;

    -Add rain water (or water) letting it cover the bottom of the cup or jar.
    -Add a drop of honey
    -add one eyelash of yours
    -Drop the coin (If you have a quarter, that one is better.)
    -Drop the leaves (optional)
    -Now, on a small paper (About the size of one inch both width and length) write the words ''Bring me Money'' and on the other side, write how much money you want (optional). Try to keep it small. Do not put one million dollars or something really big or it will not work. The amount of money also depends on your age, and if you have a job. If you are a kid or teen with no job, out something that your mom or dad would give you (say, 20 dollars or 100 dollars) for going to the mall, etc.
    -Add a drop of your blood on the paper
    -Drop the paper in the jar.
    Put your mouth to the jar but DO NOT CONSUME, and chant 3 times;

    ''Money, Money, Come to me,
    Bring me what I want to see,
    Goodness for all,
    this is my will,
    so mote it be.''

    Now, place the jar back down, and put a lid on it. If you do not have a lid, place plastic wrap or tin foil over it, and seal it by a pony tail holder or rubber band or string.

    Now, fill the second jar to the right with rain water (or water) enough to cover the bottom.
    Drop lavender leaves, or spray lavender spray three times.
    Take a small paper (1 inch width x length) and draw the Gibu Auja Symbol in blood. If you don't know what that symbol looks like, heres a link. And if the link doesn't show, google it.
    Now, drop the paper in the jar and put your mouth to the jar but DO NOT CONSUME and chant three times;
    Come to me,
    This is my will,
    So mote it be''
    Place jar back down. If you don't have a lid, use tin foil or plastic wrap.
    Now, focus on your energy, the candle's flame and the two jar/cups in front of you. Imagine the outcome, (this could be you getting your pay check at work, getting a raise, or your mom or dad giving you money)
    Then, blow the candles out.

    Place the jars in a dark, concealed place. (closet, cabinet, under your bed, etc.)

    After you get your money, or if you start to get bad luck or any negative consequences, rinse the jar out immediately, and dispose of the paper.

    This spell was newly made, and for best results, perform a enhancer spell, or ''how to make a spell'' spell. Here is the link

    Even though the spell is titled ''how to make a spell'' it can also be used to enhance another spell.

    If the link doesn't show, or if you have questions, or if the spell worked or didn't work, please mail me. I would love to hear everyone's results :)

    Good luck, -ToxxicWishes.

    Added to on Jul 05, 2014
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1608 - Become a Witch spell

    I am not sure if this spell works and please email me if the spell works or not and thanks for reading my spell and Good Luck to you.
    You may need:

  • Night time(9:00 and after)
  • Be alone(like your room)
  • A symbol like a special necklace, ring, bracelet, or anklet, etc. something that has a meaning to you
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    You may need:

  • Night time(9:00 and after)
  • Be alone(like your room)
  • A symbol like a special necklace, ring, bracelet, or anklet, etc. something that has a meaning to you
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    Say this 3 times:

    Dear Witches,
    Please listen to my plea. I wish to become a witch with the power to fly as far and as high as my hearts desire, enchanting beauty, inhuman strength that can carry anything, the power to make infinite wishes to anyone I desire and the power to control and summon the elements of (element of your choice)and(element of your choice). Please listen to my
    plea and make me like you! I WISH TO BE A WITCH! I thank you and bless all witches. SO MOTE IT BE!!

    When you finish saying the spell put on the jewelry and lye down and close your eyes and make sure it is quiet and imagine yourself at night flying around in the presence of the full moon in a dress of your favorite color waving in the wind(if your a guy a suit with a cape waving.) and you using your powers

    Side Effects:
    *Dreams of being a witch and you using your powers
    *Really bad headaches
    *Coughing a lot
    *Feeling sick/stomachaches
    *Power surges(elements you chose will start going everywhere

    Powers and Characteristics you gain in spell:
    *Flight-You will be able to fly anywhere and everywhere as fast as you want and as high as you want even a few cm.
    *Wishing-You can grant wishes to anyone you want including yourself
    *Beauty-You'll be more beautiful than any human on earth
    *Strength-You'll have inhumane strength

    *The spell will come true in 3 days
    *when it says summon, I mean it comes out of your hands like having Elsa's ice powers
    *Make sure that you really believe and you can't lie to yourself
    *Animals will like you more
    *You can make a wand by wishing up one

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1609 - Animal Transformation

    I cannot guarantee this will work. It is different for everyone. Use this to turn into a Wolf, Cat, or Hawk.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Charcoal
  • A feather, dog fur, or cat fur
  • Matches
  • String
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Charcoal
  • A feather, dog fur, or cat fur
  • Matches
  • String
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    Go into a quiet area. You will need to meditate and clear your mind before casting. If you cannot meditate because of interruptions or disruptions, try reading or napping for an hour or so.

    Now I would recommend to move outside to a non-flammable area. Sit down and draw a detailed pentagram on the paper using the charcoal. Fold it horizontally. Draw the eyes of the animal you want to become as detailed as possible.

    Unlike my Dragon Transformation Spell, you do not need to draw any blood to begin. Instead, take your string and tie the feather, dog fur, or cat fur in between the eyes.

    Take a match and light it. Stare into the flames and watch as they slowly move down the match while imagining the creature you wish to be. (Cat, wolf, or hawk) Recite: "Dear creature I wish to be, come to me and hear my plea. I wish to be just like you, so let my fantasies come true." Then with the remaining flame, burn the paper along with the feather or fur.

    Take the ashes and wait for a breeze. Once one comes, toss the ashes into the air, letting the wind take them away. After the first casting, recite this each night before sleep: "I wish to be just like you, so let my fantasies come true."

    The transformation should begin over the course of seven days. If not, give it a month's time. During that time, you must stay away from any humans until the transformation is fully completed. You will know when this is when you begin having amnesia about humans and what they do.

    Added to on Jul 03, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1610 - Have a Baby

    Its for all ages but just think before you do it. You will need to do a another spell to keep your baby safe from harm till 5 years old.
    You may need:

  • A ring or any other jewelry.
  • Cup of warm water.
  • A photo of a baby.
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    You may need:

  • A ring or any other jewelry.
  • Cup of warm water.
  • A photo of a baby.
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    First get the ring or jewelry and place it in a empty cup. Then put the tap on. It should not be fast it should be slow. Don't put the cup under till its hot. When its hot put the cup under the tap. Every second means a day every minute means a month. When you what it to stop just turn of the tap. Now then think of the baby you want then chant

    "I wish for a baby his/her name to be ------- to have------ hair with ----- eyes and ------ skin. My baby will be small/big she/he will be so cute I will love him/her forever mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 03, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters