3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Revenge Break up
- Good Luck
- Flower Fairy Spell
- Grass Touch
- Fire Love
- Crows Curse
- Get Anything you Want
- Slow Down Time
- To Get an Answer
- Voice of Pain
#1661 - Revenge Break up
At midnight light the candle and take a pin and prick the candle many times over, thinking of the couple you wish to break up then say these words but keep pricking the candle.
"As I prick this candle, I prick at thee
Broken hearts unhappy
May you part another day
Soon to go your separate ways"
Extinguish the candle and then break it in half symbolizing and visualizing the splitting of the couple. Dispose of the two halves in separate areas once again visualizing them being completely apart from each other.
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1662 - Good Luck
Light the candle that represents you and say: "This is me, me in all things" Light the black candle and say: "This is all the bad luck that has dragged my footsteps. Trouble, disappointments and tears are here. This bad luck now leaves me forever" Light the gray candle and say: "All that was bad is neutralized. All my bad luck is dissolved" Light the orange candle and say: "This is the energy coming my way, to get my life moving and speed up the change"
Sit quietly and visualize the negative energy going into the gray candle and dissolve into nothing. Then visualize the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck towards you, watch the air stirring around you with possibilities and opportunities. Let the candles burn down.
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1663 - Flower Fairy Spell
Say this:
Make this fairy doll a fairy
With pixie dust made of sugar and spice
She can flap her wings
She can talk to me.
She is a flower fairy
So mote it be.
#1664 - Grass Touch
SIDE EFFECTS: Doesn't always work
plant may stay with finger
hard to stop
#1665 - Fire Love
Write your name and your crushes name with a heart around them. Burn the paper while whispering "love me"
Last edited on Jun 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1666 - Crows Curse
Go outside in full moon and say this 2x: "Watch out for the crow the one that strikes the one that screams its war cry" as you imagine the person you wish to curse.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1667 - Get Anything you Want
First you want to go up to the mirror and say: "Please god make my wish come true so mote it be". After that look in to the mirror and close your eyes and think that your wish has come true and say "I wish that I would ......... So mote it be." Then go to bed.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1668 - Slow Down Time
Draw a Pentacle on your right hand with a blue pen. Visualize a sand clock as you draw with the sands falling slower, say:
"Core go round. Power be bound. Interrupt nature's course. Time slow down".
The spell will last for 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or washed, so don't try to get sweaty hands.
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1669 - To Get an Answer
Firstly, find a quiet room or your room, somewhere you will not be disturbed. You can do this spell while meditating or before you go to sleep. Draw a pentagram in the middle of the piece of paper whit an eye to represent the third eye.(The eye in the middle of the pentagrame)
Write on the top "Dear God and Goddess," And "I seek the truth. I draw the tird eye to see clearer" Under the pentagram.*While you write it down think of the question that you want answered and believe the words.*
Meditating: Hold the pen/pencil in one hand close to the paper. Get into a deep meditation and look whit your third eye.Write down anything that you see that could mean anything with your question.
Dreaming: If you have an amethyst, put it under your pillow with the paper. Once you wake up from your dream, writedown your dream in your dream journal (or anything like that) so you dont forget it.
It might not come while meditating or dreaming. If so, look around you. You will see something that will give you your answer.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1670 - Voice of Pain
Choose your song. Write the chorus lyrics on the photo (you will need them). Before you sing, chant these words:
"You've done me wrong,
It wasn't right.
Listen to my song tonight.
I'm merely singing you to sleep,
To suffer pain you've given me.
It's time for you to hear me sing,
I'll hear your screams,
They'll set me free."
Keep in mind, you don't have to sing the song around the physical person, that's what the photo is for. The best way to do this spell is at the cover of night in your own room, but if you're not home, just sing wherever you may be.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.