Place all the ingredients into your container then seal the contents inside with the lid glued tight. Wrap the string around and tie it in a bow and shake it
Then chant ''money come to me money come to me'' about 30 times or so. then place it somewhere safe until next time
This is a spell that will help aid you in making 3 of your deepest wishes come true
You may need:
1 White pillar candle
1 pencil or candle carving set
1 yard of white ribbon or yarn (shoe laces work too. just cut the tips off)
1 lighter
3 Mirrors
You may need:
1 White pillar candle
1 pencil or candle carving set
1 yard of white ribbon or yarn (shoe laces work too. just cut the tips off)
1 lighter
3 Mirrors
Place your 3 mirrors in the ground with 3 ft apart from each so that they form a triangle. Take your candle and carve a summoning penticle at the top, bottom and one another side of the candle saying "Isis goddess of the moon. Bless this beacon of light so that it may shine deep into the heavens as a symbol of my need"
Then light your candle and place it in the centre of the mirrors. Now take your string (you can cut it in 3 even strands if you want for each individual wish) Then perform a knot spell. When you are finished thank Isis for her assistance and wrap the string around the candle. Each night light the candle until your wish comes true.
This spell will return any emotional pain whether it be sadness, heartbreak, loneliness etc back to the person that caused your pain. It can't backfire as you are only doing what they've done to you. It only lasts a day.
You may need:
1 Black candle
Picture of the person
You may need:
1 Black candle
Picture of the person
Write the persons name of their picture and light the candle, hold the picture over the flame and chant,
"From now until it is now again
That is when this spell shall end
What was done to me
Shall now be done to you
Feel my pain
Magnified by three
As I will it
So it shall be"
Blow out the candle and scatter the ashes outside.
This spell is to be used with. "Spell of connection and focus". This spell will enable to to read anyone's mind using only your mind, and visualization skills.
You may need:
You may need:
Enter focus, connect with the flow using meditation. Now, visualize the person who you wish to read. Once you do that, close your eyes. Now, see yourself. Keep the image of the person in your mind also.
Now, imagine you walking in that persons mind, all the memories, everything. You walk as if you are physically in that persons mind. Now, seek the path. Find the memory you want to read, it doesn't matter what it is if you want a random read to prove yourself. If you want a particular memory/thought read then focus on that.
Once you find it, it will immediately be available to you. Now, the next stage is to reverse what you have done. Leave that persons mind. Imagine you leaving through a door, and close it behind you. Find yourself, and imagine you opening a door on your head, enter it, then close it.
When you open your eyes, you will have what you have gathered in your head. This will take practice, but it is much faster than it sounds. Instant in fact.
This spell will enable you to connect to the flow, also known as the source.
You may need:
You may need:
Find a place where you can meditate with ease. It can be anywhere. Close your eyes, with your legs crossed, or sat upright where you feel comfortable. Imagine yourself, see yourself. Now think of who you are, what you do, the good, and the bad. Focus on them, and notice them. Notice how everything you do changes the universe, and this world.
Now, here is the hard part for most to accept. Imagine the perfect world, where everything is working as one. Remember what you noticed about the good, and bad you add to the universe, and this world. Then, accept that only you can change the world, and seek knowledge, or choose to live in ignorance.
Open your eyes. You should feel focused, as if you are seeing life in a new light. You can truly see. If this is done correctly, connect to the flow using this, and then ask anything you want to know about. The answers will be given to you by the universe.
Note: The answers can be words, pictures, or anything that your mind will understand. This will take practice, but over time. It will enable you to work better with other magic, and make you wise. You will also find some memories come to you.
Let's you change how you look can give you a talent and can give you a better personality such as not such a big temper or something like that.
You may need:
3 rose petals
2 pebbles one larger than the other
Warm bath
Drawstring bag
You may need:
3 rose petals
2 pebbles one larger than the other
Warm bath
Drawstring bag
Fill the bath with warm-hot water and relax for a few minutes. Place the three rose petals stacked on top of each other in the middle of your stomach. Place the bigger Pebble on the right side of the petals and the other pebble on the left side. The big pebble represents personality the petals represent beauty and the smaller pebble is talent. Wish upon the items from right to left. When you are done put the items in the draw string bag and carry them around until the wishes come true or until the petals wither.
With the paper draw a picture of a fairy that you want to be. Meditate or visualize yourself as this fairy while believing that it will work. In your mind say that you wish to be this fairy.