3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- spell to be emotionless
- Easy Luck Charm
- Get your wish
- Dragon confidence
- Summon Ultimate power
- Bring love into your life
- Neural link (Psychic) (Tested)
- Forget Spell
- love spell
- How to summon create & summon super shenron.
#161 - spell to be emotionless
Go in a quiet place and say please make me emotionless you should feel scared so say believe your emotionless.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#162 - Easy Luck Charm
You can do this the day before, or in the evening, But remember, this must not be performed at night- This is my first spell, so please tell me if it worked!
Okay, so go inside your room, light the 2 candles and place them in a line North to south, If only 1 candle is there, Place it in the Right side of you. After that, IF You have salt, make a circle with it, inside which you will be sitting Now Create a PSI Ball (Energy ball) And place your object Either in between the candle line or Right next to the candle for the 1 candle And Chant-
"Gods and Godesses Please Hear My Plea,
Lady Luck, May you shine upon Me-
Today/tomorrow Is The day for me,
So Mote It Be"
And the spell is done!
#163 - Get your wish
Step 1: Identify Your Wish
According to research by Gabriele Oettingen, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at New York University and author of “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation,” our wishes emerge from our innermost needs. As she notes in her book, “it might be a deep-seated wish that has been lying dormant or has been pushed aside in [your] consciousness.”
How to do it: To identify your most heartfelt wish, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and tune inward. Ask yourself what will make you happy and what will bring you joy? Look to any area of your life, from work to your health. Whether it’s changing careers or building more connected relationships, your wish should be both deeply meaningful and one that you can fulfill.
Step 2: Visualize the Outcome
Visualization is a powerful tool that’s proven to help build confidence and motivation, increasing your ability to make your wish come true.
How to do it: Picture yourself realizing your wish. How do you feel? What is the best outcome? Use imagery that’s as realistic as possible by including sights, sounds, feelings, and even smells. Go back to these visualizations whenever you need a boost.
Step 3: Uncover the Obstacle
When it comes to manifesting our dreams and making exciting big changes, we tend to throw up obstacles that block the way, whether out of fear or just not believing in ourselves. The key is to uncover the belief, behavior, or emotion that’s holding us back. According to Oettingen, this obstacle is typically the obstacle for other wishes, too.
How to do it: Take a moment to identify what’s standing in your way, whether by sitting quietly, journaling, or talking to a friend. For example, you might think you don’t have what it takes to write a novel. You might feel guilty spending time on a personal project.
Step 4: Make Your Plan
Now, it’s time for action! The key to a successful wish-fulfilling plan? Identifying how you’ll overcome your obstacle head-on. Another critical part of enacting any kind of change? Breaking that big wish down into smaller goals and adding specific action steps for each part of the process. Called “the progress principle,” this technique lessens the overwhelm of big dreams and projects by taking “a big wins with small gains” approach.
How to do it: To address your obstacle, come up with an “If, then” statement, such as: “If I think there’s no time to write, then I’ll remind myself that I can make time for the things that matter most.” Write the statement down, post it on your bathroom mirror, and remind yourself of it regularly. It will keep you moving when self-doubt and sabotaging behaviors want to creep back in.
Next, break down that big wish, creating a do-able 3-6 month goal. For example, your big dream is to write a book, but the 3-6 month goal would be to complete the first three chapters. From there, create specific action steps, such as: “On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I will write for one hour after work with the goal of writing 1500 words a week.”
Your wishes don’t have to remain unrealized desires. By using these science-backed strategies, you’ll make your meaningful wish come true—and enjoy a more fulfilling life.
#164 - Dragon confidence
Say this out loud three times: "I sha'll have the ferocity of a dragon, and the heart if a kitten. Along with the pride of a lion and the intelligence of the wolf. Let my flame come through and fight, for what I think is right."
Last edited on Mar 31, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#165 - Summon Ultimate power
When you have followed the ingredients all that's left is to fuse the two energies and some might say it's impossible but I did it and with more people on the physical plane who do this the stronger magic becomes. Move your hands together and let both feelings run through your body then say who you are then use the ultimate power for what ever you want.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#166 - Bring love into your life
Around midnight of the 10th night before a full moon, cut 9 inches of yarn, thread, or another string-like cord and tie 9 knots in it, while chanting:
"By knot of one, the spell's begun.
By knot of two, it cometh true.
By knot of three, so mote it be.
By knot of four, this power I store.
By knot of five, the spell's alive.
By knot of six, this spell I fix.
By knot of seven, events I'll leaven.
By knot of eight, it will be Fate.
By knot of nine, what's done is mine." And either visualizing the results or imagining the feeling of love.
By now you should have 9 knots in your cord-like material, so set it aside. Next, you'll grab your piece of paper and write down "I will bring love into my life" or other similar affirmations 9 times while chanting the phrase as you write it. Roll up your paper like a scroll, and tie your cord-like material around it. In each of the consecutive nights, cut off/untie a knot and repeat an affirmation, one at a time.
On the night of the full moon, you cut off/untie the last knot and repeat one last affirmation. Put both the paper and the cord-like material either under your pillow or in another safe place. The following morning, cut the paper into 9 pieces and bury the two materials in the ground outside, finalizing the effects of the spell. Results should manifest themselves over the following moon cycle/month, although it could happen much sooner or later.
Last edited on Jul 25, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#167 - Neural link (Psychic) (Tested)
"I invoke the god Zeus to set up a Neural link That is both Scientific and Psychic Between me and (person's name here) we will be able to do anything that you can do with a telepathic link in both science fiction and magic and the link between us will be permanent and irreversible the link will be in full affect immediately after I finish this spell so mote it be."
#168 - Forget Spell
Light the silver candle. Write what you want to forget on a piece of paper. Take it and put it in the fire. Chant:
"I will forget this.
I shall forget.
I will not remember.
I will forget (what you want to forget)."
Now meditate and imagine it leaving your mind.
Last edited on Apr 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#169 - love spell
take the 10 pink candles and put it in a circle and put the white candle in the middle light it draw the crush and you together sleep with the blanket after saying " I love him make him mine at (what time you will meet) so mot it be so mote it be!!
#170 - How to summon create & summon super shenron.
Take tha papers and fold them into ball shapes,then use the pen to draw stars on the ball shaped papers according to their numbers,
then use the ball shaped paper to form a circle with the seventh ball in the middle withe book of shadows under the seventh ball then put the seven candles around the dragon balls then recite this,
so any time u want to Summon super Shenron gather the super dragon balls and recite the incantation when it works u should feel a presence where the dragon balls are when u make a wish wait for 2to 3 days and u will get what you want. p.s. it will only be as strong as Your Chi energy.
Last edited on Jan 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.