3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Wings
- Making a Charm Bag Necklace
- Making a Portable Altar Kit
- Activating Charms
- Wish
- Cooling and Heating Drinks
- Another Fairy
- A Reappear Spell
- Death
- No More Bad Habits
#1721 - Get Wings
Get into a high place and say this spell 3 times
"Wings wings, come to me
Grow on my back to fly
To soar, my soul is in the sky
This is my wish
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1722 - Making a Charm Bag Necklace
2.If have, blend your herbs and dried flowers together in a large bowl, or use your mortar and pestle.
3.Visualize the purpose of your Charm bag. If you like, offer an incantation as you blend them. For example, if you want to make one as a gift, you may say something like,
''These herbs I mix and happily blend
A gift to bestow upon a friend.
A blessing of love to you from me,
As I will, so it shall be.''
4.Place a stone in the center of the fabric, and then add about a half teaspoon of your herb mixture.
Now you can wear it as an amulet, or give them to people as gifts!
5.Gather up the corners of the fabric square, twist to form a pouch, and then tie shut with a length of yarn or ribbon. Knot the yarn securely, and then tie at the end so that people can wear it as an amulet.
6.Before distributing these to your family and friends, consecrate them to represent their sacred purpose you can do this as part of a ritual, or by leaving them under the moonlight overnight. Treat them as you would any other magical tool.
#1723 - Making a Portable Altar Kit
If your tradition requires you to use other items, you can add those as well. Some things you might want to include in your altar kit are:
A crystal
Tarot cards
A small statue representing deity
A bell
Finally, add a piece of fabric to use as an altar cloth. It doesn't have to be big, just large enough to spread all of your tools on, so you can perform a working anywhere you may be.
You'll need to decide whether you want to use a box or a bag. If you plan to carry your altar kit on a plane, backpack, purse or other place where space is at a premium, go with a bag. If it's something you're going to keep in your home, or maybe take over to a friend's, you can probably use a box.
The great thing about a bag that enhances portability is that your bag can double as an altar cloth. To make a circular piece of material into a carrying bag, simply stitch a 1/2 hem around the edge of the circle, and run a cord through it. Knot the cord at the ends, and then when you pull it tight you'll have a drawstring bag that unfolds into a round altar cloth.
If you want to use a box, great -- there are tons to choose from. You can get a plain wooden one from a craft store and paint it or decorate it. You could use an old cigar box and cover it with fabric and embellishments, or you can buy a pre-made carved or decorated box from one of the thousands of retailers who specialize in metaphysical gifts.
#1724 - Activating Charms
''I dedicate this charm of (your name) to the highest good of all who come to contact with it''
After you say the spell, hold it under running water for a few minutes and the place it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. If your charm is fragile, just 'programme' the charm and simply end up with ''So mote it be''.
Now you have an enchanted charm. Good luck!
#1725 - Wish
First get a cup and then fill it up with water then take a piece of paper cut or rip it in half and then write down your wish then put the paper in the cup then say the spell:
"God and goddess make my wish come true I am special and so are you please please god and goddess make this wish come true so mote it be."
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1726 - Cooling and Heating Drinks
For cooling it down, move your left hand widdershins around the rim, and again, keep to simple words. ''Cool the fire.''
Right hand gives, left takes away.
#1727 - Another Fairy
When saying this spell wear a costume you would wear when you are a fairy. Now think about the wings in your head. Say this spell once
"Dear goddesses of air and wind
Please listen to my call
I wish to have it all
Wings and a wand you must
Don't forget the fairy dust
Grant me this within an hour
I wish to have this brilliant power"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1728 - A Reappear Spell
Needed for this spell is a Red Candle and a Crystal.
Light the Red Candle. Meditate for a few moments on your desires while holding the Crystal.
Then recite these Words...
I call on forces higher then I,
To awaken the dreams that I hold in inside
Through this connection that knows my need
I ask for love's enchantment with all speed.
May this work for me in the most correct way attracting
the love I need today....
I call on thee in perfect love & trust working
with me sending whats just...
Harming none and helping all is how it
Shall be
This I make true x3
This spell is bested begun when the moon is waxing,
but if you cannot wait that long go ahead and do it.
Take a photo of your lover and a photo of yourself.
Using a paper clip, hook the photos together so that the faces
are on top of each other.
The idea is that the person cannot see past your face.
Take the photos and place them at the bottom
of your underwear drawer.
The person should soon write, call, or reappear.
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1729 - Death
All you have to do is say the spell:
"Gods and goddess please do me this favor for me make (person you want dead) die and suffer forever please she's/ he's lived long enough even if it hasn't been rough gods and goddess please do this for me so mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1730 - No More Bad Habits
Make a triangle with the crystals and sit in the middle. Place the amethyst on your lap and say the following words:
"Habits be gone
Habits have fright
As I ban you with all my might
Never come back to me
Never let me see you In my sight"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.