First, write 3 wishes on the paper and if i mean only 3 that means only 3. Then below your wishes,write your name. Fold the paper by 3 then go to the sea, lake, swamp or even your toilet. Flush it or put it in the water and then turn back and chant
"As my wishes sail in the blue
Let the waters make them come true"
"Gods of nature and divine. I want to be part animal, please grant my wish and I will honor you with all my heart. Grant me my wish make me an (animal)".
This is a flying spell. You have to believe it 100% for it to work.
You may need:
You may need:
First go outside.Calm yourself down. Inhale and exhale until you feel relaxed. Close your eyes and visualise you are flying.Do this until you feel you are flying.
Open your eyes and say the following "Forces of nature I call upon thee, lift me up and let me fly through the sky, let me be free,keep me safe while I'm flying, so mote it be!" Say this 3 or 5 times.
You will be flying through the air in no time. Don't be scared.If you are scared you will fall to the ground and get injured. If you want to stop flying, say "Stop flying!" and you will begin to descend. The first time you do this you will have a rough landing. After a few attempts you will have a smooth and nice landing.
This is more of an technique rather than a spell, but its really liberating!
You may need:
You may need:
Find a nice relaxing place to clear your mind where no one can disturb you, and make sure you have time to do this, at least 30 minutes. If you going to be in a hurry you won't be able to put your full intent into it and it won't be as effective.
Now, arrange yourself into a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Breath in and out slowly as you clear your mind of all earthly troubles, do not let your mind wander off carelessly. This can be difficult at times, but its not impossible. Count backwards from 10, as you do so, breathe in as far as you can and breathe out slowly.
Now see yourself in a white room, you are surrounded by light. Slowly off in the distance you can see what looks like water coming toward you. You feel something soft at your toes, it appears to be sand! You are now at a beautiful beach surrounded by complete peace. The ocean you look out is the key.
Now it appears that you have astral pen and paper in your hand. Write down what you want to rid yourself of, whats holding you back. If its more more than one thing than do them separately. Take the paper and crumble it up. Throw it far into the ocean, and reflect on your past one last time. Feel the ocean cleanse you of your trouble, until the paper comes floating back to you. Pick up the paper and open it up. The paper is empty, free for you to decide what goes on it, you can now move on and be free of whatever is holding you back!
Should turn you temporally into a different gender. May just change your thoughts.
You may need:
You may need:
Say 3x
''Their/my gender they/I wish to change. Make me/them a [gender] for a day. A day so bright, so they might, change into a [gender]. It shall last if they want forever more. A day for now, but if they want, always and forever they shall have it. This is my will, so mote it be''
If you are depressed in any way, this is a spell to help you get back on track.
You may need:
You may need:
Look deep inside your heart and think of why you are depressed. Then think of all the memories you've had that you loved the most. Then say this 3x: "Happy, happy, I wish to be happy"
Take the quartz and hold it in your hand. Hold it loosely. Do not squeeze. Put the ice cube in your mouth and close your eyes. Bite down on the ice and turn over the quartz in your hand three times. Chew up the ice and swallow it. In the next 24 hours, try singing. You will be better.
Say 3x: "To shift to what's now going to be inside me, I will be most powerful with my pack. All my senses will be 100 times better than a regular human. Turn my eyes red, fangs and claws. This is my will, so mote it be".