You fall asleep. When you wake up, you are your favorite book character, living their life in the book. When you are the character, you won't remember who you really are or how the book ends. When you're back to reality, you'll remember everything.
You may need:
You may need:
Make sure it's a book where the character doesn't die. If you die in the book, then you're soul will be trapped there forever!
Lie down facing up while holding the book against your chest. Right before you fall asleep, chant "I wish to live, see and breathe through (character's full name). May I walk in his/her shoes, feel what he/she felt and experience their life. Transport my soul on this night. Make me him/her!"
This spell will enable you to see your past life/future life.
You may need:
Lavendar (optional)
Alarm clock
You may need:
Lavendar (optional)
Alarm clock
Your past life is your liner for your life today. My past life was a pilgrim named Claira (Clay-rah). She survived the dangers, showed the pilgrims the way to go and helped the indians. Claira's future life was me and my future life is a girl name Alahna. This is no you discover YOUR past life/future life.
Set your alarm clock to 12:10 AM (close to midnight). Put the lavendar beside you and and chant the following 3x: "Shall at midnight I see my past life/future life. A white room, 2 doors. My past life/future life." Now go to sleep.
At midnight you will begin dreaming of your past life. You will be in a white room with two doors. Choose the first door for past, the second door for future. Open your door. Observe the person in the door, than ask these questions:
What is your name?
What year are you from?
Where do you live?
How old are you?
Now, if you are in the past say I am your future life. If you are in the future say "I am your past life". All of this should take 10 minutes, and now your alarm clock has rung. Wake up, take your pen and paper and write down every thing you expierenced.
Get into zen mode. Sit down and concentrate very hard on what you want to have power over. Make a circle shape with your hands. Now, say the following-
"Through this circle made of hands, a transformation takes place. Magic is made into power without haste. Spirits of peasant formation, Gods of hesitation, they shall all be banned from me. Goddess of success, ghosts of faithfulness shall be absorbed into me. Power, power, it is power I seek."
#1768 - Spell boom with all the spells you liked from this Site
This is a spell I made up to summon a spell book with all the spells and your own you favorited on this site.
You may need:
List of spells
100 spells
Three white candles
Have this website out just behind the book
You may need:
List of spells
100 spells
Three white candles
Have this website out just behind the book
First you take the notebook and place it In front of you then you take your three candles and place one on top of the book ad the other two beside it. Take the matches and light the candles and with this website behind the book say:
'' witches one witches all, give me the spells * tap screen three times with pointy finger* that are listed here To go into this book *tap notebook three times with pinky finger*
So mote be!''
Make sure it's dark and blow out the candles after you've done the spell
Make sure you have more then 100 pages in the notebook
If you were just in an argument with someone and you want some quick revenge, this spell will make someone feel like a needle just stabbed them in the butt.
You may need:
You may need:
1. First, your victim must be in in sight range.
2. Say
''Goddess Nemesis, hear me now
stab them with the invisible needle
they deserve this for being (Reason such as rude, mean, a bully)
This spell will make you have a desired length of hair.
You may need:
Turquoise Candle
Piece of Paper
A Time Not At Night
You may need:
Turquoise Candle
Piece of Paper
A Time Not At Night
1. First, draw a pentacle on the paper. Then write the desired length of hair.
2. Light the candle.
3. As you burn the paper in the fire say this:
''Goddess smart, Goddess wise,
my hairs current length, I despise
Make my hair grow as long as I desire
My desired length is on this paper that caught on fire''
4. You should have your hair within the next few days.