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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. become famous
  2. Good Luck And Fortune
  3. Personality spell
  4. Speed things up spell
  5. Remember the past spell
  6. Clay Cup
  7. Simple Attraction Spell
  8. Hindu Fairy Ritual (1)
  9. Money spell with doll
  10. Lie Blocking Spell

#171 - become famous

in order to become famous you have to be at least 5 years old
You may need:

  • your blood, an animal blood, and the first tribrid.
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    You may need:

  • your blood, an animal blood, and the first tribrid.
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    collect the blood and get the tribrid. and have the tribrid say :Ego autem habeo unum tribrid im placeat eaque audire

    and you say i want to be famous so here i am so mote it be.

    Added to on Jan 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #172 - Good Luck And Fortune

    You Think you are cursed, Or Just having a bad life? I'm Here with a spell! You Just need a few things for this (This is Kid Friendly! I THINK. Lol sorry-)
    You may need:

  • Midnight (Optional)
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • A Cross (Or Any Symbol Of Your God ETC.)
  • 1 White Candle With Yellow Stripes *Optional, But makes the charm Stronger!*
  • a TINY Envelope, You Can also make one, The Envelope HAS To Be White, Green, Red Or Yellow.
  • A Dried Leaf/ Herb/ Or Flower, Any of these work (If You Can't have any of these, Take soil!)
  • Holy Water (Or Regular Works Too)
  • A Paper (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Midnight (Optional)
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • A Cross (Or Any Symbol Of Your God ETC.)
  • 1 White Candle With Yellow Stripes *Optional, But makes the charm Stronger!*
  • a TINY Envelope, You Can also make one, The Envelope HAS To Be White, Green, Red Or Yellow.
  • A Dried Leaf/ Herb/ Or Flower, Any of these work (If You Can't have any of these, Take soil!)
  • Holy Water (Or Regular Works Too)
  • A Paper (optional)
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    REMEMBER! Yellow Is For Confidence, WHITE IS NEEDED, It is peace and good vibes, Red is Love, Erection And any related! Green Is Natural peace!

    Step 1: Go Outside Or Close the door of your room! NOBODY Can hear this spell, Or This won't work (Yep!)

    Step 2: Take your Marker, And Draw a circle on the paper

    Step 3: Take your symbol and place it in the circle

    Step 4 (Optional) : Take your candle (If you chose to have one) And Place It On The RIGHT SIDE. Of the Symbol, paper and circle

    Step 5: Take your Dried Leaf/Herb/ Soil And make it a circle over the Marker So that your symbol is placed In The Leaf, herb or soil.

    Step 6: Take your water, Hold it and repeat this: "Oh (God Or Godess Name'), Hear My Plea, Bless This Water, Make It Lucky! So Mote it be!"

    Step 7: Sprinkle The Water on the circle with symbol, Make sure the water is spread thoroughly In The symbol, Soil Or whatever you placed in a circle

    Now Take The Symbol and Dried Leaves or Herbs (OR SOIL.) And place it in the envelope.

    NEVER Leave this envelope in a cold, And dark place. Make sure it stays in a warm, cozy Bright space ALWAYS.

    Or this might turn into a bad luck charm

    DONT TELL ANYONE. You did this spell, that just ruins this poor thing!

    DONT. Throw the envelope, if you want the charm to end, Take your leaf, herb or soil And Plant it on a patch of FRESH Soil and take the symbol and place it at your altar, Mandir, Or the praying corner of your home, If None are possible, Keep it in your room, BUT DONT LET ANYBODY. Take it!

    Please comment down if this worked!

    Added to on Jan 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #173 - Personality spell

    This spell is for changing your personality.
    You may need:

  • Candle (The color you think your current personality is)
  • Candle (The color you think the personality you want is)
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    You may need:

  • Candle (The color you think your current personality is)
  • Candle (The color you think the personality you want is)
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    Light both candles. Chant:

    "From (Trait you are) to (Trait you want to be).

    From (candle 1 color) to (Candle 2 color).

    Change me, (god/goddess).

    Make have the mind I want.

    Make me act the way I want.

    I will be (Candle color 2).

    So mote it be.

    Added to on Dec 18, 2020
    Last edited on Apr 11, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #174 - Speed things up spell

    When something is taking a long time, use this spell to speed it up.
    You may need:

  • Paint (Red, blue, yellow, and black)
  • Silver candle
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Paint (Red, blue, yellow, and black)
  • Silver candle
  • Salt
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    Paint a circle with black paint. Make a red dot for today, make a yellow dot for when you want it to happen, and make a blue dot for when you think it will happen. Put the silver candle in the middle of the circle. Before the paint dries, pour salt on it (only on the black circle, not on the dots). Now, sit outside the circle and meditate, focusing on what you want to happen.

    Added to on Dec 17, 2020
    Last edited on May 03, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #175 - Remember the past spell

    Remember your past.
    You may need:

  • Light blue candle
  • Black candle
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    You may need:

  • Light blue candle
  • Black candle
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    Light the light blue candle and imagine every thought floating towards you. Imagine them getting into your brain. Then look through your thoughts, and meditate. Once you start to feel like you've left your physical body, light the black candle. Do it quickly, so you don't leave your body forever. Now, imagine grabbing everything you need, and releasing everything else. Keep the memories and facts you want, but let the rest disappear. Once you have the memory you want, blow out the candles.

    Added to on Dec 17, 2020
    Last edited on May 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #176 - Clay Cup

    Make your wishes come true.
    You may need:

  • Clay cup
  • Honey
  • White cloth
  • An object representing your wish
  • Pencil and paper if you don't have an object that represents your wish
  • An necklace or something else made of gold or silver
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    You may need:

  • Clay cup
  • Honey
  • White cloth
  • An object representing your wish
  • Pencil and paper if you don't have an object that represents your wish
  • An necklace or something else made of gold or silver
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    When it is new moon or full moon take a clay cup and put inside the object of your desire, for money a coin, marriage a ring. If you don't have the object that represents your desire write with a pencil on paper your desire. Then put honey just to cover your object, take the clay cup and put on the window for 48h and during this time every time you pass by the cup whisper your wish. After 48h take the cup and cover it with a white cloth and hide it in a place where no one can see. Put something made of gold or silver next to the cup. After your wish has been fulfilled throw only the honey at the roots of a tree thanking the universe for your wish.

    Added to on Dec 16, 2020
    Last edited on May 05, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #177 - Simple Attraction Spell

    Using this spell, you can attract almost anything into you life from people to wealth. NOTE: depending on your belief, doubts and what you wanted, the spell could take a short time to a very long one.
    You may need:

  • Your favorite crystal (optional)
  • Belief
  • Pencil/Pen
  • White Paper/ Copy Paper
  • Thread or String (optional)
  • Moon Water (optional)
  • a Full moon @ Midnight (optional but perferred)
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    You may need:

  • Your favorite crystal (optional)
  • Belief
  • Pencil/Pen
  • White Paper/ Copy Paper
  • Thread or String (optional)
  • Moon Water (optional)
  • a Full moon @ Midnight (optional but perferred)
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    *If your doing this for Love in your life, doing this during a Friday should give a generally good outcome

    *If your doing this for any thing else then Thursdays

    *If you're using a crystal ( I used Clear Quartz because its all I have) make sure it's charged and next to your work area same with your Moon Water

    1. Make sure that you are clear headed, calm and in the right state of mind. If not I suggest Meditating for at least 10 minutes. Grab a sheet of white paper and fold it into 9 separate boxes. Cut/Tear one off.

    2. Take the smaller piece of paper and write down what you want. ( If you have specifics write that down as well, If it has to do with love a pink or red colored writing utensil would be effective.)

    3. Once you've done that, roll the paper with the writing on the inside. Bind the paper together with the Tread/String. If you have a Crystal then visualize energy from it flowing into your paper( you can hold both in your hand instead of leaving them apart if you wish)

    4. If you have Moon water then put a 1-3 drops onto the paper.

    5. Once mine dried I put it in a jar with a homemade sigil on it and in about 1 month the thing I wished for started coming into my life.

    Added to on Dec 08, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #178 - Hindu Fairy Ritual (1)

    You can get help from this fairy in your daily activities .But you can only worship her as your mother/sister .If you look at her in bad way ,you will be in danger . So keep in mind that .
    You may need:

  • You can do this ritual in Saturday/Tuesday/Waning moon/Waxing moon.
  • Ritual items:-
  • Red Cloth ( three Hand size)
  • Twenty-one Basil leaves
  • Your favourite three flower. ( 3 flower should be same, if your favourite is rose take or buy three rose)
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    You may need:

  • You can do this ritual in Saturday/Tuesday/Waning moon/Waxing moon.
  • Ritual items:-
  • Red Cloth ( three Hand size)
  • Twenty-one Basil leaves
  • Your favourite three flower. ( 3 flower should be same, if your favourite is rose take or buy three rose)
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    ➤ Condition : You have to buy it before Eleven.fifty nine O'clock am . You can't bargain with seller for price. If the seller tell you the price is 500 dollar, gives him 500 dollar . Don't think that your money is wasting or price is too much . If you think that ritual will not work. It means, you have to buy or collect the items seller fixed rate, don't fight with him.

    After buying the items before Eleven.fifty nine O'clock am . Go to home, put them in secret place. You have to do it in secret, only you should be present in your room.

    Wash your rooms with water, sprinks rose water, make it fully clean.

    At night, after Eleven O'clock pm , Take bath any natural fragrence in your body ( perfume is restricted) .

    Then sit in the red cloth you have bought by facing north. Beautifully present the twenty one Basil leaves ahead of you , also put the three flowers ahead of you.

    Then, make a circle besides you with Salt and water & recite a protection prayer according to your religion. Salt & water shouldn’t touch your ritual items. No light should be in your room.

    Then chant this mantra One thousand Five hundred times:-

    Shong sottang bhoyotong meri Bhakti thongbir

    Niggshoinno tratoi pritosacchoy engdhir ojang

    After chant this One thousand five hundred times, one beautuful fairy will come to you. When she present herself ahead of you, take your three flowers and dismount it behind of you . But don't look at your behind.

    Then fairy will ask you, what do you want? Then you tell her to stay with you as your sister, in your whole life and do your all work, without making harm to you & your family

    Fairy will accept it, and will discuss how you can call her any time.

    [NOTE: This ritual i have got from my master , So if anyone want to do this ritual ,he/she has to mail me, without my permission if anyone perform it and fall in danger ,I will not be responsible for that ]

    Added to on Nov 27, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #179 - Money spell with doll

    This spell is a money spell I made using a simple paper doll very easy to make just go on youtube use this link write the persons name inside the paper arms FULL NAME or DNA
    You may need:

  • What you need
  • • Sea salt
  • • Basil
  • • Green candle ×2
  • • Incense (optional)
  • • Coins
  • • Paper doll
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    You may need:

  • What you need
  • • Sea salt
  • • Basil
  • • Green candle ×2
  • • Incense (optional)
  • • Coins
  • • Paper doll
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    In a meditative state light 2 green candles make a circle out of salt put your intent into the salt, as you create the circle big enough for the doll chant " good fortune unto you" (or me if its for you) think of the person you are doing the spell for receiving money, keep that image in your mind throughout the ritual. Pick up the coins and drop them on to the circle. Make sure to put your energy into sending money towards the person in mind. While you drop the coins after that say "You have received great fortune" imagine the person holding a bunch of money. Place the doll in the center of the circle and repeat the previous chant while sprinkling basil on the doll and imagine the person you are sending money to. To end the ritual say "you have great fortune" imagine the persons face while you say this and blow out the candles and imagine that person putting money into their wallet or purse

    Added to on Nov 16, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #180 - Lie Blocking Spell

    Block all lies with this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    When someone tells you something you suspect is a lie, wait for a few hours before casting the spell. At midnight, say the following incantation:

    "I sense lies.

    No honest words.

    Reveal the truth.

    Can I trust (The thing you think is a lie)?"

    After casting the spell, the next day, you will discover if it's a lie.

    Added to on Nov 12, 2020
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters