3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Revenge
- Smart Spell
- Protection Spell
- Immortality
- Help In Casting
- See Your Future Life
- La distruzione Di Tutta La Magia
- Snow Moon Spell
- Healthy Plant Spell
- Singing Voice
#1801 - Revenge
Draw a circle with blood. Sit in the circle and place the red candles on you're four sides then place the black candles on the corners place the tall candle in the middle. Place the picture in front of the candle
Cut off your own body segment and say "Take my hate into fire to burn a soul take my hate let them suffer take my hate. Now let them die" then cut off (add body segment here) and let it fall on the picture.
Burn the body segment and the picture with the tall candle then blow out each candle one by one thinking of what they done to you.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1802 - Smart Spell
#1803 - Protection Spell
''Gods of power
Gods of death
Gods of good
I ask thee to protect me from evils and demons, Let them never come near me, Let it be, Let it be. Protect me with thy powers.''
#1804 - Immortality
Say one time
"Demons and witches hear me
I want to live forever
I will have powers of a vampire
But will not live off blood
Iwill be immortal and live forever
This is my will so mote it be!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1805 - Help In Casting
So lets start with this tested spell ! It is for to get your goals in spell castings !
Light up candle. Take candle in your hand and close eyes.T hink about you and the candle becoming one. Hold it there for about 1 min. Now meditate and relax , how much YOU think its needed.
When done , blow out candle and put on some place you love it.- where ever you feel Love or need to put it !
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1806 - See Your Future Life
So lets get started with this tested spell ! Firstly you take a "Crystal Ball" in front of you.Now you take your bowl and put Tobacco in it (Best 5-6 grams) and put that in front of you , but on the right side of crystal ball !.Now slowly put Mineral Water over the tobacco in the bowl.
Now turn lights OFF ,(Its the best way , if you are afraid do not do it ! :) . ) Sit in front of bowl and crystal ball , concetrate on them and clear mind totally (Needed opened Third-Eye as I said.)Hold it there for about 2 min.
Now put 2 white candles (One in front of crystal ball , another from back of crystal ball !.) Light it up.Now close eyes, imagine all you put in front of you in your mind.Concetrate on it and medidate for around , about 10 min. (The longer,The better!.) After that open eyes , and that mixture you maked in bowl , throw slowly over the crystal ball (Dont make a mess !
Now chant these powerfull lines:"Oh goddesess , Fire , Water, Air, Earth , help me , me (your name)______,to see my future , I wont bad past , I want new future, those is my wish , so make it be ! "Blow out candles and leave it on some sunny and happy place !
Now look at crystal ball, you will see ALOT of shapes etc. and everything else.So , concetrate on it ,look how the Mineral Water fall,look all shape from Tobacco etc. So ,when you see alot , or a litle , or a nothing ,it does not matter ,take it ALL from the crystal ball , and put it back in the bowl .
Then fire it with some lighter filled with energy or Aura. Or just some lighter that has really big and good fire. When you light it ,look at the smoke ,and when its all burned , look at the shapes left in bowl.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1807 - La distruzione Di Tutta La Magia
Warning: In doing this you have to commit to what you have just done. If you do not know latin then learn it. Things all come in to play for a reason and by doing this then you made it to where there is no reason.
I am not liable to any harm this may cause to you or others that perform this spell. I will not be accused of any actions for someone else to perform this spell because it is the caster's choice weather he/she perforn this spell or not.
Note: I have created this spell, but shall never perform it myself. Take this to heart when you read all this.
#1808 - Snow Moon Spell
At the time of the Snow Moon, is when you ask the Snow moon to assist you in making positive changes in your life. Just as nature is poised to awaken from its winter rest, you can also awaken to a new purpose or calling.
On the night of the Snow Moon, announce your magickal intentions to the Snow Moon. As a token of thanks, light a violet candle and speak to her:
''As the Earth wears a cocoon of white,
In icy splendor Snow Moon, you guard the night.
Let me make changes, let me be reborn,
Now I plant the seed of magic; I an transformed.
Leave your candle lit until it goes out on its own.
P.S. This is not my spell I got it in one of the Witches' datebook a hear or two back and I loved this.
If you have any questions please message me and I'll be glad to answer.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1809 - Healthy Plant Spell
Take up the bag of soil and charge it in the name of the Forest Dragon saying ''Great emerald one, you of the earth and grower of life. to you I pray. Please give the soil the power of growth and nurturing. In your great name.'' Now place the soil in the pot. As you do empower the soil to be fertile and nurturing.
Take the Plant and place it into the pot, planting it gently and yet firmly in the pot. Saying the following ''By the power of the great green dragon I give you a new home. May you take to it well and heal, with the power of the forest dragon to protect you.
Take up the plant food and say the following ''Great emerald one, you of the earth and grower of life. to you I pray. Please give this food the power of growth, healing and nurturing. In your great name.''
Take up the water and call to the great Azure Dragon ''Magnificent and majestic Blue Dragon. Bless this water with your gifts. Make it healing and nurturing. By my powers and yours, In your great name.'' Now water the plant with it.
Tale up now the Quartz stone and hold it in your hand. Speak the following ''Sturdy and radiant crystaline dragon. You of the inner earth where man rarely dwells, to you I call. With my prayer, empower this stone that you have given me. Give it the power to guard and to help in growth. Most magnifident dragon of the earth, to you I pray.'' Now place the stone in the soil. If its too big, leave it on the soil.
Now place the new potted plant in the middle of the circle of candles. Stand up over it and with you hands over the plant and candles start ''power blasting'' as I call it, the spell site with green light and energy. Blasting the plant with the powers to get healthy, nurturing, growing energy. As you do chant the following:
''Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this plant now grow
All it takes is a some love I know
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Great Dragons bless this plant I sow
and then warm them from below
Till the rain comes tumblin' down
Pulling weeds and pickin' stones
Man is made of dreams and bones
Feel the need to grow my own
'Cause the time is close at hand
Rainful rain, sun and rain
Find my way in nature's chain
Tune my body and my brain
To the music from the land
Grown I ask straight and long
I temper you with prayer and song
Mother Dragon will make you strong
When I give her love and care
Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is some love I know
And a piece of fertile ground
An inch by inch, row by row
Great Dragon bless this plant I sow
And then warm them from below
Till the rain comes tumblin' down''
Let the plant stay in the circle of candles till they are burned down. Then place the plant in its new home place. Do not put it back where it was, when it was dying Unless you have no choice. And if that's the case I HIGHLY suggest you cleanse the area spiritually first with some white sage.
#1810 - Singing Voice
Sing at least three times with your hand on your head:
"My voice, imperfect, shall improve, beautiful as an angel's but can't kill or injure. Perfect is shall become. Lure people you want, build trust with voice. This is my will, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.