3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Angel I wish
- Lovers spell
- Mermaiden Spell
- Popularity
- Money Flow
- Candle Wish
- Fairy
- Prosperity Pouch
- Busting Buttons
- Werewolf
#1821 - Angel I wish
Get the plate and put the 3 candles on it (preferably the centre) and then get the sugar and sprinkle around the candles, than light the candles and ask St Rapheal (nicely) for a business wish, St Michael for a love wish (nicely) and St Gabriel for a impossible wish (nicely), when you have finished put the plate the top of the highest place in your room.. if the candles blow out, don't worry! Just let it run it's course. On the third day post this spell like I have done now promoting it and just wait and see what happens on the 4th day.
"Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us
during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our
protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my
loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a
messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly
hear your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael
is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for
healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your
throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of
recovery. Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality
of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy
Angels pray for us. Amen."
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1822 - Lovers spell
#1823 - Mermaiden Spell
2. Take your light and shine it through the sea glass into the mirror.
3. While keeping the light shining through the sea glass chant ''Legs and a tail are granted to the'' three times.
4. Place the moon stone in the glass of salt water, and take one gulp.
5. Stomp your feet as hard as and as fast as you can for three seconds.
6. Meditate for one minute and you will see images of yourself swimming through the sea.
7. Eventually when you touch water, you will turn into a mermaid. (Result times may vary from instantly to one week).
#1824 - Popularity
Sit down close your eyes and visualise you walking down a hall. Imagine a bunch of people are crowding you. Then take a marker and write "popular" on your arm.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1825 - Money Flow
In small glass jar, put 5 penny and 5 dimes. Sprinkle a touch of cinnamon. Now write the amount you need and what you need it for on a small paper, then fold the paper very small. Write your name and the desired date you need the money by on a bay leaf. Set a white candle near or on the jar, and repeat the words:
"My intent is pure and wish no harm to anyone
I request the power of the energies
money blessing come to me
I will it so mote it be ."
Burn the candle for at least an hour then set jar in sunny window spot. Every day add a few coins during sunny hours. After you reach your goal or pass the date, burn the paper, bury the ashes outside with 1 penny and 1 dime and the bay leaf.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1826 - Candle Wish
-Light the candle.
-Write your wish on the paper (even a crazy wish if you want.)
-Stare into the flame and say, ''Goddess of the night, please grant me this one wish, (wish). So Mote It Be.''
-Fold paper 3-4 times and burn a little bit of it.
-Blow out the candle.
-Go into the bathroom and flush the paper down the toilet.
-Light the candle again and say this while staring in the flame, ''Goddess of the night, please grant me this one wish, (wish), And as my wish sails in the blue, let the water make it come true. Thank you.''
-Blow out the candle.
And you're done!
#1827 - Fairy
If you what to be a water fairy get a boil and pour water from a spring and pour it in the bowl or add the dog hair or the leaves to the jar depends on what type of fairy you want to be.
Wave your wand and say: "Exaudi orationem meam me di deaeque pretium"
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1828 - Prosperity Pouch
Step 1: put the bayberries and sage into the bowl. Don't put the pine needles in because the needles need to be crushed into smaller bits so that they can fit in the pouch.
Step 2: crush the pine needles. You can use your hands or a mortal and pestle for this if you want. Once you are done crushing them, put them in the bowl with the other herbs.
Step 3: mix the berries, sage, and needles together in the same bowl.
Step 4: lay out the cloth on a flat surface. Put two tablespoons of the mixture onto the center of the cloth.
Step 5: put three drops of almond oil on top of the mixture on the cloth. If you don't have almond oil then you can skip this step.
Step 6: Bring all the sides of the cloth together and twist it once. Tie the sting around the twist tight enough so that it won't come apart.
Step 7: Now, put the pouch somewhere. You can put it in different places for different things. For example, if you want your garden to prosper, put the pouch in a gardening shed or hang it on the garden fence. I usually put mine on the mantle piece or above the door or next to my bed. You can also carry it with you if you want.These make great gifts too.
Now your done!
#1829 - Busting Buttons
Drink the bottle of soda then jump up and down about 20 times then chant once "Make me round with a bursting belly just like a big bowl of jelly. Now make me pop buttons so mote it be"! You may start to feel your belly ache.
Last edited on Sep 28, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1830 - Werewolf
''From the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land.''
Side effects:
Hunger right after eating
Changing eye color?
More hairy
Slightly bigger body