3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Winternyt Prosperity Spell
- Witches Curse
- Enchant a Laser Pen
- Strength Spell
- Baby
- Mind's Desire
- Sing Better
- fakirism meditation
- More Than Just Friends
- Bills to Pay
#1841 - Winternyt Prosperity Spell
''Winternyt o' joyous night,
I fill this candle to burn so bright.
Let joy and harmony fill our life
From this hour to next Winternyt.''
Place the candle on a special place in your celebration area or on your altar. Now take time to meditate on the holiday and all the joys and happiness it can bring. Dwell not on the negative. When ready light the candle and say:
''Winter winds blow this night,
show us your power and might.
Starry sky glow and shine,
Make the moon luminous everthine.
Winter Oldman, as you travel on your way,
Pass not my house before winterday.
Knock on my floor and leave your sign,
Letting me know prosperity is mine.
Mother Moon bless my home,
as through the sky you roam.
Lady Winter bring your gifts onto me,
My family, my friends for all to see.
Bring joy and happiness, laughter to me,
New friends, new loves and new family.
And if these gifts are not for me to own
Give them to someone who I know.
Silver and gold, drink and food
Deliver to me all that's good.
This I pray on the Winternyt
With my heart, with all my might.''
Let the candle burn completely out on its own. Now go and celebrate the holiday.
Great Winternyt to all!
#1842 - Witches Curse
"You force to lay a curse
On your head
I'll be turse
You provoked this
Witch on high
Now a curse
You will die
Say your sorry
Will never do
I know that it
Not be true
This curse you'll bear
The rest of your living days
i think this
Be fair
So mote it be twice"
You'll know it worked when the person you've cursed is in pain and suffering!
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1843 - Enchant a Laser Pen
Open your circle and place your laser pointer in the center of the room, then say something that would be considered an incantation, this must come from heart, I will give an example(this specific example will enchant the pointer with the element of water, it's good to charge objects like laser pointers before an elemental ritual etc.)
"Elements of water, I call upon you to infuse your magick into the comfort of this material object, to bring it great advantages. I ask permission from a majority of the great goddesses, Fae, Atremis, Demeter, Cerridwen, Freya. Allow me to bless the object before me with this element I have chosen, water. It is my will, so mote it be."
Note: Your incantation must always end with "So mote it be." and if you are in a group have the people you are with say "So mote it be" as well.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1844 - Strength Spell
Say 3 times- Strength of the day, strength of the night, give me strength, lend me light.
Last edited on Oct 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1845 - Baby
Bess the cup and light the candle. Then mix the salt, water, lemonade, sugar together in the cup. Summon the guardians and chant- "Make (name) have a baby, may she get pregnant". Drink the potion.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1846 - Mind's Desire
First say "I want to discard a memory, to have a fake, so I shall never again be devoured by guilt, so mote it be". Second touch your forehead then put you finger that you touched your forehead into the water. Then third quickly close the jar. Fourth think of a fake memory and you are done.
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1847 - Sing Better
Say this spell 5x
"My voice needs improvement
Like the moon it shall shine
My voice 10x better
Let it be mine"
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1848 - fakirism meditation
lots of concentration
Stronger will and courage
Positive beliefs of bhusara and brahma
Feel no pain
incense burner x6 (sit by the wall, sit up straight, but six burner in front of you in the circular position pointing up in front, so the smoke will align with you to take you to the hindu gods and enlighten you, remember you have you give them honesty they ask you)
#1849 - More Than Just Friends
"Dear friend of mine, I have something to say, I finally found the courage and strength, to reveal to you today. Our friendship I see as a gift, and carry in my heart, but now our friendship, I would like to shift, and make love be the part. How I wish you feel the same, for its your love I would like to gain. Thank you Oshun please accept these yellow roses as my gift".
Put some water in the vase, and set it down in front of you. Hold the roses in both hands and breath in the scent as you recite. when you are done put the roses in the vase.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1850 - Bills to Pay
Chant: "Money money come to me, come and help set me free, of this bill I have to pay, for it is due on this day. (say the day it is due). Come and set my mind at ease, and with that said, I do say please. Thank You Juno Moneta".
Light the candle and gently wave money in the amount of the bill over top the flame as you recite. Not to close you don't want to lose money. Let the candle burn 15 minutes then blow it out. Do this for 3 days.
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.