3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Perfectionist
- Waters of Abundance
- Abundance Energy Spell
- Tea of Abundance Spell
- Improve Your Singing Voice (Works For Girls Only)
- Become a Fire Elf
- Dragon Transformation
- Sirens Bath
- Become Poseidens Daughter
- Storm Spell
#1871 - Perfectionist
Perfection is what I seek, nothing less than the best!
I wish to perform to perfection in/doing (What you want to perfect)
Chant This over 2 times or more if you would prefer it to last longer.
This spell will only last a day at the least.
#1872 - Waters of Abundance
Set your altar up as you see fit. When ready, invoke the gods of your pantheon. Particularly the gods of abundance. never invoke a god not of your faith nor a god you know nothing about. When done, speak first prayers and give your offerings.
Now fill the bottle or tall glass with the spring water. To this add a few leaves of green sage. this is the edible sage leaves you can get at the grocery store or your garden. Make sure its garden variety, not white sage.
Now take the bottle in hand and start to send into the bottle abundant energy of green, gold and silver. As you do this chant the following:
"Oh great gods, as you know my life is in strife,
The pains I suffer are like that of a sharp knife.
I prayer that abundance will enter my life,
And ride my troubled mind and body of strife.
Gods of my forefathers and myself, guide me,
Bless me with with the gift of prosperity."
Now go ahead and drink the sage water and go about your day. If you made alot save the rest in a dark cool spot and have more later at night. Just repeat the chant from about again. Do not let the water sit for more than 24 hours or the sage leaf will start to taint the water and make it taste old.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1873 - Abundance Energy Spell
Now fill the bottle or tall glass with the spring water. to this add a few leaves of green sage. this is the edible sage leaves you can get at the grocery store or your garden. Make sure its garden variety, NOT white sage.
Now take the bottle in hand and start to send into the bottle abundant energy of green, gold and silver. As you do this chant the following:
''Oh great gods, as you know my life is in strife,
The pains I suffer are like that of a sharp knife.
I prayer that abundance will enter my life,
And ride my troubled mind and body of strife.
Gods of my forefathers and myself, guide me,
Bless me with with the gift of prosperity.''
Now go ahead and drink the sage water and go about your day. If you made alot save the rest in a dark cool spot and have more later at night. Just repeat the chant from about again. Do not let the water sit for more than 24 hours or the sage leaf will start to taint the water and make it taste old.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1874 - Tea of Abundance Spell
Return to your pot of tea. Hold your hands over it and chant the following while empowering abundance into the kettle:
''O great gods of far in near
Bring prosperity into my life here.
Send abundance down in my home and me
With harm to none so I make it be.''
Walk with kettle and cup in hand to the altar, like part of a processional. Sit the kettle down and light the two green candles. As you do see the candles radiating powerful abundant energy throughout the house.
Sit back down on the pillow and invitet the gods to partake in the ceremony with you. Take a minute or two to deep breathe in some of the abundance energy that's all about. With each breath in, you draw in abundance. With each breath out, you exhale negative energy. Hold your hands over the cup again and chant the same chant as above. Say it strong and powerful.
''O great gods of far in near
Bring prosperity into my life here.
Send abundance down in my home and me
With harm to none so I make it be.''
Now ceremonially start drinking the tea. Know with each sip you take, you take in more and more, you are taking in abundance. Do not gulp it down. This is a tea ceremony and should be enjoyed.
When done place the cup down and say the following:
''Great majestic god of prosperity
Send the wonders of abundance to me.
Let me learn the blessings
and the lessons of what it is like
to prosper and succeed.''
Finish the spell up as you wish and clean your dishes. Blow out the candles by saying ''With loves sweet kiss.'' Never snuff out a candle with you hand or fingers. Hold this ceremony one a day if you can or at the very least once a week.
#1875 - Improve Your Singing Voice (Works For Girls Only)
My friends tried it too and now our voices are 10 times better when we sing. Rate 5 stars if it worked fully please.
Oh Please Oh Please let this be, Oh Please Oh Please let me be,
let my voice be changed, to a beautiful singing meme.
Please Oh Please Oh Please let this be
So Mote It Be!!!
#1876 - Become a Fire Elf
Place the elfen picture down with the candle in front of it. Meditate for five minutes or so, then light the candle. Look into the flames and visualize yourself as you say:
"Gods and goddesses of nature and fire,
Make me a fire elf and make me part with the fire element
This is my will and let it hapen so please mote it be"
Say that just only one time.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1877 - Dragon Transformation
Put the bracelet/necklace/charm on. Meditate for a bit while repeating the first few lines in your head until your hands start to tingle/feel warm. Next, you're ready to say the spell.
"Beasts of the earth, sky, and all divine,
Turn me into a dragon
With scales, clawed feet, wings,
Tail, and a (colour) hide.
Scales of (the colour from before) and natures of the tide
I wish to control three elements out of five
They are (three elements of the five)
With my will, I ask to be able to transform to dragon and dragon to human at will.
I wish to fly, fight, and run with the true creatures of my ancestry.
May I show my form to those I trust,
Wicked (insert trait, poison, venom, ect) to protect me.
Spirits if the north, spirits of the east, spirits of the south, and spirits if the west,
Let me bend my elements, with the powers of their nature within me.
I will fly among my true kind and forever fight for good, never evil
Please grant me my wish, and I shall forever be of service."
Now, wear your charm until you transform to and back once. Please be a good dragon. No burning down towns.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1878 - Sirens Bath
On the night of the waxing moon preferably a Friday
run a hot bath and add the grinded ingredients.
Burn the incense and light the candles
gaze into the mirror and chant:
"From across the seas in ancient land
I call upon the sirens hand.
Give me the beauty of your kind
so powerful attraction is mine to bind.
Conjure the seas and air above
so I bathe in lust and magical love.
Grant me the power of thee
as I will it so shall it be."
Bathe in the water with the clear quartz and allow it to absorb your imperfections and flaws
then take the rose quartz and allow it to amplify your beauty bathe in the water. When you let it out allow it to take your flaws carry the rose quartz and rub it when you need to boost your power of attraction while saying:
"Power of sirens come to me,
power of sirens hail be."
Last edited on Apr 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1879 - Become Poseidens Daughter
Get your two pictures of Poseidens "symbols". Now put your hand in your water (suggested to clean hand first). Put your other hand on the two pictures. Chant the chant (below) as many times as you feel is needed. Take your hand out of the water. Drink the water without pausing for a brake. Think about water for the next day (even in school/work)
"Lord Posieden hear my call
I'd like to be your daughter
I'm _____ years old and of course am a girl
I accept your blood so I am your faithful daughter
I'd like to be your daughter
Lord Posieden hear me plee
Accept my cry for your blood
Make me your faithful and loving daughter
Zeus and Hades will be my uncles
Lord Posieden make me your daughter
Hear me plee
I'd like to be your daughter
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1880 - Storm Spell
Now, for this spell you need a piece of the broom plant, NOT an actual broom you sweep with. You may have to check herb suppliers, florists or plants shops to find it. There really isn't a substitute for broom in a weather spell.
Light the red candle and pour water into the bowl while you say:
Rain that brings a land's rebirth
Time to weep upon the earth.
Use the spoon to stir up the water, then dip the piece of broom in. Repeat:
Winds shall follow, you shall see
Blowing wildly through the tree
Envision a storm growing in strength and power. Let a few drops of hot wax from the candle fall into the water, and say:
Lightning quick, lightning long
Make it last, make it strong
Add in the salt to seal the spell and stir again. Give it one last stir, and take it immediately outside and toss it all into the air (you can hold on to the bowl). Don't let the water settle down before you throw it. Now you can expect a storm to start brewing on the horizon within a few days.