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3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3301 Life Spells
3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3301 Life Spells
  1. Group Wings Spell
  2. Pokemon Pets
  3. Trading Places
  4. Energy-Take
  5. A simple Money Spell
  6. Wish Spell
  7. Raging
  8. Dragon Transformation
  9. Mermaid and Merman
  10. Increase Wealth of Household

#1901 - Group Wings Spell

WARNING: it will take time to grow wings, and it will probably be very painful.
You may need:

  • Two or more people
  • String for wings color
  • A feather per person
  • Outdoors
  • Pentagram with elemental representation
  • Symbol for flight in middle of pentagram
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    You may need:

  • Two or more people
  • String for wings color
  • A feather per person
  • Outdoors
  • Pentagram with elemental representation
  • Symbol for flight in middle of pentagram
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    1: make pentagram, it can be made of anything, as long a it includes symbols for the elements

    2: link hands with all people involved, and all must be willing to go through the pain of growing wings.

    3: put a genuine feather in the middle of the pentagram for each person (3 people is 3 feathers)

    4: The person who is closest to east goes first, saying:

    (God/goddess you worship), I call you here to us now. Hear our prayers, take our energy and use it for our magic within this spell.

    5: Then, the others will say:

    Let our energies combine, brining this spell power beyond that of a single witch.

    6: Each person closest to the cardinal directions stand. Say:

    East person: Element of air, I call you to this circle.

    North person: Element of Earth, I call you to this circle.

    West person: element of water, I call you to this circle.

    South person: element of fire, I call you to this circle.

    Sit back down.

    7: Each person explains why they want wings. Then they say what color wings they want.

    8: Leader ( if none use east person) says:

    (God/goddess mentioned before) and elements, we call you here to grant us the wings of birds, so we too, can soar in the skies.

    Everyone else joins in:

    (God/goddess mentioned before), grant us our wings. Give us the power of flight.
    Element of air, be the wind under our wings and keep our spirits high.
    Element of earth, be our place of rest and bring us wisdom.
    Element of water, wash away our old selves and cleanse our souls.
    Element of fire, let us be reborn like phoenixes and keep our path alight.

    9: Everybody takes a feather, and ties a string the color of wings they want around it. Then, all the strings are tied to each other.

    10: Bury feathers under pentagram with a written list of everyone's reasons for wanting wings.

    11: east person: element of air, I release you from this spell in hopes you will fulfill our wishes.

    North person: element of earth, I release you in hopes you will fulfill our wishes.

    West person: element of water, I release you in hopes you will fulfill our wishes.

    South person: element of fire, I release you in hopes you will fulfill our wishes.

    12: Meditate on wings on a daily basis, along with shifting them. Prayers help too.

    Remember: it takes a lot of time to grow wings. It may take from 2 months to 20 months. Message me with results.

    Added to on Nov 24, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1902 - Pokemon Pets

    This spell will give you your very own pet pokemon.
    You may need:

  • 2 pieces of blank copy paper
  • Pic of desired pet pokemon
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • 2 pieces of blank copy paper
  • Pic of desired pet pokemon
  • Pencil
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    Pokemon spell: "Oh, Reshiram, please, please, please, grant me the power to summon my very own pokemon pets. I shall have a pet ________, and will take great care of it."

    Food and medicine Spell: "From this paper, the medicine ( or the food ) will appear inside my closet.

    Directions: Draw a picture of a pokeball on one of the sheets of paper, and draw pictures of medicine and pokEmon food on the other. Then, hold the picture of your pokemon pet close to your heart, and chant the pokemon spell three times. Then do the same with the picture of the pokeball only chant it once. When that's done chant the medicine and food spell with that sheet. You will get your pet in 2-4 days.

    Added to on Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited on May 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1903 - Trading Places

    Trade places with someone for 24 hours
    You may need:

  • Your hair
  • Other participants hair
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    You may need:

  • Your hair
  • Other participants hair
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    Take the other person hair while you have theirs and at the same time chant the following " I would like to know what its like to be as heavy or as light as (say each others name) so I cast this spell upon this night for 24 hours until its bright"

    Added to on Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1904 - Energy-Take

    Use an enemy's power against them.
    You may need:

  • Opponent or object
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    You may need:

  • Opponent or object
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    Concentrate on opponent or object and chant: give me power, give me strength, bring me the power to fight, so mote it be." And now use other spells with the energy you took.

    Added to on Nov 20, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1905 - A simple Money Spell

    I have not yet cast this spell but with belief and confidence it should work! It would be best to do on a thursday. This should get you some money!
    You may need:

  • A green or white candle
  • A copper 2p coin
  • Confidence
  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup of water - even better if purified
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    You may need:

  • A green or white candle
  • A copper 2p coin
  • Confidence
  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup of water - even better if purified
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    Imagine lots of money coming towards you.
    Light a white or green candle, it is best if you scratch out the word money on the base of the candle.
    Burn the hair and coin (melt or heat with candles flame) as you chant

    'One coin here,
    One coin there,
    Richer and richer,
    As I burn this strand of hair.
    Help me gain lots of money each day,
    God and goddess,
    As I burn this coin as sacrifice,
    Grant my wish as I plea,
    So mote it be!'

    Use a cup of water to let to the coin and hair soak in for 5 minutes.
    Afterwards put the coin and hair, or whats left of it in your purse/wallet for 10 months.

    Added to on Nov 20, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1906 - Wish Spell

    Simple wish spell...
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Name of person
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Name of person
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    Say: “

    "I wish that __________________will happen to ( you or someone else) tomarrow morning." tomarrow morning it will happen! "

    Added to on Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited on May 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1907 - Raging

    You'll be raging and angry!
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "Rage is powerful, give me the power of a dragonus lord."

    Added to on Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1908 - Dragon Transformation

    This spell will turn you into a dragon.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Belief
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    Just simply chant this spell three times:
    ''Let me have scales of a dragon. Let me transform into a dragon any time I want. Let me have control in my dragon form. Let me be a creature I want to be. So Mote It Be.''

    This spell should work instantly after chanting three times. If not, allow up to three days.
    Some people will get side effects, and they are:
    Nausea (Mild to moderate)
    Growing claws
    Backaches (If dragon form has wings)

    -Imagine you turning into the dragon you want
    -To turn back into a human, imagine yourself in human form and claw the ground 3x in a row
    -To turn into a dragon again, picture your dragon form and chant, ''I shall turn into the dragon I was before.''

    This spell can work on anyone, even kids.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1909 - Mermaid and Merman

    Turn into a mermaid or merman.
    You may need:

  • Pure water
  • Something to hold your pure water in
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    You may need:

  • Pure water
  • Something to hold your pure water in
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    First say the spell and hold your water or stand in a river,lake or ocean.

    "Water, earth, fire I beg you to give me my one desire, to swim with elegance and grace a mermaid I must be for my full embrace to be free, respectful and peaceful as being a human may be my downfall, to be nor human nor fish is my one and only wish.So grant to me a mermaid I must be."

    Meditate for aleast 5 minutes before doing this but the more you meditate before this spell the mor power:) this spell may take up to 1-9 months or a whole year so be patience but its mostly 1-9 months don't lie or the spell will leave your body for it gives the spell a bad feeling.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited on May 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1910 - Increase Wealth of Household

    This spell has the power to increase the wealth of everyone in the household.
    You may need:

  • Small amount of green paint
  • Full moon
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    You may need:

  • Small amount of green paint
  • Full moon
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    On an evening the full moon is clearly visible, go outside and under its light paint your index finger with green paint. Go to your doorway and above it place your green. Fingerprint while saying:

    "Those who pass beneath
    Have their personal wealth increased"

    Your fingerprint can be in an inconspicuous place if you live in someone else's house or apartment. It dosen't have to be obvious unless you want it to be.

    Added to on Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters