3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid Spell
- Discord and Darkness
- Vampire Spell
- Send Enemies to Their Doom
- Dragon Wishing
- Clear Skin Mask Spell
- Protective Chant
- Be Seen as You Truly Are
- Become a Powerful Witch
- Black Magick Revenge
#1921 - Mermaid Spell
Fill the bath tub half way. Get in. Wrap the tower around your feet like a fin. Fill the bowl with water. Stare into it and imagine yourself as a mermaid. Say the spell while stirring the water in the bowl with your index finger.
"Fishy tail, scaly tail, make my wish come true, give me a tail the color of ( ) and a scaly matching top. I will protect the sea with a special power, the power to ( ) water. I will get my tail and power in an hour. I will not regret, I will not fret. The full moon will put me in a trance, if i am to touch water i will turn to mermaid form and will not return to normal until the full moon sets in the morning. Mermaid when wet, human when dry, one drop of water and ten second will make my tail grow. So mote it be, so mote it be!"
Say that while stirring with index finger then dump the water on your head. In one hour, touch water and your tail will grow.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1922 - Discord and Darkness
''With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
Knots of anger, knots of hate
Discord brings you to your fate
I tie this second knot makes two
Bringing darkness over you
Slander, discord, evil too
Bringing darkness straight to you
With this third knot, I do bind
Weaving chaos in your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
Bring him down, I will not wait''
So it be now made manifest!
As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to your enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. This will make it all the more effective! When you are done see if you can hide this string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it more potent! If not then save it in a special place until you decide to untie the knots and give your enemy a second chance.
#1923 - Vampire Spell
'' Spirit depart me now.leave my body forever. Let me be a vampire. Let my fangs grow. Let me have thirst for blood but not on people. Feast on animals only. To this day let me be a vampire. This is what I want with my whole heart. So mote it be.''
Side effects enclude:
Dry throat
Upset stomach
Teeth pain
Hope it works. It did for me. Remember being a vampire is a big responsibility
Do with it good only!! Or something terribly bad will happen.
Good Luck!!
Message me if it did work or if it didn't. If it didn't tell me if u had the side effects and ill see what you might have did wrong and try to tell you what to do to help you!! Thanks for trying!
#1924 - Send Enemies to Their Doom
1st take a mortar and pestle and one by one grind the ingredients (not the incense)then light the incense each represent the points of a star. Now then think of the person whose mind you wish to infect and chant:
"plantarum circa vitam inimici, et germinabunt quasi ignis ardens in animo" 3x.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1925 - Dragon Wishing
To engage this spell you must believe in magic and dragons to make it work chant this 3 times
"Dragons of magic
Dragons of light
Grant me this wish
(say wish)
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1926 - Clear Skin Mask Spell
Now the mask paste is ready to be set in its bed of stones to asorb their healing energy. Allow to sit over night and then every night.
To use, wash with luke warm water, then spoon out a bit of the paste. Before bed time,Apply as a mask,, and as you do say, '' Honey, Ancient Nectar of the Goddess, with your gift I do cleanse, you divine beauty I do borrow, bring joy to me, and banish sorrow, make me beautiful tomorrow.'' and let, for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse in warm water.You will feel it exfoliating your skin. Wash every night, and refill your jar as you use it up.
#1927 - Protective Chant
Cisualize a triple circle around your body and chant:
"I am protected by thy might
O Gracious Goddess, day and night"
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1928 - Be Seen as You Truly Are
invoke ganesha,the hindu elehant-headed god of fortune,wisdom, and literature. Place an image, whether its a postcard, drawing, or a statue of ganesha, next to a white image candle. Imagine white golden light swirling beneath your feet. Close your eyes and visualize the light entering your body through your toes and coursing through your body until it shines from the top of your head and throgh each finger. Watch as the white golden light moves to encircle you like a protective shield. Take three deep breaths. Inscribe the white candle with your astrological sign, magikal name, and/or your favorite symbols. Anoint both red and yellow candles with two drops of ganesha oil to call in his assistance. Say:
"Ganesha, I call you forth to me today
to remove the obstacles in my way."
Rub sandalwood oil on the whiye image candleand imagine yourself infused with iner peace, balance, and relaxation. add arua clensing oil to clear away any mildew or dirt from your arua, see yourself as a clear quartz crytal. Imagine yourself wiping each facet clean like a window. when all your ''windows'' are clean open youe eyes. Thank ganesha and douse the flame with a candle snuffer.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1929 - Become a Powerful Witch
Say this spell one time only. As clearly as it's possible. You have to speak really loud. Be carefull when you do the spell you can't say your name for 4 hours or the spell WON'T work and you will be in serious danger. You will have to watch the moon while you say the spell. Don't think about anything else just magic, forests and how much you want this to happen.
Put 6 candles around you and stand in the middle. Say the following spell 1x time while looking at the full moon. Wear a pentagram or a symbol that has a special meaning to you.
''How can it be, how can it be. Me (your name) to be this. Sister of forests, moonlights and winds let me, let me (your name) join you, to have the poweful power that doesn't exist, how can it be , how can it be, only me (your name) can be, thank you sisters, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1930 - Black Magick Revenge
Draw the pentagram with the salt on the floor. Place every object where the belong. (13 candles in a circle, parchment paper on the floor.) As you do so, light the 13 black candles as you say:
"I call upon the power of the king crowley,
Come to my side as I prepare this spell.
So may this person feel pain."
Place the parchment paper on the pentagram you drew on the floor. With that, place the impotant object (jewlery, photo, neckless ,ect..) then on the parchment paper you place on the pentagram. Now as you do so chant this x3:
"I call on crowley to help me,
As I cast a hex on the person I seek.
May what I wish come with lots of power
So this spell will be complete.
So mote it be"
When done chanting. Place the chicken heart on the object. As you do so take the 13 black candle and drop 2 drops out of each candle on the heart. As you do this picture what you want to happen to them. Then take the needle/knife and cut your hand so that you may drop 3 drops of your blood on the wax. Chant 5 times:
"I wish (name) will feel (what you want to happen)"
After the ritual is done. blow out the candles saying this:x13
"Hear my wish, so mote it be"
Wrap the parment paper with every thing inside. Tie it up with the twine. Dig a hole and place the package in the hole.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.