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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Control Weight Gain
  2. Heaven on Earth
  3. Simple Wish
  4. Show the Truth
  5. Witch's Bottle
  6. Luck Spell
  7. Remember a Dream
  8. Plant Growth Spell
  9. Attract Money to You
  10. Raging Hordes

#2011 - Control Weight Gain

After you say the spell, you will start to feel a head ache. You may pass out. Then the next day, you can control how fat you are.
You may need:

  • Food and drink
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    You may need:

  • Food and drink
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    Eat a big meal (a whole frozen pizza and 3 sodas will do) Then lay down and close your eyes and imagine how fat you would be the next day, and chant this 3 times:

    "Fat, Fat, Fat. I want to control how much fat I have just by imagining the fat. Fat, fat, fat. This is my wish, so mote it be!"

    Now you have to drink another soda and then go to sleep. After you wake up you should start to inflate. Then you can imagine how fat you want to be, and then you will inflate to that size. There is a limit, but you will feel some slight pain once you reach the limit.

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2012 - Heaven on Earth

    Say this incantation to bring peace.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    " I want heaven on earth, now
    I deserve it like anyone else
    Let this spell release me of problems
    Let me find peace on earth
    Let me find joy and happiness
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2013 - Simple Wish

    You need to have a fireproof item to burn the paper on. Now I recommend those bound to secrecy go outside so no one smells the smoke.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Fireproof item(metal tray, sand..etc)
  • Writing Utensil
  • Specific wishes(you need to be as specific as possible)
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Fireproof item(metal tray, sand..etc)
  • Writing Utensil
  • Specific wishes(you need to be as specific as possible)
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    Now on the paper draw a circle that almost takes up the page but leave room so you can draw the symbols of the elements outside the circle where they belong. Draw a pentacle in the circle as but as the circle with the symbols on the outside of the circle. I have a in my a album How its done it's the drawn pentacle with the circle around it. Now that you have all that put the paper on a fireproof item and burn it completley. Take the ashes and throw them into the air and say

    "It is done."

    and there you go . Hope this helps and message me if you have Any complications.

    Added to on Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2014 - Show the Truth

    This spell will bring the truth to surface in any case. If you want to reveal that someone lied something make this spell and everyone will find out the truth about that person!
    You may need:

  • 5 candles
  • My monogram(you can find it in my album)
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    You may need:

  • 5 candles
  • My monogram(you can find it in my album)
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    Draw or print my symbol and place it on a table, place the candles around the symbol. Now concentrate over the symbol for 30 seconds. Visualise the person that you know that its hidding something.

    Now visualise how that person is surrounded by a chain with a lock, that will sepresent the secret that its hidden, concentrate over the lock and chain,and after 5/10 seconds,visuaise how the lock its breaking and the chain its falling and its disapearing. Thank to the symbol for help and blow in the candles, the smoke from them will make the truth to be revealed!

    Added to on Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2015 - Witch's Bottle

    This is a witch's bottle to banish someone's negativity from you life. i.e-Bullies, a parasite like person, someone who is harassing you.
    You may need:

  • 1 Glass bottle
  • Salt or water to fill bottle with
  • Pins and needles(Stab away neg energy)
  • Personal item of that person if possible
  • piece of paper
  • A pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 Glass bottle
  • Salt or water to fill bottle with
  • Pins and needles(Stab away neg energy)
  • Personal item of that person if possible
  • piece of paper
  • A pen
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    Step One: Put the personal item of that person in the bottle; imagine what that person does to harm your spiritual being or emotional being.
    Step two:Then feel the bottle with the pins and needles, envisioning that the pins and needles are stabbing and poking that persons negativity away from you.
    Step Three: Then fill the bottle with the water or salt, if you choose water fill the bottle with the water while seeing the water wipe away all the negativity that is directed to you.
    Step Three: If you choose salt envision the salt cleansing the negativity away.
    Step Four: After that is done sill the bottle while thinking about shutting out that person.
    Step Five: Bury the bottle on the outside of your property and forget about while it works its magick.
    SIDE NOTE:If you do not have a personal item write the persons name on a slip of paper and envision that person and their negativity toward you, then fold the paper up really small and follow the rest of the steps.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2016 - Luck Spell

    This is a fairly simple luck spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 penny
  • 3 green candles
  • 3 Tiger's Eye stones
  • 3 sandalwood incense sticks
  • 3 teaspoons of bay oil
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    You may need:

  • 1 penny
  • 3 green candles
  • 3 Tiger's Eye stones
  • 3 sandalwood incense sticks
  • 3 teaspoons of bay oil
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    Put the penny, 3 stones, and 3 teaspoons of bay oil in a dish. Light the candles and incense sticks and say for 20 seconds:

    ''A penny for luck.''

    Take the penny out of the dish and carry it with you where ever you go.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2017 - Remember a Dream

    Does not matter if sleepy or not but better off sleepy and Make sure no nosies keep you off track or else not focus on the spell.
    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    Before you get ready for the spell make sure you believe in it & don't think hard about it.

    1. Once you are ready and calm down .. now, Repeat this in your head till you remember the lines: "I will remember each dream I have, I will wake up after each dream I have, And think over my experience."
    2. And every now and than while you trying to get some sleep "say" it a fews more times 5-9.
    3. So once you done all this do it one more time on a different schedule.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2018 - Plant Growth Spell

    This will help your plant grow!
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • Seeds
  • Dirt
  • A flower pot
  • A lighter
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • Seeds
  • Dirt
  • A flower pot
  • A lighter
  • Water
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    First light your candle with your lighter.
    Then pour dirt into your pot
    Next push ur thumb into your dirt and place
    A few seeds.
    Cover up the seeds and add some water.
    Now grab some of the dirt water and draw a water drop
    And say ''may this water nourish and hydrate this young seedling,''
    Then take more dirt water and drawn a sun
    And say ''and the sunlight give this plant plenty of food,''
    Then finally draw some dirt and say ''and may this dirt be the base and the glue that holds this plant tigether and binds all of these elements''
    Last draw lines to the pot from the drawings and finally say ''combine all of these together to make this plant grow big an tall'' then put out the candle by placing the fire into the dirt of the pot. Mail me any questions or comments! :D

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2019 - Attract Money to You

    Use this spell when you're broke to bring money in your direction.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say out loud once

    "I summon money from anywhere
    So I can spend it
    I summon all the money I need
    So I can live without a care
    I summon all the money I want
    As long as I did it without sinning"

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2020 - Raging Hordes

    This is the most powerful and deadly curse in the Prophecy that invokes the forces of Kurane into the physical manifestation. This spell is best used when reckless abandon is still not enough and you want more death and destruction than even I could ever dream up. The power of this spell is extremely dangerous and will destroy by the most unnatural means the demons can come up with. The power of this spell can destroy the souls of the weak and the flesh of all others. This is the deadliest curse to invoke upon a worthless enemy. This spell cannot be undone once it is used. There is no power in the highest light or the darkest malevolence that can release this curse once it is used. This curse will not destroy the one who uses it, but it will corrupt the sorcerer to desire further curses of the Seuwrhanic Tradition. Corruption is a small price to pay when power was always the goal.
    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 1 Azahran’s Awakening
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 Gates of Kurane Seal: look in my photos for this.
  • 1 Heraldic Wand: copper tube topped with a Lemurian Wand Crystal.
  • 1 stool
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    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 1 Azahran’s Awakening
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 Gates of Kurane Seal: look in my photos for this.
  • 1 Heraldic Wand: copper tube topped with a Lemurian Wand Crystal.
  • 1 stool
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    (1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame and Heraldic Wand on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
    (2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
    (3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
    (4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
    (5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
    (6) Draw or place the seal on the wall where you want the gate to open. Hold and point the Heraldic Wand at the star inside the spiral on the Seal. Project your hatred through the Gates of Kurane and allow them to taste it and desire more.
    (7) Let out all your wrath and hatred for the foes you seek to destroy. This is your chance to inflict mortal agony and suffering of the likes of which few will ever suffer.
    (8) This is your chance to inflict immortal agony of the likes of which even Hell cannot compare. Let your hatred drive you mad and fill this ritual with your deepest rages.
    (9) Allow the energy left over return to their sources. Burn the Azahran’s Awakening.
    (10) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
    (11) Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Once this spell is done it is best to abandon the ritual site forever.

    (2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
    (3) Greed! I ask for your hunger! Vengeance! I ask for your reprisal! Hatred! I ask for your revulsion! Malice! I ask for your spite!
    (4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
    (5) Greed, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Vengeance, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Hatred, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Malice, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Malevolence the binding force of evil, watch the seals placed here.
    (6) In the Names, I call upon Seuwrhan to open the Gates of Kurane that holds tight the mighty horde. I release the vile horde and the evils that are contained within upon this unholy city and all that dwell within it. I shall by the power of my hatred unleash all that is Greed, Vengeance, Hatred and Malice upon (Location).
    (7) I curse death upon all who make thoughts against me! I curse death upon all who make actions against me! I curse death upon all who make lies against me!
    I curse them all dead! I curse that demons shall rip the flesh from their bones! Kill them! Rip my enemies to pieces, I curse it so!
    Slice them up, rip them up, be done with all who think and make actions against me! I want them dead! Almighty demonic hordes destroy them all and leave only their bleached bones behind. Curse them, kill them, destroy them, burn them up and eat them alive. Bind them down, kill them, chop them up, I curse it so!
    (8) Murder them all and snap their souls in Kurane! Take their souls and burn them up! Consume their miserable lives until all they can do is beg for a faster death! I curse them all and all that they are! Take them and eat them alive! Rip them up and snap their souls into the deepest fires of Kurane!
    I bind my enemies to the deepest and hottest place in damnation! There shall be no mercy! There shall be no hope! I shall give them agony and curses! I curse it so!
    (9) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
    (10) Malice! I release your power from my circle! Hatred! I release your power from my circle! Vengeance! I release your power from my circle! Greed! I release your power from my circle!
    (11) Hail unto Seuwrhan the God of Corruption this curse shall be sent. Be off mighty demons and go feasting until all is gone; so it shall be!

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters