3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Greedy Spell
- Plant Growth Potion
- Get more magi powers fast
- Latin Summoning Spell
- Friday The 13th
- To Send A Message In A Dream
- Get A Job
- Spell To Stay Awake
- A Spell For Sleep
- Banish Stage Fright
#2021 - Greedy Spell
#2022 - Plant Growth Potion
Light all the candles and put them in a triangle with the biggest in the front. Mix the salt and water. Add the basil. Add the honey. Mix them with a spoon while you chant:
"Basil, a herb whose ingredient is worth of curing thy garden. Water, the key to life of thy plants. Salt, a key to the beach. Honey made from pollen to attract thy insects.
Put the candles out, from smallest to biggest. Pour the potion on the garden and chant:
"Potion of herbs, cure thy garden"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2023 - Get more magi powers fast
#2024 - Latin Summoning Spell
The invocation: I invoke you, ye holy one! Regal and majestic! Glorious splendour! Mighty arch-daimon! Denizen of chaos and Erebus, and of the unfathomable abyss! Haunter of sky-depths! Murk enwrapped, scanning mystery, and guardian of cults! Flame-fanning terror darter! Heart-crushing despot! Satanachia of daimons! Invincible Lucifer!
The prayer: domine deus meus in te speravi conlitebor tibi domine in toto corde meo quem ad modum desiderat cervus ad fantes aquarum. Ouver! Chameron! Aliseon! Mandousin! Premy! Oriet! Mayorus! Esmony! Estiot! Dumosson! Danochar! Casmiel! Sadirno! Eparinesant! domine meus Lucifer!
The conjuration: I conjure thee spirit to come and show thyself in fair and comely shape without guile or deformity by the name of Casmiel! By the name of beloved Lucifer! By the dread day of final judgement! By the omen! By the changing sea of glass! By those beasts having eyes before and behind, and having one hundred hands!
The pact: Je renonce à tous les biens tant spirituels que corporels qui me pourraient estre conferez de la part de Dieu! De la vierge Marie! Et de tous les, oui, les saincts du Paradis! Pareillement de mon patron saint Jean Baptiste! Saint Paul! Saint Pierre! Et Saint François! Et de me donner de corps aaaaaaaaaaaa Lucifer!
Rituel: Astrachios asach abedumar silet scigin lord of all, Lucifer, whose glance searchest the abyss, grant me the power to conceive in my mind, and the power to execute that all which I desire to do! Oh Lucifer! I give unto thee my soul! My inward parts! My desires! And my entire being! Sweet lord Lucifer!
The Vision: I am the daughter of fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. The heavens address me! They covet and desire me with furious appetite! I am shadowed with the hot circle of stone, and encovered with the crimson warning clouds! I am deflowered and yet a virgin! Behold! I will bring forth children unto you, oh my husband, Lucifer!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2025 - Friday The 13th
Draw a pentagram with your paint and draw the symbols of the 4 elements of nature. After you draw the elements, be sure to draw the symbol of unity/balance.
Place 10 Red Candles on the inner part of the pentagram. Place 10 White Candles on the End Lines of the circle of the pentagram. Place 10 Black Candles on the outer part of the pentagram.
After that Hold your Horus Amulet and wear your jade necklace. Write things that you want to banish and things that you want to keep. Write things that you want to banish on the red paper. Write things that you want to keep on the white paper. After that, chant this spell:
"Excitate Vos E Somno Liberi Mei Cunae Sunt Non
Liberi Fatali Somnos Est Non
Surgite Inventite Veni Hortum Veritatis
Horti Verna Veritatis
Viebus Fatalibus"
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2026 - To Send A Message In A Dream
''With dreamers eyes, allow him/her to see
A message sent to him/her from me
With this spell, my message takes flight
Let it fill his/her mind in a dream tonight''
Focus on your message and visualize the smoke carrying it to the intended person as the herbs burn. When the herbs are done smoldering and the smoke stops, say:
His/her mind be safe, his/her will be free. The spell is done, so may it be.
End your rite and close your circle.
#2027 - Get A Job
Cast a circle. Carve the rune for wealth into the candle and light it. Meditate on your intentions and charge the candle with power. Then take the item to be made into a charm in your dominant hand and whisper to it exactly what you want. Then, pass the charm quickly through the flame and speak the following words:
"By the power of charm and fire
I draw to me what I desire
Prosperity I seek to gain
Employment I will soon attain"
Imagine getting a job as clearly as you can. Visualize it with perfect clarity and focus your will on making it happen. Keep the charm with you until you become employed.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2028 - Spell To Stay Awake
''By this candle burning bright
I ask to stay awake tonight
The brightness of this flame Ill keep
To make sure that I will not sleep''
Be sure that your candle is large enough so that it will not burn down before youre ready to go to sleep. If it does go out, then simply repeat the spell with another candle. If possible, do what youre staying awake to do within your circle. If you must, you can carry the candle somewhere else and visualize your circle moving with you. When you are ready to go to sleep, put out the candle and say:
''Although I stayed up late tonight
When morning comes, Ill be alright
And when its time, I ask I may
Wake up alert to greet the day''
Ground any extra energy, close your circle, and then go to sleep.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2029 - A Spell For Sleep
''Candle burning in Moons light, aid me in my sleep tonight
Give me rest so that I may be ready for the coming day''
Breathe in deeply and as you exhale, snuff out the candle with your non-dominant hand. As the candle goes out, feel yourself drop suddenly to a deep, restful state (but be careful that you dont immediately lose consciousness make sure you get to your bed first!).
#2030 - Banish Stage Fright
Cast a circle and meditate to focus and center yourself. Then turn your mind toward your fears. Think about what exactly your fear is what smaller fears its made of. Then, take each stone one at a time and pour one fear into each stone: for example, fill one with your fear of embarrassment, another with your fear of mistakes, etc.
Take the stones somewhere outside where you can throw them. Make sure its somewhere that you wouldnt walk through. Throw each one as hard as you can, as far away from you as possible. As you throw them, say: "I cast you off and throw you away. I banish you, you cannot stay."
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.