Heaven on Earth

SpellsLife  ► Success  ► Heaven on Earth
Say this incantation to bring peace.

Casting Instructions for 'Heaven on Earth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None


" I want heaven on earth, now
I deserve it like anyone else
Let this spell release me of problems
Let me find peace on earth 
Let me find joy and happiness
So mote it be"


Added to on Sep 21, 2013
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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a happiness spell gives you joy, and make it seem like heaven on earth but heaven isn't on earth and nor can you make it be on earth. Won't work.

This requires an edit. You can use affirmations and the law of attraction to bring positivity into your life. However, what does happiness mean to you? Sit with yourself and write about your perfect day. If you struggle with writing, you could make a point form list, make a collage, paint, or any other mean of expression. The point is to define for yourself what ''Heaven on Earth'' would be. Once you know how it looks and feels, you can try chanting, affirmations, vision boards, or any number of spells to make it a reality. This chant does not have enough energy or clarity to do much. The chant mentions problems. What are these problems? Sometimes, we do not consider something a problem, but it is holding us back from our highest good. A major cost when you grow spiritually is releasing things you once loved. Sometimes it is a hobby or show you no longer enjoy. Other times, it is your best friend since childhood, or family members. Things to consider before casting any spell, but especially a vaguely worded one.

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