3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Fairy 2
- Become an Angel
- Hidden Path
- Better Singing
- Leaf of Ash Luck
- Pride
- Lucky Hair-tie
- Eyelash Growing
- Mermaid
- Needle Pressure
#2041 - Fairy 2
"Oh fairies
Creatures of the unknown
Hear my plea
Come make me one of you
With wings so beautiful
And powers so extreme
Make my wish come true"
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2042 - Become an Angel
Light each of the three candels and put them afront of you.know chant "Oh gods oh goddess, please make me an angel so mote it be!!!".Chant this 3 more times and in three hours you will be an angel.You will also become immortal.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2043 - Hidden Path
Just say, "Ostende mihi viam ostendere viam aperire viam."
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2044 - Better Singing
Sing three times:
"Better voice- I want now
Better voice- let it be crowned
I'm not that good
At singing at all
Listen to me
Music and voice
Let it be
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2045 - Leaf of Ash Luck
Go to an ash tree and say:
"Leaf of ash
I do thee Pluck.
Give to me
A day of luck."
Take a leaf and keep it with you all day.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2046 - Pride
#2047 - Lucky Hair-tie
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2048 - Eyelash Growing
Go to the bathroom , fill up the sink half way with water. Toss your coin into the sink. Say the following 5-10 times:
"Oh gods,Oh gods of the beauty
Please grant me my wish.
Of growing eyelashes to ---------,
And as wide as ----------
This is my will
So mote it me."
Throw your eyelash inside the water, unblock the drain and walk away from the sink.
Do this 3 times a day for a week. Then you'll see the difference.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2049 - Mermaid
Set up a bath with just water, no bubbles or anything. While its filling up, get the song you want to transform to and put it on repeat (some good songs are Stars Dance by Selena Gomez and Burn by Ellie Goulding). When the bath is done filling up, get a tablespoon of salt for every 100 mph you want to swim (ex. 3 tablespoons for 300 mph) and put it into the water. Get what you want to look like as a mermaid and your power in mind (for the tail colors, use natural colors, like blue, gold, red, or green. Don't use pink, purple, or yellow. Use whatever power you want to). When you are ready, get into the tub and repeat this spell:
"Mermaids in all the oceans,
Mermaids in all the lakes,
Please grant my lifelong wish.
I wish to be a mermaid,
Swimming happily in the sea,
Please give my lifelong wish to me.
I would like a beautiful (color choice) tail,
With a top to match.
My power will be (power)
When I transform,
I just have to say
Mermaid when wet.
To go back to my natural human form,
I just have to say
Human when dry.
Mermaids in all the oceans,
Mermaids in all the lakes,
Please grant my lifelong wish,
To be a mermaid,
Swimming in the deep."
When you are done, go under the water and hold your breath for as long as you can. Once you come up, drain the water, but don't get out until it is completely drained. You should be almost dry by then. Dry off and put on pajama pants that are the color you said you wanted your tail to be. You are completely done with the spell after this. Your power should come first. If you said that you wanted more than one power, then you will only gain one power out of them. No matter what, you will ALWAYS have only one power. Your tail should come in the next month or so after getting your power. Your power will come 2-4 weeks after doing the spell.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2050 - Needle Pressure
First grab the 3 pieces of paper.On one of them write the full name of your enemy and the country that he lives in.On the other one write the harm that he has done to you.on the other piece of paper write what do you want that your enemy feels such as itching,burning,pain etc (don't write that you want him to die otherwise the spell won't work).
Then put the three papers in or wrapped to the doll. Stick the needles or whatever pointed thing you chose in a solid part of the doll where it is pushed in when there is pressure on it.
Now put some heavy books that you've got on a furniture like a table and put the doll on them.Than put some other heavy books on the doll. While they are on the doll they will make pressure on it and the needles will be pushed into the doll. While the books are on the doll,your enemy will suffer from the symptoms you've written on the paper. Leave the books on the doll as much time as you want your enemy to suffer. When you remove the books,your enemy will stop suffering
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.