3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Body Guard
- Shape Shifting
- Full Moon Ritual
- Make a New Friend
- Revenge spell
- Powerful Money
- A Sleep Spell (By RedRockets)
- Forget Past Magic
- Bat
- Vampire
#2081 - Body Guard
Light the candle and meditate. Write the word "bethemet" on the paper. Then put the paper in the clay figures mouth. Tap the figure three times with your wand and chant 3x:
"With this name,so shall you be
Alive to guard o'er all you see
With this charm, I thee endow
The power to protect me now"
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2082 - Shape Shifting
Light the candle and meditate. Now mix the honeydew with dolphins milk in a bowl. Drink the mixture with your eyes closed.
Chant: "Bestia animo. My human shape shall go. Bestio bestietta. It shall go for the better. Bestio anifornum. I will turn into a ___".
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2083 - Full Moon Ritual
Place the candles in a pentagram shape and connect them with the lavender to make a star,then use some lavender to circle the star still connecting the candles to make a pentagram(should be big enough to place the goblet and athame in the middle without touching the sides).
To connect:
- Bottom left to tip
- Tip to bottom right
- Bottom right to top left
- Top left to top right
- Top right to bottom left
Light the candles in correspondence with the five elements
- Top right = Air
- Bottom right = Water
- Bottom left = Earth
- Top left = Fire
- Tip = Spirit
As you light the candles say:
- Air: "God of Air I call upon you to bless this pentagram with your untold power."
- Water: "Goddess of Water I call upon you to bless this pentagram with your untold power."
- Earth:"Goddess of Earth I call upon you to bless this pentagram with your untold power."
- Fire:"God of Fire I call upon you to bless this pentagram with your untold power."
- Spirit:"Spirit of the Universe I call upon you to bless this pentagram with your untold power."
Once all the candles are lit fill the goblet halfway with wine and place it in the middle of the pentagram and place the athame in the middle of the pentagram along with the goblet.
Look up at the moon and say: "Mother Moon I look to you this night to ask for your blessing and protection through your next phase of beauty."
Take the athame in your dominate hand and raise it to the moon,extend your other hand in front of you over the goblet,and looking to the moon say:
"Mother Moon I sacrifice eight drops of blood to represent the eight phases of your beauty."
With the athame slice across your hand and let exactly eight drops of your blood fall into the goblet.
Take the moonstone or crystal into the hand that you cut and that hand in you other hand,squeeze the moonstone or crystal in your hands close to your chest as hard as you can without dripping blood all over yourself.
Place the blood-covered jewel in the goblet of wine and say: "As I ask for you blessing I offer you this sacrifice as price for my requests."
Take the goblet in both hands,hold it up to the moon,bring it back to you,and take a drink.(It may not taste very good,sorry)
Put the goblet down in the pentagram again,dip your fingers in the liquid,and trace a star on either your chest or forehead,then touch your fingers to your lips. Clean and bandage your hand,we wouldn't want it to get infected now would we.
Meditate until either the tealights burn out or the wine dries. The longer you meditate the more relaxed you will become.
Take the jewel from the goblet and place it under your pillow and keep it there until the sun rises then was it and keep it somewhere safe until the next time you need it.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2084 - Make a New Friend
Take deep breaths, and calm down. Make sure you are completely calm, and mutter these words before going anywhere.
"Oh God's and Goddess's hear my plea, help me make some friends so sweet!"
And I did it and I found my best friend Kamy so it does work!
Last edited on Dec 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2085 - Revenge spell
After that, light the candles. They don't have to be in any particular order, but black first is what I recommend. The room must be dark before you light the candles. Make sure the window is open, even if only enough to let a tiny bit of air in. There must be visible gap between the window and frame, enough to fit a penny through. It can also be fully open, or half, or anything, but it must be OPEN.
While the candles are lit, mediate. Try concentrating on all the negative energies towards this person, whether it be hate, anger, etc... Also, think about what they've done to warrant this spell, how they have wronged you and why they deserve it. Clear everything else out of your mind, and just concentrate on these things. When you feel that is all you have in your mind, then you may proceed.
Focus on the candle. Be aware of the darkness outside of the candle's light. Now, imagine black clouds, swirling through the darkness and around you, almost clinging to your skin, but unseen to the human eye. This is your power, your negative energy.
Now imagine you have complete control over these shadows.
Chant these words. Make sure you have a mental image of the person you are directing them to while reading;
'Anger's sting, rage's power,
Consume my enemy with this negativity of mine.
Let them be stripped of their protective walls,
The pain they gave me will be doubled.
Bad luck be upon he/she who wronged me,
Now my wrath is what they shall feel.'
Imagine the black clouds pulsing, entering your chest and leaving your mouth and out of the window, spreading into the air, as you read the next words.
'So mote it be'.
You may now blow the candles out and turn the light on.
#2086 - Powerful Money
Set up all your ingredients on the altar. Sprinkle salt on rock and chant: "Towards this wish, the money grows. It leaps, it bounds, it over flows. Coins that jingle, coins that chime. Come to me now, for you are mine" five times.
Light the bay leaf on fire, then put it over the rock and meditate. Once it turns to ashes, draw a dollar symbol on the rock. Pass the rock through the flame and chant: "Rock and fire combined: create a money magnet. With this I draw money in"
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2087 - A Sleep Spell (By RedRockets)
Gods of power
Gods of might
Take my pain
Take my fright
I just want to sleep tonight
Let it be
Let it be
(repeat three times)
Message me if it works, c;
#2088 - Forget Past Magic
Stand in a darkish room. As you stand take in the good things about your life and eliminate any bad ones. Think about all the good things and count them. Add 5 to the amount. Now see what the number is and that is how many times you will have to say this chant whilst thinking about the spell you want to remove:
" Remove all the Magick of which I have done,
Remove all the Magick done by this one.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2089 - Bat
Draw the type of bat you want to be. (Every inch is one ft. in real life.) Color your bat how it's species looks. Write down it's height next to it. Underline the height.
Fold hamburger style so you can't see the drawing. Write it's info with a pencil/pen on either side (Name,species,behavior,diet,eye-color,wingspan)
Fold hamburger style again so you can't see the words. Write this and say it as you write it,aloud "Bats,bats,bats,I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat) My fur color shall be (Color) and my eyes will be shining (color) ".
Fold paper hamburger again. Draw a pentagram on one side. Fold hamburger again.
Everynight for three nights before you sleep,chant "God, please let me be the bat that I wish to be." Then chant: Bats, bats,bats I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat). My fur shall be (color), and my eyes will be shining (color). "
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2090 - Vampire
"Night falls and I awaken
Light of day I have forsaken,
My Vampire eyes seek far and wide
There is nowhere safe for you to hide
My prey calls to me upon each rising
Their blood I seek , so appetising...
moonlight bright, I grow stronger
Makes me wish the night was longer.
Wicked wings through the sky
Watching as the world flys by..
Hunger claws me inside out
The need to feed makes my route..
Finding you here your blood so strong
Fangs sink deep where I belong
Sweet and hot my crimson high,
Your pulse is fading, you slowly die..
Stop me before the demon rises
Human life is what he despises
I try to take just what I need
But the demon trys to take the lead..
So cold and still in my arms,
Your fate is sealed in stone..
You rest in peace at heaven's gate"
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.