This spell is to give you white wings, these are physical wings, NOT astral so think before you do this spell.
You may need:
A real feather
Windy day
(its best to meditate before the spell and after)
You may need:
A real feather
Windy day
(its best to meditate before the spell and after)
Wings of power, Wings of night, I ask this upon this very time. I wish for wings, wings of white, as white as the clouds in the sky. with these wings I shall fly, up high in the sky, into the night, forever flying in the sky with a wingspan of 30 feet. May my wish be granted in a matter of 10 days, and when I wake up to a new day, I shall see them before me for the rest of my days. Wings of strength, wings of flight, wings of wonder, wings of life.
*All spells I create are designed for indigos, and I am one myself. I am not responsible your stupid actions regarding this spell.*
Spell for wings. I believe it to be quite powerful.
You may need:
A windy night
Candles to represent the elements
Salt (For the circle, optional)
Feather (Specifically what you want your wings to be. Must be a real feather. Natural or dyed. This is also optional, only if you can vividly visualize your wings.)
You may need:
A windy night
Candles to represent the elements
Salt (For the circle, optional)
Feather (Specifically what you want your wings to be. Must be a real feather. Natural or dyed. This is also optional, only if you can vividly visualize your wings.)
Recite as follows three times, and try not to mess up:
Powers of light and powers of dark, grant my wish, allow wings to sprout from my back.
-Wings of strength, carry we where ever I need to be.
-Wings of night, be as swift as the dancing shadows.
-Wings of gentleness, may thee fly gracefully like the winds of Earth
-Wings of pain, burst from my back and be a reminder of my mortality.
I beg and plead for my wings. May my feathers be (like an [insert feathered creature here.]'s)([Or] of the color [Insert color here.]). The wings will burst in a small size and grow to full in (Insert number) days/weeks/months. This is my wish, my dream. So mote it be.
Draw the pentagram on the paper then put it on the side. Get candles lit up and put each one in each tip of the pentagram. Then leave that on the side. Use the ouija board and tell what ever you want to the gods 4 times out loud and then when you finish saying what you want get the glass of milk and pour it on the board.
This spell requires you to be in a great mood, you write a letter to universe or any god/goddess you follow.
You may need:
Paper (any color)
Pen you love
Pink/white candle near you
You may need:
Paper (any color)
Pen you love
Pink/white candle near you
This spell requires you to be in a great mood, or even if you are very sad it will do, but be in vibration with what you want.You write a letter to universe or any god/goddess you follow... you can even write a letter to your spirit guide
Light a candle... make the place calm, if you need, insert earplugs so nothing can distract you
Write a letter to universe without stopping in between or rereading your letter
Just write everything in a flow
If you want a guy start writing his qualities, if anything is missed, leave it.
Let the paper be near candle for some time. Do not cut or make changes.
Do not get up to change pens... pray a bit... and fold the paper towards you.
You can either keep paper near your bed or in safe almirah
You can offer some rose petals or pomegranate juice to whoever letter is addressed
Take the rose and place it in front of you. Chant 3X: When the rose wilts, so will (insert name). The next day, give it to your victim. when all the petals fall off because of old age of the rose, the victim will fall ill.
"Wonderful wolf spirit
Within me
Please listen and hear
My desperate plea
I wish to be like you
This wish is pure and true
I wish to take this chance
Power with a mighty stance
Wonderful wolf spirit
Hear my plea
This is my will
So mote it be"