3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Money (powerful, but dangerous one)
- Candles
- Neko
- Neko Transform
- Fortunes
- Blood Magick Money Spell
- Blue Tail Mermaid
- Memory Eraseing
- Truth (Dice)
- Apple Wish
#2141 - Get Money (powerful, but dangerous one)
then, draw a pentragram on the piece of paper before you, and say this:
''water, fire, air, earth, and the spirit of all, the elements of luck and existence, combine your powers, let my wish be my fate. for i wish to get a grip on whealth. for my desire is (put a small brief desire here). please let my wish be my fate..''
then imagine the elements, going away from you to go on a journey to haul that for you.
as i said, this spell is dangerous and very powerfull, and if not cast carefully, this can cause great consequences. however if you think out clear what you want, in such a way you hold the harm outside, this spell can't do any much backfire. i recommended intermediate and higher levels to cast this.
#2142 - Candles
Like pink is for romance and red is for love. Confusing right? Electric candles work too for spells.
#2143 - Neko
''Make me a Neko to frolic and play with a (color) tail and (color) ears. I want my tail to be (length) and want it to be (fluffiness).
It's okay if you miss a day. You can make it up by saying the spell more in one day.
SIDE EFFECTS (when the spell works):
Craving milk or fish
Purring when feeling happy, comfortable, etc.
Better balance
Landing on your feet when falling from any altitude
Able to climb up trees
Sometimes scratching things soft and fluffy
Your ears and tail will appear when you:
-Are embarrassed
-Are excited
-Want them to appear
Note: The spell works depending on who you are. Some people might be lucky and get their ears and tail in as little as a day! And you HAVE to believe the spell will work, otherwise it won't work.
Questions? Please feel free to message me any questions.
#2144 - Neko Transform
Chant 3-4 times:
"Make me a neko
To frolic and play
(Color) ears with
(Color) tail of
(#) certain length"
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2145 - Fortunes
Slosh around until you see something.
#2146 - Blood Magick Money Spell
2 slice or needle prick your fingure.
3 dot blood on each individual piece of fake money.
4 place money in the envolpe.
5 pour powdered cinimond in the envelope to what you feel is the right amount.
6 smear your blood along the envelope closeing is so that you are sealing the spell with your blood if you will.
7 drip three drops of your blood in the candle flame trying not to put the flame out so small drops, you will here your blood fizzle and crackle in the flame.
8 tip the melted candle wax onto the envilope where your blood is and perminatly seal it shut.
9 wait for the candle wax to cool.
10 blow out candle and maybe do this siting down cause if any of the things mentioned in my warning above are going to happen its when you have blown that flame out.
11 if you feel fine stand with the envelope in your right hand the seal facing up and say:
''hear me angels in your glory
hear menow zachareal.
I see the need for the common good
and ask for this to be increased
Blessed be so mote it be''
repeat chant 3 times and say every day for 7 days and once you recieve the money open envielpeand also in that time visulise a protected sheild over the envelope on yourself and keep in your sacred place the envelpoe.
if you want the money for another person focus on them when doing the spell i.e think their name when placing fake money into the envolope and in the 7 days imagine the envelope geting heavyer everyday.
Blessed Be and good luck :)
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2147 - Blue Tail Mermaid
Put the necklace on the floor in a circle made with the seashells. Each shell should be facing one of the main directions. Put the soap in a bowl of water. Pick up the soap and use it to lather your hands. Stand in the circle and blow a bubble, then sing:
"I wish I may
I wish I might
Have the form
I want tonight
A tail
Some fins
A power too
I wish I could
I wish I may
Have the form
I wish today"
Pop the bubble, then step out of the circle and clean up .
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2148 - Memory Eraseing
Look at the chosen person, then say:
"We once knew
The memory I hold
But with this spell,
So strong and bold
The memory is gone
Without a trace
Found nowhere
Near the human race"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2149 - Truth (Dice)
Ask a question and throw the dice.
- 1- No
- 2- Maybe yes
- 3- Maybe no
- 4- Yes
- 5- No
- 6- Yes
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2150 - Apple Wish
Cut open a apple if there's a star within the apple and if there's seeds in it for each wish is a seed, put the apple outside after you asked your wishes, then say " In the power of water earth, air, fire, and spirit grant me my wishes, so mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be!"
Then put the apple outside and let the apple rot and let the seeds be carried away by the wind, the spirits that see your seeds will grant your wishes for each seed that's blown away and the ones that stay may or may mot be granted. Oh and be sure to point at the seeds when you ask for each wish.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.