3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Good Luck and Well Being
- Oblivion
- Past Life
- Fear/Sorrow Inducer
- Good Singing
- Mental Pain
- To Become Someone Else
- Happy
- Girl Attraction
- Break Up Spell
#2251 - Good Luck and Well Being
Chant the following as many times as you like:
"To the moon.
To the sun.
To the skies.
To the waters.
Stars, let your fire burn.
Winds let your strength grow.
Let us unite.
Let me shine bright."
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2252 - Oblivion
#2253 - Past Life
Sit down in a quiet room and sit criss cross on the floor. Close your eyes and concentrate. After you've done that for 4 to 5 minutes then say this: "Help me remember my past life. Please end all my strife. Help remember who I was before, right down to my very core".
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2254 - Fear/Sorrow Inducer
You place the name inside of the pentagram, there are 5 ways to make your victim scared
Average Scared: just simply place the name/pic in the pentagram and say "Dark forces, corrupt thy foe and feast on his/her fear, all his nightmares will be about me: all of the frightening tales he'll hear will be about me in his ears" the next morning when you see him/her at work, school, or just at the grocery store, he/she will look at you like you're gonna strangle him/her in front of everyone
Fetal Position: Slice the name/pic in fourths and place each four in the middle of the pentagram, when he sees you he wont help curling into a fetal position as if he just saw his wife/girlfriend/anyone he/she cares about being barbecued.
"I Wish I Was Never Born" Scared: Throw the name/pic into the Bonfire and chant "Lucifer, Make thou soul suffer, make his/her heart jump from thy chest to throat. make him/her be very afraid" When you even look at your victim now, you'll be most feared since slender man
Scared (censored)-less: Slice the First letter of his/her name off (If pic, slice off the face) chant "Thou is no more, light be removed from this sorry excuse of a human being and darkness be placed inside of this shriveling monkey" then next day hen he/she sees you he/she will run as if he/she was running from Death
Deathly Scared: Slice the pic/name into a star shape and place it in the middle, take the red marker and place a circle in the exterior. chant "Now, lucifer. it is my turn to be feared, i am true Satan. there is no divine power more divine than mine" the next day your victim will act like he/she is staring into the eyes of the devil himself
Last edited on Mar 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2255 - Good Singing
This is just a chant to let you have a good singing voice: do this every morning. When you wake so don't eat breakfast: Do this first.
Light a white candle. Get a glass of water and put some sugar but not too much, just some. Now drink it & drink another glass of fresh egg or cook egg and eat it. You just need to eat an egg or drink it. Then after that you had drink the glass of water, chant this and sing :
"Dear angels of kryon
Please music is my passion
Each day I sing this
Please make my voice sound prettier
So mote it be"
Now blow the candle, do this for 48 days in a row.
Last edited on Mar 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2256 - Mental Pain
Sit in your dark room, on the floor with your legs crossed. Place each candle on either side of you and your item in front of you. Have your music (if you have it) place softly in the background while your eyes are closed and you start taking deep breaths.
Now, start thinking. Think of everything thats been bothering you, and that irritates you. Think of everyone that you hate. Then think about how those people that you hate don't matter. Think about how you no longer care about those thinks that bother you. Realize that if you stop putting so much time into the things/people that you hate, then you could live a happier, less stressful life
Now, start thinking of everything that makes you smile. Think of the people that you love. Think of all the good things that have ever happened to you. Think of how you can make your future even better. Then, I want you to smile
Open your eyes. Pick up your item. Think of why it's special to you and hold it close. Blow out your candles, stand up, and live your life in a way that makes you happy
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2257 - To Become Someone Else
Stare into the mirror and chant: "Object of objection, become a new reflection" three times. Then wave your hand over your face while focusing in the mirror.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2258 - Happy
Just say "happiness arise" as you point your wand towards the target.
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2259 - Girl Attraction
Just say: "I am tired of rejection, so let me be attractive and girls love me. So mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2260 - Break Up Spell
WARNING: This is a very dangerous spell. Even just using it once can get you into a lot of trouble.