This is a spell to banish a habbit or things that keep happening like getting bad grades at school.
You may need:
Spoon or anything you can use to dig a hole
A knife or anything you can carve in the apple with
You may need:
Spoon or anything you can use to dig a hole
A knife or anything you can carve in the apple with
Dig a hole into the ground big enough to bury an apple in. On the bottom of the hole sprinkle some salt.
Now take your apple. Hold it in your hands and think of the things that you want to banish, the feeling you have when you feel guilty because of smoking for example. Imagine these feelings being absorbed by the apple. Now take your knife and carve some symbols reminding you of the things you want to banish or just simply cut the apple.
Place the apple in the hole that you just made. Now with your hands bury the apple and pat it real good and feel that the bad habits are now buried under the ground.
This will grant any wish as you should keep it short.
You may need:
Birth stone (I use jewelry)
You may need:
Birth stone (I use jewelry)
Have birth stone on or near you.
"Gods and goddesses far and near please come close and lend an ear. I have a simple wish for you to grant, I shall thank you. wish (say your wish). I try, try, try again but it never works.I want to say amen. So mote it be."
It is important that you say my spell as many times as your birth date. For example, my birth date is 10/18/02. I would chant the spell 18 times. Once you chant the spell, visualize your wish coming true.
The blessing:
May the sun hing in the air
give you strength to dare
may the oceans of your soul
be healed and make you whole
I hope you liked it!
Blessed be
Start over if needed, the person doesn't need to be near you or even know you are doing it. Also there is no reversing it if you change your mind later.
You may need:
One white candle
You may need:
One white candle
Light the candle it is meant to help with your energy. On the paper write:
'(persons name) you've gone through pain and sadness but also happiness and joy with me in your life. But now it is time for me to start over which means you will forget all the pain, sadness worry, and anger I have caused you. Over the next 3 days you will forget who I am and everything we have done together. May the goddess and god guide us in our paths. So mote it be.'
"God and goddess of sun and light,
Make tomorrow nice and bright,
Ggive me no wind that I have to fight
But instead a sunny day for a beautiful sight"
Place your candle in the cauldron and light it, then fold the paper with the spell on it and pass it through the flame of the canndle until it caught fire and drop it into the cauldron/pot. Once the paper stopped burning concentrate once you see blue sky the spell is then complete.
With this spell you can find out the answer to a yes or no question.
You may need:
You may need:
Put the hands together in prayer position, and start with "Dear (Universe or name of the deity or god(dess) you worship)" and then say "I want to know _____" and end with "so mote it be" or "Amen". Here's an example:
"Dear Universe, I want to know if I saw someone I know outside today. Amen"
Remember, you may only ask things what you experience. Do not ask things like when is a big storm coming to town.
Take a penny out of your pocket.
Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.
Hold it near your heart.
Hold it near your third eye.
Kiss the hand you hold it with, and say - ''Penny for Luck!''
Throw the penny into the grass, on a fence or on a tree, for the fairies to come and take it away.
This spell doesn't works for every one it depends On the person .
It is used for. Meditation or to focus on work or whatever you need it for
. And it's in Latin , just repeat the following as many times you like or until
You feel it working , but don't over do it , it can drain your energy .
Say the following :
'' Mens adhuc est , mens est tranquillum , potest mens incumbo
, Mens in stupore mentis , Mentis in tercluderent ex sonitus . ''
I am new to the coven so if this works for you just message me to tell
What you think .
Basically boosts your focus and makes you feel better once your done.
You don't have to be terribly good or powerful at magick to do this, but it works just as well as you cast it.
You may need:
Decent magick experience
You can light candles or cast the circle if it helps you focus more on the casting
You may need:
Decent magick experience
You can light candles or cast the circle if it helps you focus more on the casting
''Only that in which I will,
Shall my mind be ever filled.
Distraction now be quiet, still.
That which ambles shan't make the hill.
The time is ripe to do,
And to continue till its all through,
Quickly and efficiently I shall
Fulfill my own morale.''
If you wish, this can be followed by ''By the power of three, so mote it be'' or any similar finishing phase.
Translations are welcome, too. Message me if you have one.
Like a majority of smaller spells, the wording doesn't need to be exact so long as it sounds right.